看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
MLB 板首 po,請大家笑納了。 因為文章篇幅有點長,所以有按照文意簡單的分段,方便大家閱讀。 想翻譯這篇外電,主要的原因是自己在玩FB的過程中,常常有球員受傷的情況。 但對玩家來說,我們就只看到一個冷冰冰的 60-Day-DL 或是 Out For Season, 甚至有時候會很怨懟,為什麼偏偏在要衝戰績的時候球員受傷。 但我們其實忽略了這一個個傷病的背後,球員們是如何掙扎著走過漫長的復健期,只為了 重新回到球場上。 所以想藉著這篇外電,跟所有和傷痛奮鬥的球員致敬,也跟大家分享一個球員從受傷到復 原的心路歷程。 外電來源:Players' Tribune https://goo.gl/p57o22 By Matt Shoemaker, Pitcher / Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim The 105mph Line Drive When the baseball smacked into the side of my head, it was traveling 105 miles per hour. Yet somehow I didn’t hear a sound. 當那顆強襲球擊中我頭部的時候,它正以時速105英里的速度前進著。但我卻一點聲音也 沒聽到。 I never lost consciousness, so I remember everything about that moment. 我一直沒有失去意識,所以我記得當下發生的一切。 I can even remember the breath I took before I threw the pitch — just that long, exaggerated inhale through the nose as I focused on hitting my spot, my lungs filling up with air. 我甚至記得我在投出那顆球前的呼吸,是那樣綿長又有點誇張的。那時我正嘗試要投到捕 手給定的位置,我用鼻子吸了很大一口氣,我的肺裡脹滿了空氣。 Then, after a brief pause, I did what I had done thousands and thousands of times before — I wound up, lifted my left leg to my chest and threw the baseball toward the plate. 在一個短暫停頓後,我做了那個我已經重複千百次的動作:我開始我的投球動作,將左腿 抬到胸口的高度,並將棒球投向本壘板。 It was the second inning. One out. We were in Seattle, last September, playing the Mariners. I was looking to go with a heater inside, but after I released the ball it tailed back over the plate. 那時是第二局,一出局,我們在西雅圖。時間是去年九月,對戰水手隊。我本來要投一顆 內角速球,但在出手之後,它卻跑到了紅中。(感謝版友指正!) And Kyle Seager just flat-out barreled it. 下一秒,Kyle Seager就咬中了那顆球。 影片支援:https://goo.gl/MpC2Ph I must have seen the baseball coming at me, because I reacted to it. I got my head turned and my arm up. I actually almost caught it. 我猜我當時一定有看到球正朝我襲來,因為我有做出反應。我把頭轉向一邊,並將手臂舉 高。事實上我差點就接住它了。 But after that, everything just went silent. 但在那之後,一切都安靜了下來。 Not only did I not hear the ball hitting my head. 我非但沒聽到球擊中我頭部的聲音。 I didn’t hear anything at all. 我什麼都沒有聽到。 Nothing. 什麼也沒有。 But the crazy thing is that I actually felt O.K. when it happened. 但瘋狂的是,事情發生當下我覺得沒有什麼大礙。 I knew I’d been hit, so I just kind of went down to my hands and knees. 我知道我被球打中了,所以我才會以這樣的姿勢倒在地上。 I wasn’t hurting, though. I was dizzy. And light-headed. But there was no pain. 但我一點也不覺得痛。我有點暈眩,有點頭重腳輕。但是沒有痛感。 Nothing hurt. I’d just been knocked off my feet by a laser-beam line drive, but the main feeling that I experienced as a result was one that caught me completely off guard. 毫無痛感。雖然我才被一顆強襲球擊倒在地上,此時我心中的情緒卻出乎我意料之外。 Calm. 是平靜。 Pure calm. 純粹的平靜。 It just overtook my entire body. 這個情緒蔓延了我全身。 It was unlike anything I’d ever felt. 這是我從來沒有經驗過的。 "Can I Stay in the Game?" I first noticed the blood when the training staff got out to the mound. 當防護員上到投手丘時,我才發現自己流血了。 