看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Giants sign Korean infielder Jae-gyun Hwang The Giants’ pursuit of roster depth went international, and they signed Korean third baseman Jae-gyun Hwang on Monday. It’s a minor-league deal, and Hwang would earn $1.5 million if he makes the big-league roster. The contract includes opt-out clauses and $1.6 million in incentives for plate appearances, and Hwang basically would need to become an everyday player to reach them all. He’ll get a chance to at least work himself into a utility role. The Giants have third basemen Eduardo Nuñez and Conor Gillaspie returning next season, and Nuñez is expected to enter spring training as the starter. 再一則韓國人消息,舊金山巨人小聯盟約簽下樂天巨人的三壘手黃載均,附帶春訓邀請 黃載均今年29歲,去年KBO出賽127場,有27轟、113RBI和.335/.394/.570 若上大聯盟,薪水是1.5M,另外有根據PA數目訂定的激勵獎金 有機會搶工具人角色,巨人的其他三壘手是前我城Nunez跟去年季後賽打不錯的Gillaspie -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1485242979.A.F16.html
corlos: 年紀不符 01/24 15:38
Lofthouse: 16年賽季應該是127場27轟113RBI .335/.394/.570 01/24 15:53
wahaha5678: 能擠掉E哥嗎? 01/24 16:36
triff: 不知道為什麼直覺想到中村紀洋 01/24 17:02
※ 編輯: andy880036s (, 01/24/2017 17:31:42
Raskolnikov: KBO成績沒到很頂尖 01/24 17:48
kimi206rc: 放棄韓職高薪逐夢 01/25 08:48
hawk920412: 還以為是台灣人 01/25 23:58