看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Ken Rosenthal消息: In a sense, of course, the news on Dozier isn’t new. We’ve been told for som e time that the Dodgers were largely standing on their offer of young righty J ose De Leon for the veteran, with the teams bargaining over the additional pie ces. While Los Angeles was said to be willing to kick on some more prospect as sets, perhaps those pieces aren’t viewed as significant enough to move the ba ll for Minnesota. 兩隊會糾結的最大原因就是 躲人只願意出Jose De Leon 或是加上一些沒什麼潛力的新秀 但是雙城要的是滿滿一包的潛力一隻不夠看 所以兩隊就因為這個點拖了老半天台錢 In a full column on the matter, Rosenthal adds to his initial report, noting t hat the Dodgers are now expected to circle back to the Rays and Tigers on resp ective trade targets Logan Forsythe and Ian Kinsler. (Kinsler has a no-trade c lause, but his agent has previously told Rosenthal that he’d waive the protec tion in exchange for a contract extension.) 現在躲人決定轉移目標 把重心放在交易Kinsler或是Forsythe身上 雖然說Kinsler有交易否決權 但是他已經透過經紀人表明 他將會放棄否決權假如新東家承諾延長合約 Talks between the Twins and Dodgers could pick back up later this offseason, b ut for the time being, it doesn’t seem as if the two sides will continue talk ing. Rosenthal writes that the Twins want Dozier to have some increased peace of mind heading into the season, and that meshes with previous reports that ci ted similar reasoning behind Minnesota pushing for resolution one way or anoth er. 雙城跟躲人的交涉暫時應該是告一段落了 雙城希望Dozier能再打出一年亮眼的成績 增加今年季中甚至是球季結束後的交易價值 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1484105035.A.EE9.html
joey1149: 如果躲人還在顆顆提時代應該就會成了 01/11 12:06
YummyBosh: 沒考慮過換Phillips嗎 01/11 12:37
triff: 躲人農場歸農場主管處理,GM比較難動 01/11 12:44
SULICon: 顆顆提:一隻不夠我給你一雙 一雙不夠我給你一座農場 01/11 12:50
sam9595: Phillips跟Utley基本上沒太大差別吧 還難換 01/11 14:35
sam9595: 預測炸人會跟老東西交易拿到Forsythe 也算是很堪用了 01/11 14:37
vg175: Phillips也是要確保上場時間跟提前簽延長約才肯放棄NTC的 01/11 14:58
saiulbb: 雙城這要求不過分啦 打出生涯年當然要好好要 01/11 15:13
kevabc1: 科科提如果還在的話一定一整包端上去 01/11 15:28
sikerkuaitai: Dozier繼續爽爽用也很好啊 01/11 16:35
bkm1: 雙城出Doizer<->包爺+2新秀 道奇出2新秀+1隻籤<->Dozier 01/11 17:02
bkm1: 藍鳥簽包爺<->一隻籤 01/11 17:02
stealinghome: 據我所知 MLB不能交易選秀權 01/11 20:11
ChrisDavis: 之前有在討論還沒開放八 01/11 20:18
IVIVI: 我芒現在合格的2b也只有佛賽 明年想競爭不太可能換 除非拿 01/11 20:38
IVIVI: 到可用的1b或2b 01/11 20:38
echo50034: 他的意思是簽Bautista要賠藍鳥選秀權吧?因為QO? 01/11 23:27
mydick30cm: ~ 01/12 05:22
IVIVI: 豬屎交易走了加佛賽共清掉14m 可從fa簽堪用的1b 可以交易了 01/12 08:05
sam9595: 叫人家豬X會被水桶吧...... 01/12 14:15
IVIVI: 朱.史麥利XD 01/12 17:28