看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前言: 第一次翻譯外電就有這麼多版友熱情回應,真的讓小弟很感動嗚嗚。 不過因為這篇的篇幅真的很長,所以必須拆成上中下三篇,可能請大家再耐心等等。 上篇主要集中在事發當時鞋匠的反應,這篇則主要描寫手術過程及復原期,還有這個事件 是如何影響身邊的人。 照片的部分本文就不另外擷取,需要參照的同樣可以參考https://goo.gl/p57o22。 前言到這裡,現在來聽鞋匠本人怎麼說。 The Surgery “There’s more blood. We’re going into surgery … right now.” 「出血變多了。現在動刀。」 That’s all the doctor said. Nine words. No messing around. 醫生只說了這些。九個字。直截了當。 He wasn’t trying to scare me. He was just looking to move quickly. 他並不是要嚇我,他只是希望一切可以迅速進行。 At that point, I just kind of did what I was told. I didn’t ask any questions because there was nothing I could ask. I’m not a neurosurgeon, you know? I wouldn’t have known what to ask. Plus, there wasn’t much time for small talk. 在那當下,我只是奉命行事而已。我沒有問更多問題,因為也沒什麼可問的。我不是個神 經外科醫生,所以也不知道要問什麼。再說,也沒時間閒聊了。 Within 30 seconds, I was being prepped for emergency brain surgery — nurses were unplugging me from machines, other nurses were scribbling things on medical charts, everyone was moving in double time. 短短三十秒內,我就已經準備動緊急腦部手術。護士們正把我身上的管線拔下,另一批護 士則在診療單上塗寫,大家都以雙倍的速度行事。 That’s when everything got really real. 這時候,這一切才開始真實起來。 The first thing I thought about was my family. 我想到的第一件事是我的家人。 I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Danielle, just to let her know. 我拿起手機,用FaceTime聯絡Danielle,要讓她知道我的狀況。 “Hey, they told me I’m going into surgery right now. Literally right now. There’s more bleeding in my brain.” 「嘿,他們說我現在要動手術了。對,就是現在。他們說腦部出血變多了。」 Again, total calm. 她再次表現出無比的平靜。 Maybe she was keeping her cool for me, I don’t know. But she held it together. 也許她是為了我而故作鎮定,我不知道。總之她相當冷靜。 There was no panic. She didn’t cry. 她一點也不驚慌,也沒有哭。 What she did do was grab our son, Brady, who was a little over a year and a half at the time, so he could see me and say hello. 她所做的,就是把我們當時比一歲半大一點的兒子Brady抱起來,讓他看看我,然後跟我 打招呼。 We talked for a minute, maybe two, and then I had to go. As I was speaking to Danielle, the nurses were wheeling me over to the operating room. I had wanted to call my parents to give them an update, but the woman pushing the gurney said that there was no time for another call, so I asked Danielle to do that for me. 我們聊了一兩分鐘,然後我就要去動手術了。和她說話的同時,護士們正把我推到手術房 。我本想打給我的父母,跟他們回報一下我的狀況,但推著輪床的護士說沒時間再講電話 了,所以我請Danielle幫我聯絡他們。 I told her that I loved her, hit the red button on my screen, and she was gone. Then I handed my phone and my wedding ring to someone for safe keeping, and they wheeled me into the operating room for emergency brain surgery. 我告訴她我很愛她後,按下螢幕上的結束通話鈕,然後她就消失在電話那頭。接著,我把 手機和婚戒交給一個人代管,然後他們就送我進開刀房準備動刀。 I’m super close with my parents, so not being able to call them and let them know what was going on was extremely difficult. 我和家人相當親近,所以不能打電話告訴他們我的狀況,讓我覺得無比難受。 When the ball slammed into my head in Seattle, they were more than 2,000 miles away, in Traverse City, Michigan, watching the game on TV while visiting my aunt and uncle. They had made the four-hour drive north from where they live, and where I grew up, just outside of Detroit. 在那顆強襲球擊中我的當下,我的家人正遠在2000多哩外,密西根州的特拉弗斯城拜訪我 的親戚,同時看著電視轉播。他們從老家,一個在底特律城外的地方,開了四小時北上才 到那裡。 My dad has always been a tough, hardworking guy — he’s a teddy bear on the inside, and solid as a rock. After he found out I was headed in for brain surgery, he got up, got into his truck and drove away. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going. “Just out for a drive,” he said, and then he was gone. 我父親一直是個堅強且勤奮的人,但他其實外剛內柔。在知道我要去動手術後,他站起身 ,發動卡車,就開車走了。他沒說他要去哪裡。「只是去開車散心。」他這樣說,然後就 離開了。 No one at my aunt’s place was certain where he was going. 家人們都不知道他要去哪裡。 They also weren’t sure if they’d ever see me alive again. 他們同樣不知道的,是能不能再見上我一面。 The Scar When I woke up from surgery, I felt like a jackhammer was stuck inside my brain. I was still groggy from the medicine and anesthesia, which didn’t seem to be doing anything to minimize the throbbing. 當我在手術後醒來,我覺得好像有一把電鑽卡在我腦袋裡。那時我還因為藥物和麻醉的關 係覺得昏昏沉沉,但這並沒有減輕腦中的抽動感。 There was also a drain hanging from the side of my head, which definitely threw me off there for a second. It looked like a little rubber hose. 同時,我發現頭部一側懸著一條導管,這讓我困惑了一會兒。它看起來就像一條小的橡膠 水管。 They tell me I was being operated on for two hours. The type of injury I had is called an epidural hematoma. 他們告訴我手術進行了兩個小時。