As soon as they reached me, they began asking a bunch of questions: “What day is it?” “What’s your name?” “Where are you right now?” “Why are you here?” 當他們上投手丘後,他們開始問我一連串的問題: 「今天是星期幾?」 「你叫什麼名字?」 「你現在在哪裡?」 「你為什麼在這裡?」 Those were a breeze. I answered them all with no difficulty — “Sunday. Matt. Seattle. I’m pitching against the Mariners.” Honestly, I was more concerned with a different question. 那些問題一點也不難,我輕易地就回答了他們:「現在星期天。我叫Matt。我人在西雅圖 。我在主投對水手隊的比賽。」老實說,我心中想的是另一個截然不同的問題。 Can I stay in the game? 我能不能留在場上繼續投? For real … I tried to convince our trainers to let me keep pitching. They were talking about helping me up and how I was going to get over to the dugout, and I stopped them. “Hold on a second,” I said. “Let me try to see if I can still pitch. Gimme a few warmup tosses to see how I feel. I’m just a little dizzy is all.” 這是真的……我試著說服我的訓練員讓我繼續投球。他們一直在討論如何幫我站起來,以 及我該如何走到休息區,但我打斷了他們。「你們先等等。」我說。「讓我看看我還能不 能繼續丟。讓我丟幾顆球暖身,看看感覺如何。我現在只是覺得有點暈而已。」 They just laughed at me. 他們就只是笑。 I didn’t fully understand that response until I stood up and almost fell over because I was so woozy. Both of our trainers needed to support me under my arms in order for me to walk without going down. 我一開始還不懂那個反應是什麼意思,直到我站起身又差點因為過度暈眩而跌坐回去。兩 個訓練員必須要攙扶著我,才能讓我不致於在行走時又倒在地上。 Once I reached the dugout, one of the first people I saw was Albert Pujols. 我一進到休息區,第一個看到的人是 Albert Pujols。 The first thing he said was, “Let me call your wife.” Then he grabbed a phone from Tim Mead, our p.r. guy, and started dialing Danielle. It was such a thoughtful thing for Albert to do. My wife and I were so appreciative that he connected the two of us right away. 他開口的第一句是:「讓我打給你太太吧。」接著,他從我們一個公關人員Tim Mead的手 中拿過一支電話,然後就撥給Danielle。Albert這樣做真的很貼心,我和我老婆都相當感 謝他馬上讓我們通上電話。 When she got the call from Albert, my wife was watching the game on TV back in Anaheim. So she had seen what just happened to me. She knew I was doing O.K. since she had watched me walk off the field, and she was probably expecting to hear from somebody about my condition. But I’m sure she was pretty confused when that call came in. I mean, Tim Mead’s number pops up, and then all of a sudden Albert says, “Hello.” 接到Albert的電話時,她正在安納罕看直播,所以她有看見我被球擊中的那一幕。她知道 我狀況還行,因為她看見我還能走下球場,也許她也正等著有人跟她回報我的狀況。但我 想她接到那通電話時應該很困惑。我的意思是Mead的電話號碼跳出來,然後突然間Albert 在電話一頭說了一聲你好。 After telling her that I seemed to be doing O.K. and not to worry, he handed the phone to me. 在告訴她我狀況還行之後,Albert要Danielle不要擔心,然後就把電話遞給我。 I remember that conversation being pretty normal, actually. 我記得那次談話一切都很正常。 She had seen me walk off the field, so she knew I wasn’t knocked out. But still, now that I think about it, she was extremely calm about the whole thing too. At the time, Danielle was seven months pregnant with our daughter, Emmy, and on full bed rest by doctor’s orders. There was some concern that she might go into labor early. So she had a lot going on. And yet … just super, super calm. 