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Report: Jeff Loria has a handshake agreement to sell the Marlins 據富比士的消息指出,Jeff Loria已經握手協議賣出馬林魚隊,成交價$1.6B。2002年 Loria買球隊時僅花$158M。 目前買主身分未知,Mike Ozanian只知道是紐約的地產開發商。不過據說這件事尚有變 數,因為這位買主的現金流動性低,大多資本都壓在不動產上面─官方不見得會接受高 比例的債權。 當初'12 Frank McCourt買道奇的時候也借很多錢,但是他們的優勢在於有很多錢放在避 險基金和保險金,並拿到高額轉播合約($6B);反觀馬林魚已經跟Fox Sports Florida 簽到2020年,簽約金每年約$60M。 -- https://t.co/09oKpK86oH Mike Ozanian of Forbes reports that Jeff Loria has a “handshake agreement” to sell the Miami Marlins. The price: $1.6 billion. Loria paid $158 million for the baseball team in 2002. The identity of the buyer is not reported, but Ozanian says it’s a real estate developer from New York. As you know, however, Major League Baseball, with its antitrust agreement in hand, must approve any buyer, and they prefer owners who will not rock the boat. That said, Loria has been through the franchise sale rodeo before, having once owned the Expos. Major League Baseball’s tolerance of his ownership of his two teams has made him fabulously wealthy, so it’s not as if he’s the type that would necessarily rock the boat when it came to finding an acceptable buyer. -- http://bit.ly/2kwdZ22 Two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that Miami Marlins president David Samson has said that there is a $1.6 billion "handshake agreement" for the MLB team. Jeffrey Loria paid $158 million for the baseball team in 2002. In December, I wrote that Loria was looking for $1.7 billion for the baseball team. Since Loria purchased the team in 2002, the Marlins have moved into a new, $639 million stadium paid for by taxpayers. Marlins Park could have been a financial windfall for the team. But during the ballpark's first five seasons the Marlins have been one of the worst teams in baseball, losing more games than they have won each year. Paying for a stadium for a lousy team has ticked off supporters. Last season the Marlins had the lowest average attendance in the National League, 21,405. My sources would not say who the $1.6 billion handshake agreement was with other than he is a real estate developer based in New York City. The problem, according to these sources, is the potential buyer is not liquid, meaning he does not have the cash to buy the Marlins because his net worth is tied up in real estate. Thus, for the real estate developer to purchase the Marlins would likely require more debt than MLB would be comfortable with. Guggenheim Baseball Management also used a lot of debt to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers for $2 billion in 2012 from Frank McCourt. But Guggenheim had two huge advantages that a new owner of the Marlins likely would not have: hundreds of millions of dollars in hedge fund and insurance company money and a $6 billion bounty from a new cable television deal. In contrast, the Marlins get a pittance from Fox Sports Florida in a deal than runs through 2020. A tripling in the value of their television deal would bring the Marlins only about $60 million a year, just one-fourth of the Dodgers annual average haul. But the $1.6 billion price tag cannot be shrugged off, say my sources. MLB's new collective bargaining agreement give the sport labor peace through 2021. And some people are convinced the Marlins can be turned around. Last November, Solamere Capital was considering the possibility of buying the Marlins. My sources say the price being bandied about at that time was $1.4 billion. -- █ ◢◤ ◢██◣ ◢██◤ ◣ ◢ ◢◤ ◣◢ ▅▅ ◥██◣ ◥◤ ◥◣ █ █ ◥◣ ◢██◤ kasumi_arimura.official -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1486658788.A.229.html
carrhung: 如果真的賣出去,這投資賺翻... 02/10 00:47
※ 編輯: tanaka0826 (, 02/10/2017 00:50:41
andy70612: 怎說? 02/10 00:52
erson: 賣也好啊別再省錢野球了 02/10 00:54
JoseReyes: 要搬家了嗎?? 02/10 00:54
n61208: 換算通膨、物價、幣值還是賺 02/10 00:56
yogi: 可喜可賀 希望新東家能更用心經營 02/10 00:56
jones210272: 好賺... 02/10 00:56
saiulbb: 投資理財 信用至上(大誤 02/10 01:02
asd831129: 這樣算賺10倍嗎?? 02/10 01:03
maybe85912: 轉播合約差真多 02/10 02:03
blacklittle: 十倍... 02/10 04:21
cd12631: 紐約地產商 第一個想到川普 02/10 08:09
triff: 有錢人賺錢法,高來高去 02/10 08:31
yankees733: Loria始終是賣家 02/10 09:10
bestteam: 我還以為他這幾年花大錢簽FA是以後要賣人結果是賣球隊啊 02/10 09:40
JeffreyLoria: 爽 Stanton和Chen的肥約可以由別人接手 02/10 09:53
blackcellar: 樓上掰掰 02/10 09:54
maxspeed150: 不得不說 真的是很強的商人 就算讓球迷球員怨恨他錢 02/10 10:28
maxspeed150: 照賺.... 02/10 10:28
blackpanther: 紐約地產商...會不會變川普馬林魚/邁阿密川普之類的 02/10 10:36
coollonger: 怎麼感覺新老闆也是不太妙 02/10 11:18
wahaha5678: Loria打的如意算盤終於兌現了 02/10 11:44
TrueTears: Loria真的很猛 雖然球迷不喜歡 02/10 11:49
Zuleta: 四大運動好像都因為轉播合約球隊翻了很多倍 02/10 11:56
a2156700: 大概15年變10倍 02/10 12:02
c8c8c8c8c8c8: 短線王 02/10 12:04
vigilante666: 川普xdddd 02/10 12:29
Sechslee: Trump? 02/10 13:53
Schnell: 商業天才 02/10 14:04
Beisbol: 趕快交易成功,毒瘤快滾 02/10 15:16
sikerkuaitai: Loria也很老了 差不多該退休享清福了 02/10 20:01
Schwarber12: 買家是川普女兒的公公啊~ 02/10 20:10
charlie01: 簡稱川普的親家 02/10 20:45
acd51874: 結果好像是川普大女兒他老公的弟弟想買 02/11 00:54
Phater: #1Gf9yPTj (MLB) 5年前的文章 02/11 02:08
j54353: ㄧ人得道雞犬升天嘍 02/11 02:48
j54353: #Drain the swamp 02/11 02:48
j54353: 更生人也能當MLB老版嘍 02/11 02:50