看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/msm2gjz Derek Jeter and Jeb Bush group have reportedly reached an agreement to purchase the Miami Marlins for $1.3 billion Jeter 和 老布希二兒子 以 13億可能即將成為馬林魚新老闆 Miami Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria has reached an "agreement in principle" to sell the franchise to a group led by Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter for $1.3 billion, according to Barry Jackson of the Miami Herald. The $1.3 billion purchase price would be the second-largest ever for a Major League Baseball franchise, surpassed only by the sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers for $2.0 billion to the Guggenheim Partners and Magic Johnson in 2012. 這筆易主案是大聯盟史上第二大的,僅次於5年前魔術和古根漢買下道奇的金額。 According to the report, details still need to be worked out in drawing up the final contract and the deal still needs to be approved by Major League Baseball. That process "could take months to conclude." A source told the Herald that Bush would be the "control person," and would have ultimate control of the franchise. Jeter is expected to have a, "active roll" with the club. 最後大老闆還是傑布,但Jeter將會是球隊中的重要角色 In February, there were reports that Loria had a "handshake agreement" to sell the team for $1.6 billion to members of the Kushner family. However, that deal was put on hold when it was reported that Loria could become the next ambassador to France. Jared Kushner is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump. 本來以為Loria要以16億鎂賣給川普女婿,但據說Loria要出任法國大使(!!!!) 為了避嫌,所以不賣了 Loria purchased the Marlins for $158.5 million in 2002. Bush previously failed into a bid to buy the Marlins in 2014. Loria 15冬前以1.58億鎂買入當時低潮的馬林魚,其實2014時小小布希就想要買了, 只是當時失敗,這次終於成功了。 -- 感想:叫拎頭家出來守游擊啦!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1493170493.A.FDD.html
EEERRIICC: 叫拎頭家出來趴 04/26 09:39
claus: 標題改的不太對 還很多變數 04/26 09:42
batistuta823: 15年賺10倍的概念,Wow. 04/26 09:42
cuteboy814: Yeah Jeets! 04/26 09:44
corlos: 洋基:叫你們老闆出來打 04/26 09:45
corlos: 一朗:前隊友變老闆 04/26 09:45
※ 編輯: NBAGM (, 04/26/2017 09:55:36
shyofly: 老闆有3000安欸 04/26 09:56
saiulbb: 好猛喔 04/26 10:12
dinos: 新秀入團第一天:看好喔,3000H&115POS+是目標 04/26 10:28
dj880722: 叫老闆前女友出來 04/26 10:38
KyleSeager: Jeb Bush...... 去年GOP初選的笑話之一 04/26 11:07
jackys313: 馬林魚沒Loria是好事 但他當大使真的沒問題嗎... 04/26 11:09
KyleSeager: 酬庸性質而已,不要有脫序言行即可 04/26 11:10
cuteboy814: 好奇以後馬林魚的經營方式會是如何。Loria 一直被公認 04/26 11:11
cuteboy814: 是最糟的老闆之一 04/26 11:11
KyleSeager: 像駐日大使那種才是重點關注,歐巴馬上次亂搞派Kenned 04/26 11:12
cuteboy814: Jeter 應該跟 Magic Johnson 差不多性質的吧 04/26 11:12
KyleSeager: y駐日結果就引發爭議 04/26 11:12
matonw: 老闆球衣賣最好 04/26 11:38
shyofly: 可以出一件老闆馬林魚版的球衣嗎?(誤 04/26 11:48
pipiann: 邁阿密的海灘就是Jeter的主場 04/26 12:40
a2156700: 特2T? 04/26 13:21
breadf: Magic Johnson還滿糗爺的,Jeter會嗎XD 04/26 14:20
notmuchmoney: Jeb Bush也是一樣當個臉運作公關人脈 大概也沒出多 04/26 16:33
notmuchmoney: 少錢 04/26 16:33
aton602: Loria...勿忘博覽會... 04/26 17:45
ssj1988: 渡久地東亞XDD 04/26 20:23
kohi120: 老闆身兼大魚啦啦隊總監 04/26 21:15
Scape: 可以把老板前女友們找來組啦啦隊嗎? 04/26 21:24
oat: 最差的老闆,最好的商人! 04/27 12:19