看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Earlier this week, New York Yankees outfield prospect Clint Frazier joined MLB Network as a "mystery call-in" guest to discuss his mid-season trade to the Y ankees organization, as he enters 2017 ranked at the top of the team's prospec t rankings. 這週稍早的時候,洋基新秀外野手Frazier在 MLB Network的節目中被call-in做了一個簡單的訪談 The 22-year-old righty slugger has become a quick fan favorite among Yankees s upporters, who have welcomed the club's new direction to develop and showcase its top in-house talent, and Frazier has a chance to be one of the very best o f the bunch. 這名22歲的右打強打 很快就成為洋基支持者最喜歡的球員之一 並且符合球隊年輕化的方向 而他顯然是這群年輕人當中最出色的其中之一 "It's exciting all-around," Frazier said of his move to the Bronx. "Whether I was with the Indians or the Yankees, I'm just happy to have the opportunity ri ght now." 「所有的一切都很振奮人心, 不論我是在笑臉人還是在洋基, 我只是感到很開心能夠有現在這樣的機會。」 Shortly after being promoted to Cleveland's Triple-A club, Frazier was surpris ed to learn of the deadline transaction that would eventually send him to the Big Apple along with a package of prospects in exchange for one of the best re lievers in baseball last season, Andrew Miller. 在被笑臉人升上3A不久之後 Frazier很驚訝地發現, 自己在交易截止日之前被打包進一包包裹, 作為換回聯盟當今最具宰制力的後援投手, Andrew Miller,的主菜。 "I just got up to go to the bathroom one morning, and when I came back I check ed my phone and I had a text message from a friend inside the agency that said , 'Call me.' When I called him, he was sitting with the owners of my agency an d said, 'Look, we don't know how to tell you this but you got traded, congratu lations,'" Frazier recalled. "I did not expect it, but honestly I'm just grate ful that the Yankees thought enough of me to trade me for the guy they did." 「我早上剛起床去浴室回來之後, 看一下手機發現一位經紀公司的朋友傳給我一條訊息,他說:打給我。於是我就打給他。 那時他正和經紀公司的擁有人坐在一起,然後對我說:聽著,我們不曉得怎麼跟你說,但 是你被交易了,恭喜你。」Frazier在訪談中回憶。 「我沒有預期到這種事情會發生,但是老實說我很感謝洋基把我看得如此之重要,用Mill er來交易我(以及其他人)。」 In 119 games at both Double- and Triple-A last season, Frazier finished the ye ar slashing .263/.335/.447 with 48 extra-base hits, 16 homers, 55 RBI, and 13 successful stolen bases on 17 attempts. 在2A以及3A的119場比賽當中, Frazier繳出了.263/.335/.447的打擊三圍, 48支長打,16發全壘打,55分打點,13次SB His bat speed has already been deemed "legendary" by none other than Yankees G eneral Manager Brian Cashman, but perhaps Frazier's most distinct attribute is his incandescent mane of shoulder-length red hair. 他的揮棒速度已經被洋基GM現金人 認為是「傳說級的」, 但是恐怕Frazier最與眾不同的一點, 是他那過肩的紅色長髮。 "It's a very unique hairstyle right now, I'll tell you that," Frazier said. 「我告訴你,它現在是個很特別的髮型。」 Frazier如是說。 Clearly Clint's hair means quite a lot to him. In fact, upon hearing that he'd been traded to the Yankees last July, Frazier hastily conferred with Cashman about what the fate of his precious locks would be, and the news was not good. 明顯地Frazier的頭髮對他來說有很大的意義。 事實上,在知道自己被交易到洋基之後, Frazier馬上和現金人確認, 他那珍貴的紅長髮的命運將會如何, 然而他得到的是壞消息。 "I got a call from Carter Hawkins first, he was recently just promoted to Assi stant General Manager with the Indians, at the time he was the player developm ent guy. And then shortly after, I got a call from Brian Cashman, and we talke d briefly. One of the first questions I asked him was 'Do I have to cut my hai r?' and he said, 'Yeah man, you have to cut it.'" 「我先是接到Curt Hawkins的電話, 他最近剛獲升為笑臉人的球隊助理經理, 但在當時還只是球員發展部門的相關人員。 不久之後我接到現金人的電話,我們談得很直接。我問他的其中一個問題就是:我需要剪 掉我的長髮嗎?然後他說:是啊兄弟,你得剪掉。」 Although his igneous locks may not stay with him, Frazier's abundant talents w ill be on full display next year as he continues his climb toward making his M LB debut. After posting a series of awe-inspiring workout demonstrations on In stagram, Frazier's gym-rat reputation appears to be no joke, but it's another side of his game that he feels is his strongest asset entering 2017. 「雖然Frazier的長髮不會繼續陪伴他, 但是他滿滿的天賦將會在他往MLB處女秀前進的路上持續展現。他在IG上po了一系列自己 認真訓練的影片,顯然他訓練魔人的稱號一點也不假。但這只是他其中一個強項而已。 "I would say right now my biggest strength is probably mentally," said Frazier . "As far as the physicality goes I think my power is still the best thing, bu t the biggest step further I think I've done a lot to work on my mental game r ight now, and I think I'm in a good spot all-around." 「我會說我真正最強的力量是精神上的, 當我的身體條件持續增長時我認為我的power仍然是最棒的一個,但是我更進一步地我做 了很思想上面的訓練。而我認為現在我整個就是在一個非常好的狀態。」 Even though he's yet to done the midnight blue pinstripes, Frazier has already gotten a chance to experience life in the Yankees organization after spending 25 games with the Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders at the tail end o f last season. 雖然Frazier還沒成功穿上條紋衫, 但是在他打了賽季最後25場比賽之後, 他已經得到體驗身為一位洋基球員的生活的機會了。 "I had the opportunity to go down to instructional league and get familiar wit h a lot of the coaching staff down there, a lot of the player development, and overall just get welcomed into the family," Frazier said. "I think the cooles t person I got to meet down there was Reggie Jackson, so it's been a fun time so far." 「我得到前往建設聯盟的機會, 並且認識了許多教練團以及球團發展部門的人,總地來說他們都歡迎我加入這個大家庭。 我認為我所認識的最酷的人就是Reggie Jackson了,目前來說一切都非常有趣。」 Frazier回憶道。 -------------------- 加油啊 年輕人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1482370660.A.A83.html ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 12/22/2016 09:38:33
chaolin: 看他的訓練影片 真的練好壯 12/22 09:49
applehpsh: 怎麼文末沒補個我基威武和現金人威武阿? 12/22 10:46
Mooooose: 因為只有韓豬56會這樣反串12/22 11:17
他現在是ID自動回覆啦哈哈 每篇都來這句 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 12/22/2016 11:20:54
Zuleta: https://youtu.be/fSg226ejBIU 看他肌肉好壯12/22 11:31
bestteam: 紅長髮對他的意義是甚麼啊 12/22 11:35
文中沒提到 或許只是很喜歡吧xD 就好像Harden為什麼要留大鬍子 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 12/22/2016 12:24:59
ts012108: 隔壁活塞也有個Reggie Jackson 12/22 13:01
chen5512: 不知道為什麼紅髮剪短會想到 https://goo.gl/EHBsXD 12/22 15:04
kenkuo1688: Nova回海盜嘍 12/22 22:08