看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Clay Buchholz's season likely over after MRI shows partial tear in forearm The Phillies’ plans to move a veteran starting pitcher at the trade deadline were hindered on Wednesday for the second straight April after the results of an MRI likely ended the season of Clay Buchholz. Buchholz, the Phillies said, suffered a partial tear of his right flexor pronator mass, which connects the forearm to the elbow. The pitcher left Tuesday night’s game in the third inning after allowing six runs. Buchholz, 32, will meet with Dr. James Andrews on Monday for a second opinion, which the Phillies said will determine a “further course of treatment.” 經過進一步的MRI檢查之後, Clay Buchholz 右手肘屈肌/旋轉肌群(right flexor pronator mass)出現部分撕裂 詳細的歸隊時間表尚未確定,今年球季也很有可能就此宣告報銷 下週一來他將拜訪 Dr. James Andrews 尋求相關意見 Buchholz 本季目前先發過兩場,戰績0勝1敗 防禦率 12.27 來源: http://tinyurl.com/mrqwp29 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1492042293.A.4CE.html
ohmyya: ... 04/13 08:17
p09171989: 有夠慘 04/13 08:17
ualileigod: 院長級人物不意外 04/13 08:22
Roshiel: 紅襪表示: 04/13 08:28
vata: 菜鳥球季就無安打的超新人 QQ 04/13 08:33
remix999: 這種傷應該回不來了 04/13 08:34
saiulbb: 費城人好慘 04/13 08:36
Zuleta: 費城真得是潘阿 04/13 08:59
x37856428: 先知DD 04/13 09:34
GIGAADSL: 費迷表示無奈 04/13 09:58
if2: 襪襪笑而不語 04/13 09:59
HuanYuWu: 肌肉斷裂聽起來好可怕@@ 04/13 10:20
wamgern: 身為襪迷雖然私下慶幸卻也不勝唏噓~~總是曾為紅襪人 04/13 10:43
wamgern: 還是希望他可以快點恢復健康 04/13 10:44
prayer513: 13.5M往水裡丟 慘賠 04/13 11:09
edhuang: ……………… 04/13 11:13
LlewynDavis: 筆電神偷真的廢到笑 04/13 12:00
iverson0968: 受傷也不是他願意的,別這麼說啦~ 04/13 12:31
oadas: 樓樓上的發言違反板規吧? 04/13 12:44
ilikeroc:轉錄至看板 Phillies 04/13 12:59
ilikeroc: 借轉隊版謝謝 04/13 13:00
chaobii: 該退了 04/13 13:02
ylrafale: 該說紅襪高層先知?難怪便宜賣 04/13 13:10
ivanhome22: 費迷表示無言 相當無言= = 04/13 13:56
JohnLackey: 也不算先知 他幾乎沒有整季健康過... 04/13 14:30
maxspeed150: 投得好的時候就痛痛 健康的時候卻會莫名其妙地被炸得 04/13 14:41
maxspeed150: 亂七八糟 可能骨架真的太小.... 04/13 14:41
Basabe: DD上任以來最好的一筆交易 04/13 16:08
kazamishu: 襪迷習慣了吧 就痛痛人一枚 04/13 16:09
jardon: 受傷也能酸 唉 04/13 16:17
sonnyissonny: 怎麼又痛了 04/13 17:02
lewecool: 最鬼神就2013年,只有一敗,防禦率超鬼神,後來就進傷兵 04/13 17:11
lantieheuser: 單數年表現好但玻璃;只是沒想到今年還沒表現就傷了 04/13 17:59
hahabis: 他去年季末在紅襪也投的不錯好嗎? 04/13 19:42
sylviehsiang: 筆電神偷應該無法浸水桶 因為是事實 04/13 20:46
Car1osCorrea: 幫QQ,想到以前被抓到塗膠 04/13 22:07
BrandonMai: 唉…太痛痛了 04/13 22:24
ca1123: 轉戰外野手好了 04/14 10:04
sexxykid: 記得老婆不錯 04/15 01:10
acerow83: 簽約養傷 04/15 21:47