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來源: mlbtraderumors 標題: Red Sox To Acquire Tyler Thornburg 內文: By Steve Adams | December 6, 2016 at 8:20am CDT 8:28am: Infield prospect Mauricio Dubon is also going to Milwaukee in the trade, tweets Drellich. 8:20am: Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports tweets that Tyler Thornburg is going to Boston in the trade. 8:15am: Hard-throwing minor league righty Josh Pennington is one of the names going to Milwaukee in the trade, Norris reports. Alex Speier of the Boston Globe reports (on Twitter) that Travis Shaw is “expected” to be headed to Milwaukee in the deal. 8:07am: The Red Sox and Brewers have agreed to a trade that will send some form of bullpen help to Boston, reports Evan Drellich of the Boston Herald (on Twitter). The names of the players involved are not yet known, though Baseball America’s Josh Norris tweets that the involved players are currently being notified. [Related: Milwaukee Brewers Depth Chart] Thornburg, 28, gives the Red Sox not only an imposing late-inning force but one that is under club control for the next three seasons, as he won’t be eligible for free agency until after the 2019 season. The former starter had a breakout season in the Milwaukee bullpen last year, pitching to a 2.15 ERA with 12.1 K/9, 3.4 BB/9 and a 32.4 percent ground-ball rate in 67 innings. MLBTR contributor Matt Swartz projects a $2.2MM salary for Thornburg in his first trip through the arbitration process. Late-inning relief help has been a priority for the Red Sox, who saw Koji Uehara, Brad Ziegler and Junichi Tazawa all hit free agency at season’s end and also went without 2015 trade acquistion Carson Smith in 2016 due to Tommy John surgery. Thornburg will give manager John Farrell an intriguing setup option to closer Craig Kimbrel. Thornburg figures to slot in alongside converted starter Joe Kelly and Matt Barnes as right-handed options for the time being, though there’s certainly room for Boston president of baseball ops Dave Dombrowski to add another relief arm to the mix. The package that the Red Sox are giving up will be headlined by Shaw, who should slot in as the primary third baseman for his new organization. Shaw struggles against left-handed pitching and may well require a platoon partner, but he’s a controllable addition for Milwaukee GM David Stearns. Shaw hit .257/.325/.437 against right-handed pitching last year and showed potential 20-homer pop by hitting 16 homers in 530 plate appearances. He hit just .187/.235/.364 in 115 PAs against lefties, but he stands out as a solid if not well-above-average defender at the hot corner, depending on one’s preferred metric (+1.1 UZR, +10 DRS). Most important, when it comes to Shaw, is that he’s controllable for another five years and won’t even be eligible for arbitration until after the 2018 season, making him an eminently affordable long-term piece. His inclusion in the deal opens a number of doors for both teams. In Milwaukee, it seems as though his acquisition definitively push Jonathan Villar off of third base and over to second base, as has been suggested, thereby making Scooter Gennett either a bench piece or trade fodder himself. The Red Sox, meanwhile, could use Brock Holt and/or Pablo Sandoval at third base until Yoan Moncada proves ready to inherit the position on an everyday basis. Boston could also realistically look to pursue a different upgrade at third base, either via free agency or trade, as they look to field the best Opening Day roster possible in a season where they once again plan to push for a deep postseason run. Dubon, 22, was a 26th-round pick by Boston back in 2013 but has risen to the point where he’s regarded as one of the organization’s top overall prospects. Baseball America rated him seventh (subscription required and recommended) among Boston farmhands earlier this offseason, writing that he doesn’t have one plus tool but has very good bat-to-ball skills and enough defensive ability to play an average or better shortstop. He’s also plenty versatile, having spent time at second base and in center field, making him a potential utility option