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RIP Yorman Landa Dec 10 2016 08:05 AM | Seth Stohs in Minor Leagues In a bit of horrible Saturday morning news, we have learned the Twins minor league pitcher Yorman Landa has passed away. He was involved in a traffic incident early this morning outside of Caracas, Venezuela. Details are pretty sketchy so far this morning, but I did get confirmation from one person in the Twins organization. https://goo.gl/mhgg9R 1994年次,今年22歲,季初我城農場第25名,季末第20名(MLB.com) 球探報告其中一段: Landa is very even-keeled on the mound and doesn't seem to get fazed by any situation he faces. That bodes well for his future, which could include being a very successful setup man in the big leagues. Minor career: G GS W L SV ERA IP R ER H HR BB SO WHIP 100 23 14 13 8 2.66 223 98 66 166 4 126 213 1.31 R.I.P. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1481384445.A.1A7.html
j12289368800: R.I.P. 12/10 23:41
s90523: R.I.P. 12/10 23:41
EEERRIICC: Traffic incident 不曉得陸海空 12/10 23:42
askj: a car accident http://tinyurl.com/guy5xf4 12/10 23:44
andy880036s: traderumors剛剛有一篇說car accident了,於標題更新 12/10 23:44
barber: R.I.P. 12/10 23:46
London2006: R.I.P. 12/10 23:47
andy880036s:轉錄至看板 Baseball 12/10 23:48
KEDEN: 希望不要又是該死的酒駕 12/10 23:54
alanlee0502: R.I.P. 12/10 23:58
randolph499: RIP 12/11 00:01
ray020507: R.I.P 12/11 00:04
ray41705: rip 12/11 00:18
triff: RIP 12/11 00:21
newest: R.I.P. 12/11 00:30
KazumiLin: 開車被樹倒下來擊中...R.I.P. 12/11 00:34
microSD: R.I.P. 委內瑞拉交通到底有多亂... 12/11 00:47
EEERRIICC: THX 12/11 01:10
JEFF11503: 天堂有多缺手臂..... 12/11 01:29
saiulbb: R.I.P 12/11 01:47
a12q35745: R.I.P. 12/11 06:54
carltone: R.I.P. 12/11 07:28
Cishang: R.I.P 12/11 08:19
e920528: R.I.P. 12/11 16:26
global: R.I.P. 08/14 16:42