她看見我走下場,所以她知道我沒有被擊昏。不過現在想來,她對整件事情的態度都異常 冷靜。尤其那時候,她懷著我們才七個月大的女兒Emmy,按照醫囑整天躺在床上休息。當 時擔心她可能會早產,所以她的生活也相當不平靜。但她竟然可以那樣,那樣的冷靜。 There was no panic. And that helped me feel like everything was going to be fine. The trainers said I still needed to head to a hospital for observation, but that was no big deal. 她的言談中沒有一絲驚慌,而那也讓我認為一切都會平安無事的。訓練員還是要我到醫院 觀察,但沒有什麼大礙。 Within a few minutes, I was on a gurney and some paramedics were rolling me into the back of an ambulance headed for Harborview Medical Center. It was only about a mile away from the stadium. 幾分鐘之後,我就躺在輪床上,由幾個醫護人員把我送上救護車,開往Harborview醫療中 心,它離Safeco Field就只有大約一哩路。 They didn’t even turn on the sirens. Or the lights. 行駛過程中他們沒有把救護車的警鈴或警示燈打開。 It was all good. 一切都沒有異狀。 The Third Scan Almost as soon as I arrived at the hospital, the doctors huddled up, pulled out a laptop and were like, Hey, we’re gonna watch the video … do you want to check out what happened? 就在我抵達醫院之後,醫生們就湧了上來,拿出一台筆電,然後就說「嘿,我們要來看剛 才那段影片……你想來看看發生了什麼事嗎?」 I was definitely light-headed and dizzy at the time, but my eyesight was fine. So I was all in. 我那時肯定是頭重腳輕又有點暈眩的,但我的視力沒有問題,所以我就看了那段影片。 They pulled up the video and hit play. 他們找到那段影帶,然後就開始撥放。 I thought for a second that it might be weird to see it. Or that it might freak me out. But, honestly, it wasn’t a big deal. 一開始我覺得看這段影片可能會讓我覺得很奇怪,或它可能會把我嚇個半死。但事實上, 這也沒什麼大不了的。 We watched it a couple of times, and grimaced in unison, and then the doctors told me the plan. They were going to do a CT scan every hour for several hours, and then assess the images to make sure nothing about my condition had worsened. There were sure to be skull fractures, and some internal bleeding, but as long as things didn’t take a turn for the worse I’d be able to recover from my injuries over time. I’d be out of the hospital in the morning. 我們重複看了幾次那段影像,一起做了個鬼臉,接下來醫生們告訴我他們的計畫。他們接 下來的幾個小時中,每小時都要做一次電腦斷層掃描,然後根據影像來評估我的狀況沒有 惡化。一定會有一些顱骨骨折的情況,但只要狀況沒有變糟,我很快就可以痊癒。說不定 隔天早上就可以出院了。 The first two scans looked great. There was a little bit of bleeding, but nothing too major or concerning. Rick Smith, one of our trainers, was with me at the time, and I remember talking to him about whether I might be able to pitch when my turn in the rotation came up in five days. He knew that no matter how good the scans looked, I wasn’t going to be back out on the hill for a while just based on the league’s concussion protocol, but he kind of humored me and deflected those questions. 一開始的兩張掃描看起來一切都很好。有一點流血,但沒有什麼大礙。我們的一個訓練員 Rick Smith一直陪在我身邊,然後我記得我跟他說到,不曉得五天後輪我先發時,我能不 能上場投球。他知道不管掃描結果如何,基於聯盟的腦震盪防護措施,我都要一段時間無 法上投手丘,但他有點開玩笑的帶過,迴避了我的問題。 “These two scans look great!” I said. “I’m all good.” 「這兩張掃描看起來棒極了!」我說。「我的狀況很好。」 Then the third scan came back and everything changed. 第三張掃描回來後,一切都變了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1494129395.A.D9D.html
