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Free-agent outfielder Jose Bautista isn't well-liked by Texas Rangers players and fans, but that didn't stop his agent from giving the team a call. Rumor CentralAccording to the Jeff Wilson of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Baustista's agent, Jay Alou, reached out to the Rangers about the slugger. A baseball source told Wilson that the conversations didn't go anywhere and aren't expected to advance. The Rangers and their fans didn't exactly see Bautista's bat flip during Game 5 of the 2015 AL Division Series in a favorable light. Texas second baseman Rougned Odor punched Bautista in the face when the the Blue Jays visited the Rangers this past May. In this year's ALDS, a chorus of boos greeted Bautista at Globe Life Park. Texas doesn't have any interest in Bautista because of his history with the team as well as his poor reputation among fans and players, Wilson writes. It's unlikely that the Rangers would welcome Bautista into their clubhouse, although his bat would provide pop in the team's lineup. The Rangers aren't the first team to reject Bautista for off-field reasons. Last week, Baltimore Orioles GM Dan Duquette said he told Bautista's agent that the O's weren't interested in the outfielder because "our fans don't like him." ESPN's Jim Bowden projects that Bautista, 36, will sign a three-year, $48 million deal this offseason. Bowden does not list the Rangers as one of the outfielder's best fits. https://goo.gl/Myu3jf 據傳包爺經紀人積極幫他找工作,找上了條子(._.?) 但是線報指出這個不可能辣!!! -- Yes I know Syndergaard is throwing 90 mph change ups. Don't @ me please. by ithrow88 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1481912531.A.8A2.html ChrisDavis:轉錄至看板 Rangers 12/17 02:22
c871111116: Odor:? 12/17 02:23
LiaoCJ: 可以接受你來 但你的定位是當沙包 12/17 02:41
Blitzkrieg63: 找條子的話也太鬧XD 就算轉成功也會被打吧(? 12/17 02:41
chunyo0229: 我蠻好奇 條子簽的話 球迷該怎麼辦xDDDD 12/17 02:45
xw668: 包爺的經紀人已經被金鶯、紅襪、條子連打三連槍了... 12/17 03:16
jim12441: 合約年打差了年紀大又綁QO,不降價就要像Desmond簽個800 12/17 03:24
jim12441: 萬囉 12/17 03:24
JohnLackey: Odor:歡迎加入我們 12/17 03:41
wenhh88: 會不會找不到工作啊? 12/17 03:45
JustinIdiot: 話說道奇願意出De leon換Dozier? 12/17 04:17
blacklittle: 單換絕對划算啊XD 12/17 04:25
JustinIdiot: 不可能單換吧 De Leon只能是主菜 12/17 04:48
saiulbb: 乖乖降價會藍鳥吧 這樣皆大歡喜 12/17 04:51
Roshiel: 回藍鳥吧 12/17 07:44
mike5312: 滾吧 12/17 07:49
s90523: 金鳥都用球迷理由了 條子這樣說更有說服力吧 12/17 07:52
sunnyyoung: 廢 12/17 07:55
vigilante666: 經紀人的腦子是被棒球K到嗎xDD 12/17 08:03
jones210272: 不yeey 12/17 08:08
lanver1220: 去遊騎兵好呀,要是球迷覺得賽事無聊,要求擺擂台呀 12/17 08:26
gs951117: 怎麼會想去找條子談 到底是多沒人要 12/17 08:35
yankees733: 降到8M/1Y應該就有球隊要惹 12/17 08:37
EEERRIICC: 好像很少看到球員一直冒出被拒絕的新聞 12/17 08:38
Aretimis7345: 他想簽長約吧 但是他的年紀長約簽下去變爛約可能性? 12/17 08:48
Aretimis7345: 簽個2.3年的約 拚單年價碼高一些可能還有機會 12/17 08:49
bbo40453: 想看他跟odor同隊呀 12/17 08:51
Evan811007: 你當然可以來啊,只是是當沙包 12/17 09:01
decorum: 去德州被蓋布袋嗎 12/17 09:05
vgil: 甩球棒 球迷高潮 12/17 09:06
bkm1: 感覺他會拿到一張兩年約 價碼略高QO 慘 12/17 09:08
j12289368800: 哈哈哈 笑死 超可憐的 12/17 09:28
efreet: 一種打不贏就加入的概念XD 12/17 09:48
triff: 1年約還要丟選秀順位 12/17 10:54
Lacus0827: 要降到10M了 12/17 11:08
jackmou: 該換經紀人了! 不過回藍鳥吧!! 12/17 11:16
kenike: 短約回藍鳥 看狀況榮退拉 12/17 12:11
seeyou1002: Odor: Jose 來德 州 打 球你 當 沙包 12/17 12:40
LucasDuda: 包爺明年打球 你當球 12/17 12:44
j12289368800: 包爺還是不要去條子好了 會被霸凌 12/17 12:46
Tamama05: 我條簽沙包我為崩潰 12/17 13:07
jinx55123: 簽回藍鳥打爆那些不接受你的球隊吧 12/17 13:21
ray020507: 回藍鳥吧 不用跟Odor這種咖同隊 12/17 14:24
leo755269: 加條子啦 我想看打隊友 12/17 14:37
tupacshkur: 還敢去德州喔XD 12/17 15:28
chihow: 到處被打槍 真的只能留藍鳥了XD 12/17 15:46
o0991758566: XD 12/17 15:51
EVA96: 包克 12/17 17:03
kkbox0204: 沒球品的沒人要 可憐 12/17 17:29
microsaft: 笑死 條子打槍是為你好欸 想過去被霸凌是否?? 12/18 00:06
chunyo0229: 大概只有我鳥能接受包爺了 12/18 02:38
LaoDa5815566: 800/1yr我基勉強收啦 12/18 04:40
yrt3168: 練拳擊嗎 12/18 12:24
b99202071: ODOR:欸 打球啦 你當球 12/18 15:18