看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Report: Police investigating Pirates infielder Jung Ho Kang in sexual assault claim Pittsburgh infielder Jung Ho Kang is being investigated by Chicago police regarding a sexual assault allegation that allegedly occurred last month when the Pirates were in town, a police spokesman confirmed to the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday. "We have been made aware of the allegation that has been made against Jung Ho Kang," Pirates president Frank Coonelly said in a statement to the Tribune. "We take allegations of this type extremely seriously. Pursuant to the Joint MLB/MLBPA Policy on such matters, this matter is exclusively before the Commissioner's Office at this time. We have and will continue to cooperate fully with the Commissioner's Office. As a result of the ongoing police investigation, we cannot comment further at this time. We have also advised our staff and our players that they should not comment on the matter either. We all need to be respectful to the police investigation of a very serious allegation." The alleged incident occurred June 17, according to police. Kang, 29, met the Chicago woman using a location-based dating app and invited her to his hotel room after the Pirates faced the Cubs in a day game. According to police, the woman said met Kang at the Westin Hotel around 10 p.m. local time and he served her an alcoholic drink. She then said she blacked out 15 to 20 minutes later, then partially regained consciousness as he sexually assaulted her. Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi then said the woman went to Northwestern Memorial Hospital to have a rape kit administered June 19. According to the Tribune, the 23-year-old woman filed a formal complaint with police 10 days later. Kang, who signed a four-year, $11 million deal with Pittsburgh in 2015, is hitting .250 with 11 homers and 28 RBI this season. He has not been charged and his status with the team has not changed, the Tribune reported. 芝加哥警方目前正在調查姜正浩涉及一場性侵案件~ 姜正浩上個月在海盜在芝加哥作客時,在約炮軟體上約了被害人在旅館見面... 被害人聲稱姜給他喝了酒之後,他便失去意識15~20分鐘,醒來後就發現被kobe了.. 23歲的被害人之後去醫院驗傷,並向警方報案! 在目前警方還沒完成調查之前,姜正浩還是隨隊出賽! Source: http://tinyurl.com/zcotaca -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1467768628.A.DD2.html
icetornado: .........完了 07/06 09:33
med5566: 韓國Kobe 07/06 09:34
dunhiller: 在老大的地盤.... 07/06 09:35
guest0926: 韓國人呵呵 07/06 09:36
betadu: 這個很可疑,事發之後兩天才去驗傷,十天後報案,而且是女 07/06 09:37
ygjhsu: 開房間有付錢嗎 07/06 09:37
betadu: 方主動在軟體上找姜,也是自己跑去姜的飯店的 07/06 09:38
ygjhsu: 所以是...仙人跳? 07/06 09:39
amyer: 韓版仆有天(?) 07/06 09:40
honey4617912: 韓國老大! 07/06 09:42