MaribelHearn: 推好文翻譯 期待下篇 05/07 11:59
bluesai: 推 謝謝 05/07 12:01
cd12631: 那球真的看得很可怕 05/07 12:03
kenkuo1688: 每次看完影片就覺得他能重回投手丘真是令人尊敬 05/07 12:06
jones210272: 推翻譯讚讚 05/07 12:08
andy880036s: 05/07 12:10
edhuang: 有看過這篇 看影片就覺得痛了 當下真不知道投手要怎麼反 05/07 12:11
edhuang: 應………… 翻譯推 05/07 12:11
s90523: 推推本來想翻這篇但太長了XD 05/07 12:25
doomx: 每小時一次brain CT....運動員薪水不夠高付不出來.... 05/07 12:39
john12352012: 球打到的時候眼淚就留下來了 05/07 12:44
polanco: 推 斷在好讓人在意的地方XD 05/07 12:47
sikerkuaitai: 原本想翻但自覺能力不足QQ 感謝翻譯 05/07 12:54
chopper594: 鞋匠QQ 明天先發加油啊 05/07 12:59
yankees733: 之前FOX有做過這個報導,看了很驚聳 05/07 13:02
carltone: 推翻譯! 05/07 13:03
manchucopy: 支援Shoemaker夫婦現身說法影音https://goo.gl/YeHa9W 05/07 13:09
jackytao: 感謝樓上! 05/07 13:14
Sanya: 為什麼其他人都單腳跪在草地上阿 05/07 13:21
HuanYuWu: 推推 05/07 13:40
mornstar524: 推 認真看完覺得英文功力大增XD 05/07 13:54
kee32: 感謝分享 05/07 14:15
ringohejia: 感謝翻譯!! 05/07 14:18
coffee1205: 他回來了呀? 05/07 14:23
Zoby: 推個 05/07 14:27
kevininla: 為什麼球員要自己付錢做CT…? 05/07 14:50
catsondbs: 好文推 05/07 15:16
SakuraHana: 現在流行翻譯富堅的嗎?上一篇也是,精采處就斷掉… 05/07 15:49
alpacaHong: 推,那個疤痕看起來怵目驚心阿 05/07 15:56
Notung: 不知道是不是聯盟針對這種頭部高速直擊球的protocol, 才 05/07 16:26
Notung: 有辦法每小時作CT 而這麼快就可發現到ICH 05/07 16:27
min81527: 從他的臨床表現看應該是EDH不是ICH哦!一開始有段清明期 05/07 16:33
Notung: 果然是EDH, 不過我想表達的是要不是這樣q hr作CT, 才有辦 05/07 16:47
Notung: 法這麼早就發現出血在progress, 而能在最快的時間就手術處 05/07 16:47
Notung: 理 05/07 16:47
Notung: 在大部分的人身上在初次CT 若 negative或出血很少而病患是 05/07 16:53
Notung: clear 的可能大多都先觀察,直到狀況有變才repeat CT, 所 05/07 16:53
Notung: 以我才說會不會是MLB針對頭部高速直擊球的SOP 05/07 16:53
yellowlin: https://goo.gl/OBrEjQ 05/07 16:54
Notung: 可能需要NS 鄉民來說一下平常的作法是如何,在病人臨床狀 05/07 16:57
Notung: 況尚未改變下會固定多久時間就repeat CT嗎 05/07 16:57
LoveWin7: FOX體育台上個月有播這個訪談 05/07 17:13
min81527: Q1h的brain CT聽起來真的蠻嚇人的XD 不過好在有早期發現 05/07 17:16
jet113102: 推推,期待下篇 05/07 17:40
decorum: it tailed back over the plate 意思是球最後跑到紅中了 05/07 17:52
Notung: 看到這位舒梅克就想到另一位舒馬克,是不是姓製鞋人的就要 05/07 18:10
Notung: 這麼倒楣 05/07 18:10
Notung: Michael Schumacher 好像一開始也是consiousness clear,出 05/07 18:13
Notung: 血也是EDH, 結果預後天差地遠,他還更有錢呢! 05/07 18:13
rhaetulus: 推 05/07 19:24
EviL1988: 推 05/07 19:48
KyleSeager: Seager真可惡!!! 05/07 20:43
acd51874: 樓上壞壞 05/07 20:56
forwhat90: 投球那段是指他本來想投內角壞球,但球轉了回去並通過 05/07 23:28
感謝 decorum 和 forwhat90 兩位版友,該處翻譯已經更正囉!
griffinj9: 有看有推期待下集 05/07 23:31
※ 編輯: jackytao (, 05/08/2017 00:06:11
cmark0710: 推推 謝謝翻譯 真的翻的很棒 05/08 01:32
mark0204: 05/08 01:39
TokyoHard: 舒馬克到現在還起不了床. 05/08 01:46
ray41705: 推推 05/08 10:37
lp2348: 推 超棒 05/08 13:40
jjrdk: 感謝翻譯 05/08 14:54
bert: 推推 05/08 16:05
spree8: 有人翻譯這樣的外電真的很棒 05/08 23:54
rexxon: 大推 05/09 16:39
iverson0968: 推推推!文筆很好 05/10 01:05
MUSESHUNER: 推 05/15 00:31