in the Majors at the very least. He could open 2017 in either Double-A or Triple-A, depending on how aggressive the Brewers want to be with him. Dubon split the 2016 season between Class-A Advanced and Double-A, where he batted a combined .323/.379/.461 with six homers and 30 steals. The 21-year-old Pennington was Boston’s 29th-round pick in 2014. While he didn’t crack the top 10 recently penned by BA, he did rank 22nd on MLB.com’ s midseason list of Boston’s top 30 prospects. Per their report (via Jonathan Mayo and Jim Callis), Pennington boasts a 70-grade fastball (on the 20-80 scale) but doesn’t get great movement on the pitch or command it especially well. They also note that he has the makings of an above-average curveball as well as a work-in-progress changeup. He’s a starter for now but could move to a short-relief role if that doesn’t pan out, and one can envision his velocity ticking upward further if that plays out. Pennington spent 2016, his age-20 season, with Boston’s short-season Class-A affiliate, pitching to a 2.86 ERA with 7.8 K/9 against 4.3 BB/9 in 56 2/3 innings. 網址: http://tinyurl.com/zahsky9 備註: 1. 釀酒人隊與紅襪隊完成一筆交易,交易方程式如下: MIL:Tyler Thornburg(RHP, RP) <-> BOS:Travis Shaw (3B/1B) + Josh Pennington (RHP, SP) + Mauricio Dubon (SS/2B) 2. 紅襪還可以控制Tyler Thornburg三年,2020年才會成為自由球員。 3. Tyler Thornburg曾經是先發投手,本季首度轉任救援後表現技驚四座,在67局中繳出 2.15 ERA 、 12.1 K/9 、 3.4 BB/9 、 32.4 的滾地球率,預計明年的薪水為$2.2MM。 4. Travis Shaw是紅襪隊的主菜,還有五年的球隊控制權,有鑒於他對左投手打的掙扎 (.187/.235/.364 115PA),他可能是MIL替補人選;但他對右投手三圍是.257/.325/.437, 且有2X轟的潛力(今年繳出16轟);而在守備方面表現還算不錯,+1.1的UZR和+10的DRS。 5. 在釀酒人隊防守陣容方面,因應Travis Shaw的到來,Jonathan Villar從3B→2B, Scooter Gennett放板凳或被交易。 6. 在紅襪隊防守陣容方面, Brock Holt、Pablo Sandoval將分擔3B的守備工作,直到 大物Yoan Moncada能擔任每日先發的程度。 7. 其他兩位新秀方面,Dubon今年22歲,是2013年第26輪選秀的選手(Baseball America: 紅襪隊新秀排名第七),評價為擊球技巧不錯、是位防守能力平均以上的SS。此外,他也 能守2B跟CF,上大聯盟預計擔任工具人的角色,明年從2A或3A起步。Pennington,今年21 歲,是2014年第29輪選秀的選手(MLB季中排名:紅襪隊新秀排名第22),球種評價為速球 70,但球的移動跟控球還有待加強,曲球評價是平均之上、變速球則是還有進步的空間。 8. 紅襪隊明年預估的救援投手陣容: Joe Kelly(RHP, LR/SP)、 Matt Barnes(RHP, RP)、Robbie Ross(LHP, RP)、 Heath Hembree(RHP, RP)、Carson Smith(RHP, RP) Tyler Thornburg(SU) Craig Kimbrel(CL) 9. Tyler Thornburg今年在釀酒人的成績表現(今年27歲;今年薪水:$513.9K): W - L ERA IP HLD SV/SVO SO BB ERA+ FIP WHIP 8 - 5 2.15 67 20 13/21 90 25 199 2.83 0.940 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1481036309.A.1E1.html
triff: Shaw 拜拜,我很欣賞你的 12/06 23:01
senrewd: 乾 我磯怎麼一直沒動作 12/06 23:03
之前聽說會簽Melancon沒簽到,現在對數位1B有興趣,如EE、Trumbo、Abreu、Carter 或Moreland。
BrandonMai: 還有Carson Smith 12/06 23:08
漏了忘了放謝提醒,他今年動Tommy John。
wahaha5678: 覺得紅襪出太多了... 12/06 23:09
joey1149: Shaw跟Dubon都送走了!! 有點難以想像 12/06 23:10
joey1149: 應該是想青3B出來給Moncada 不然就是熊貓能站(誤XD 12/06 23:12
Roshiel: 現在RP真值錢 12/06 23:12
bestteam: 看來紅襪對熊貓有信心可以頂Moncada上來前的一小段時間 12/06 23:12
Basabe: Shaw下半季整個被看破手腳 Dubon看起來工具人可能性大 12/06 23:15
Basabe: 換個去年爆發 成績有點水的Thornburg 差不多吧 12/06 23:16
jim12441: Shaw就這樣丟了?對熊貓很有信心? 12/06 23:16
taipeifinest: 咩棒欸 12/06 23:19
HuanYuWu: 紅襪牛棚應該可了吧 只要正常發揮就會是鐵牛了 12/06 23:19
※ 編輯: saiulbb (, 12/07/2016 00:08:08
ccf0423: 酒人這個RP成績看起來不錯,只是紅襪近幾年交易來的RP或CL 12/06 23:23
ccf0423: 的下場似乎不太好的居多... 12/06 23:24
EEERRIICC: rox的問題是投手強度嗎 12/06 23:26
KOSHON: Shaw和Dubon 3換1!?這也賭太大了吧,燒香拜佛熊貓能回魂。 12/06 23:32
chxx: rox不是red sox的縮寫呀, rox一直是指rockies 12/06 23:33
EEERRIICC: 我知道啊我是回二樓= = 12/06 23:34
chxx: 抱歉,眼殘@@ 12/06 23:37
yeng1217: 是打算賭熊貓嗎xd 12/06 23:40
senrewd: 補推~~ 12/06 23:48
mrkey: 主要是因為還可以控制三年...把價錢拉上來了 12/06 23:54
mrkey: 所以明年Brews 3B的platoon是兩個ex-Sox, 12/06 23:59
mrkey: Middlebrooks & Shaw? XD 12/06 23:59
wasiwatery: Middlebrooks整組壞掉了吧 12/07 00:08
JohnLackey: Hill扶正吧 12/07 00:08
Basabe: 酒鬼專收紅襪壞掉的3B 12/07 00:13
pitchstar: Thornberg飛球比年年增高,酒鬼賣在高點~Stearns神 12/07 00:29
TC: 酒鬼今年度是交易走了4個隊上終結者嗎… 12/07 00:40
JustinIdiot: 中川去條子了 12/07 01:00
JustinIdiot: 個人蠻喜歡Thornberg的 12/07 01:00
JustinIdiot: 聽說紅襪在追多土? 12/07 01:04
atriple: 田澤和上原明年還在紅襪嗎? 12/07 01:10
skywalker219: 日本牛應該都不會留吧 12/07 01:18
zxc995511: 上原還在找工作還沒簽 12/07 01:20
ramirez: Shaw下半季真的打得有夠糟 12/07 01:23
Mariobrother: 幫Moncada QQ 12/07 06:25
king90333: 紅襪就步上當年簽AGon 尻佛 的下場而已… 12/07 07:53
willy1103: agon下場?你看的是這個宇宙的紅襪? 12/07 08:09
willy1103: 就是有agon和北極才能清尻佛,做點功課好嗎 12/07 08:11
pedrovish: A-Gon怎麼了 在襪襪打得很棒啊 12/07 13:37