Zuleta: 韓國朴有天 07/06 09:43
typhoonnat: KOBE~~ 07/06 09:43
hakk: 囧了 07/06 09:43
saiulbb: 讓我們繼續看下去~ 07/06 09:44
Dimitre: 感覺很像仙人跳 不排除大筆賠償 07/06 09:46
Vinsanity: 免錢的最貴 下次約跑記得準備本票 07/06 09:46
risk0717: 名人都不知道,免錢的最貴嗎? 07/06 09:47
mess: 下次記得用行房記錄器 07/06 09:48
AMX40: 韓國高比 07/06 09:51
pjharper: 約到球迷了,雖小啊~ 07/06 09:54
Roshiel: 丁eter表示:約砲要加油 07/06 09:56
BusterPosey: 仙人跳 07/06 09:56
jnight: 真貨 07/06 09:58
bravo: 衰,這第幾轟了? 07/06 10:02
corlos: KOBE: 07/06 10:05
icetornado: 兩天後才去驗傷 真的有可疑。 07/06 10:09
icetornado: 要是真的被kobe 而且是名人 美國人早就報警抓了 07/06 10:09
DerekHolland: Kobe Kang 是你? 07/06 10:13
a2156700: 姜爆了? 07/06 10:16
Jaco05: 老大! 07/06 10:23
trylin: 海盜狗鼻 07/06 10:25
shishio7: 韓國朴有天 韓國狗鼻 07/06 10:27
MarXXXX: 哭哭 07/06 10:27
loveAJB: 人如其名 真好肛? 07/06 10:28
loveAJB: 這女的表示,賺到一炮又有錢~ 07/06 10:28
Hanksome: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 摳比康 07/06 10:32
EEERRIICC: 我姜.. 07/06 10:40
maxmessi: 不能上場嗎 07/06 10:41
lmc66: 匹茲堡婦女夜驚魂 07/06 10:43
poleslzc: 地點在芝加哥 是客場出賽的時候 07/06 10:52
mouz: 以下開放檢討被害者 我可沒說誰是被害者 07/06 10:54
banbantone: 南韓陳經柴 07/06 11:09
linisthebest: KOBE一哥 07/06 11:17
bostonred: 這樣至少英文還滿好的!? 07/06 11:19
b5023556: 勾鼻 07/06 11:34
GaryMatthews: 芝加哥 kobe 07/06 11:37
LondonHairs: 韓國狗鼻... 07/06 11:42
jinx55123: 女的就是要錢無誤 美國這種可多的勒 07/06 11:45
XiuWen: 推韓國/韓版朴有天的是不是邏輯錯亂了?朴有天本來就韓國 07/06 11:53
XiuWen: 人啊... 07/06 11:53
pjharper: 韓國禽偉,最近怎麼一堆人有醜聞…… 07/06 11:55
hihi29: 姜有天? 07/06 12:00
cook321: 又還不知道情況一堆人急得放大絕 07/06 12:16
cook321: 都還沒調查完全 07/06 12:17
ck3300511: 哈哈哈 07/06 12:21
LKN555: 姜的合約有大到,讓人想跟他討贍養費嗎XD 07/06 12:25
msekili: 看來英文能力不錯喔XD 07/06 12:32
BlitzX: 這app限制只能女方發邀請 都找去飯店了最好是不知道會發生 07/06 12:35
BlitzX: 甚麼事 根本仙人跳 07/06 12:35
JRSmith: 韓國禽偉XD 07/06 12:44
cool34: Kobe:需要律師的話可以找我 07/06 12:48
MindWork: 看到姜的長相後不想做也不是不可能啊 等待調查結果 07/06 12:54
MindWork: 女被害者是美國還是韓國人? 07/06 12:55
fk920: 價錢沒談攏嗎 XD 07/06 12:58
LucasDuda: 難含禽痿 07/06 13:03
jason7111994: 韓國秦偉? 韓國朴有天? 07/06 13:10
sinotrade: 韓版朴有天?他就韓國人啊 XD 07/06 13:12
amyer: 樓上這樣問一定沒看過某動新聞 07/06 13:30
darkx212: 明顯就被跳啊 XD 07/06 13:32
ellis3173: 韓國人你……………… 07/06 14:06
Raskolnikov: 韓國男性很大男人啊 看到喜歡的女性都會直接硬上 07/06 14:30
Raskolnikov: 應該說mlb朴有天 07/06 14:31
kevev: mlb朴有天 07/06 14:56
diviner: 沒出場也能增加長打率 已經超越一朗了!!! 07/06 15:26
yellowlin: 來韓老大這 07/06 16:04
wahaha5678: ........ 07/06 16:09
stja: ... 07/06 16:18
sft005: 風城婦女夜驚魂 07/06 16:29
Arsenalhenry: 難怪最近打蠻爛的 07/06 18:59
shimazu: 向KB致敬 07/06 19:25
JBKsucks: 免錢的最貴 07/06 19:26
poplc: 不要再KOBE了 以後改成你被正浩了 07/06 20:31
poplc: 如果我是名人的話 打炮前都要錄音 先問咩修幹抹 07/06 20:32
loveAJB: 要叫真好肛啦~ 07/06 20:56
newest: 仙人跳XDDD 07/07 01:22
wenhh88: 女泣訴:我被Kang了 07/07 08:10
cscnyy940523: 韓國Kemp 韓國熊貓 07/07 16:57
jyk99: 副所長? 07/07 18:25
anfernee0520: 有這麼欠女人嗎? 07/08 14:05