看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:traderumors Jason Hammel. Hammel’s reported market has been curiously quiet all winter despite a typica lly solid 2016 season in Chicago. Since the new year, he’s been connected to the Orioles, Rangers and Yankees, although the Orioles look less likely now th an they did before adding Trumbo. Hammel also changed agents this winter; one imagines it’s been a frustrating offseason for him. Jason Hammel的市場意外的冷淡,在新年過後的現在,金鶯、洋基、遊騎兵都傳出對他有 興趣,金鶯隊在簽下Trumbo之後,因為預算考量,可能已經出局。另外,今年冬天Hammel 換了他的經紀人,從現在他還沒工作就可以知道為什麼了。 Matt Wieters Mark Polishuk took a close look at Wieters’ market earlier this weekend. The Braves’ recent signing of Kurt Suzuki would seem to limit Wieters’ options somewhat. A return to the Orioles to share the catcher position with Welington Castillo is a possibility, although, as Mark pointed out, that arrangement do esn’t seem to bode well for Wieters’ chances of landing a big free-agent con tract in the future. Wieters has also been connected to the Angels. Wieters的市場在勇士隊簽下鈴木清之後又限縮了些,不過回到金鶯隊跟Castillo分捕手 工作的可能性也是有的,不過這樣做可能會影響到他的下一張合約,然候據傳天使對他有 興趣。 Mike Napoli. With Edwin Encarnacion and Trumbo off the board, Napoli could be the next 1B/D H domino to fall. A return to the Rangers might be the strongest possibility a t this point, and since the Rangers had interest in Trumbo, it might make sens e for talks to intensify now that Trumbo is off the board. Texas has also rece ntly been connected to fellow righty slugger Chris Carter, however. 隨著Trumbo跟EE簽約之後下一個應該就會輪到Napoli,目前看來回到遊騎兵的可能性很高 ,因為條子曾經對已經簽約的Trumbo有興趣,所以對Napoli有興趣也是很合理的。 遊騎兵也對Chris Carter有興趣。 Greg Holland. Holland reportedly could pick his team in the next week, capping an offseason in which he’s been connected to nearly everyone. Holland reportedly hopes for a two-year deal with an opt-out after the first year; it’s unclear which tea ms might consent to that arrangement, given that such a contract would require Holland’s new team to assume most of the risk of his return from injury whil e limiting its reward. Holland據傳在下週會公布即將加盟的球隊,在這個冬天,幾乎每一隊都跟他有過傳聞,H olland本人想要一紙兩年+opt out 的合約,不過有鑒於他剛剛動過TJ,誰會願意冒險簽 他,仍然是一個未知數。 Travis Wood. Reports on Wood’s market have been few and far between this month. One potent ially interesting development, though, has been the Rangers’ signing of Tyson Ross. Ross had also been connected to the Cubs, and it appeared possible the Cubs could attempt to re-sign Wood as a backup plan as they search for rotatio n depth. Travis Wood的傳聞相對的比較少,在遊騎兵簽下Tyson Ross之後,應該不會在對他有興 趣,目前看來,重回小熊隊是最大的可能,剛好可以增加小熊先發投手的深度。 剩下五位之後再補上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1485172436.A.962.html
c871111116: 建議深藍可以換個顏色 不太好閱讀 01/23 19:57
henry3182001: 推 01/23 20:02
e920528: 同一樓 建議換個顏色方便閱讀01/23 20:02
s90523: 紫色應該會比較好一點~ 不過條子跟Napoli真的談好久了 希01/23 20:03
s90523: 望快點確定1B/DH啊 01/23 20:04
LucasDuda: 死魚梅子,隨便補個Wood也好 (?) 01/23 20:07
eon4: Wieters...從Future HOF到沒人要...01/23 20:07
※ 編輯: z7717634 (, 01/23/2017 20:09:15
pedrovish: 我記得剛Weiters剛出道時的評價是有砲管的貓兒?不知有 01/23 20:26
pedrovish: 沒記錯 01/23 20:26
csy1911: 不是捕手版的Mark Teixeira嘛 XD 01/23 20:27
LedZeppelin: Wieters當初被評為捕手的Teixeira阿 XD 01/23 20:27
mornstar524: 推 01/23 20:30
andy880036s: 希望我城便宜簽個Holland 01/23 20:35
onime0704: 結果大學時的投球誤了他生涯 01/23 20:50
pantient: #1DQe_3M1 (MLB)……不勝唏噓 01/23 20:52
OoyaoO: 面具鐵爺 01/23 20:57
pedrovish: 看樓上那篇的推文 結果真的Gary Sanchez比較猛XD 01/23 20:58
pantient: 我覺得有人從那時候就開始養374的帳號比較猛 01/23 21:04
ianshadow: Hammel竟然還沒人要 01/23 21:38
Roshiel: Hammel好歹能穩定的吃150局....開價太高?? 01/23 21:43
OoyaoO: 這個休季SP交易滿天飛 但沒什麼人要買FA 01/23 21:46
triff: 市場上還是有欠先發投手的球隊 01/23 22:40
leegogo: GarySanchez的帳號養的人太猛了 01/23 23:06
kevinloveu: 我巨今年總冠軍啦 01/23 23:12
AaronJudge: QQ 01/23 23:23
fan0226: Holland很適合賭一把阿,Hammel是不是要價太高 01/23 23:57
fan0226: 開個1+1都賺 01/23 23:57
oopsmamamiya: 金鳥800轟的救世主.... 01/24 09:42
kaku216: 意外 01/24 09:53
yochichang: 我躲可以試試Holland 01/24 19:40
Krislad: 之前看消息是說Hammel要長約 但有興趣的隊伍只願意給短約 01/24 22:05