我受的傷叫做硬膜上血腫(epidural hematoma;EDH- 似乎有版友在上一篇討論這個,這裡附上醫生診斷)。 When the ball hit my head, it resulted in a bunch of skull fractures, and pressure from the impact damaged an artery and caused bleeding. The fractures went from the spot where I got hit down to the middle of my jaw. The doctors said there were a ton of little fractures. You can see them on the X-rays. It looks like what happens when a rock hits your windshield — like a spiderweb of tiny cracks. But in this case the windshield was my skull. 當球擊中我頭部時,造成了多處骨折,那股力道也損害到一條動脈,這才造成出血。骨折 分布的範圍從被球打中的那點,一直延伸到下顎中間。醫生說頭骨裂了許多地方,你可以 在X光看的一清二楚。這就像一顆石頭砸在你的擋風玻璃上,造成的蛛網狀小碎片。只是 這回,那片擋風玻璃就是我的頭骨。 The bleeding inside my brain was the bigger problem, though. That’s why everything escalated so quickly. 然而,腦內的出血才是更大的問題。它就是這一切急轉直下的原因。 From what I’ve been told, the surgeons made a half-circle incision on the right side of my head, and then they pealed that back and cut a chunk of my skull out. They needed to do that so they could get under there to fix the artery that was damaged and causing the bleeding. Then they put that piece of skull back, placed a titanium plate over it, and sewed everything back up. 他們告訴我,外科醫生在我頭部的右半邊開了一個半圓的切口,然後把那一部分剝開,切 下我一大塊頭骨。這樣他們才能深入出血點並修復那條受損的動脈。接著,他們把那一塊 頭骨放回去,在那上面放了一塊鈦板,然後把切口縫合回去。 Adam Nevala, our head trainer, was sitting at my bedside when I came to. He stayed there with me for three full days. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me. That guy had a wife and a new baby at home — not to mention our team was starting a series out in Oakland the day after this happened — yet he was there every morning at my side, all the way through most of every night. Adam Nevala,我們隊上的主要防護員,在我動刀期間一直都在我的病床邊。他陪了我整 整三天。我無法告訴你那對我來說有多麼重要。Adam家中有妻子和一個新生兒,更別提在 我出事隔天,球隊要在奧克蘭打比賽。但他每天早上都在我旁邊一路待到晚上,幾乎每夜 如此。 And believe me, I wasn’t much fun to be around at that point. I just had this massive headache the entire time. I was super sensitive to light and sound. We couldn’t even watch our games, or the highlights, because the TV just made my head hurt even worse. Nev used his phone to get updates and keep me in the loop as to how the team was doing — I remember we beat the A’s that next day. We’d basically just talk and hang out the whole time. 然後相信我,那時的我可一點也不好相處。那段時間我頭無比疼痛,而且我對光線和聲音 都無比敏感。我們甚至無法看比賽或賽後精華,因為看電視只會讓我的頭痛加劇。Adam用 他的手機更新賽況,讓我能知道球隊的表現。我記得那天我們擊敗了運動家隊。那段時間 ,我們基本上就是聊天,然後待在一塊。 The other thing I did to pass the time was take selfies of my scar. 我用以打發時間的另一件事,就是幫我的疤痕自拍。 I did that not so much for the photos, but instead because I had this fascination with what my head looked like after having brain surgery. When I first woke up, I touched the scar, and it felt kind of weird. But I had no idea what I was actually touching. There was no context. So I had to take some pictures, you know? 我拍照的原因不是為了照片本身,而是因為我對術後我頭部的模樣相當好奇。當我第一次 醒來時,我摸了摸我的疤痕,然後覺得有點怪異。但我不曉得到底摸到什麼。因為毫無頭 緒,所以我得拍幾張照片,你懂吧? It wasn’t easy, since even just opening my eyes made my head hurt worse. But I couldn’t just sit there all day, day after day, without checking it out. I realized pretty early on that if I closed one eye while taking the photos, it didn’t hurt as much. So that’s what I did. 要拍照可一點也不容易,因為連張開眼睛都會讓我頭更痛。但我總不能坐在那裡,一整天 ,甚至日復一日的,不去搞清楚那到底是什麼。我很早就發現如果我只睜開一隻眼睛拍照 ,頭就不會那麼痛,所以我就這樣做了。 At first I was kind of surprised to see that they hadn’t cut my hair for surgery. I just kind of assumed that they would’ve shaved my head, but they hadn’t. So early on, the pictures I took were mainly just of bloody hair. 起初,我很驚訝他們沒有為了手術把我的頭髮剃掉。我以為他們會幫我剃頭,但他們沒有 。所以剛開始的照片裡,幾乎都是沾滿血的頭髮。 There was just blood everywhere. 到處都是血。 But the more photos I shot, and the closer I got to the wound, the more the whole thing looked kind of cool to me. 但隨著我越拍越多,越拍越接近傷口,整件事就越來越酷了。 And, of course, after seeing what my head looked like, I wanted to touch the scar even more — to feel it and to trace the entire incision line with my fingers. 然後當然,在看見我頭部的模樣後,我就更想碰那道疤痕了。我想感覺它,然後用手指去 感覺整條切口。 Something just kept making me want to touch that scar. 有股感覺一直促使我去摸那道疤痕。 Reborn I left the hospital after three days, but those headaches lingered for about four weeks. Then, one day, out of the blue, they just went away. 三天之後我出院了,但頭痛卻持續了將近四週。然後突然有一天,那感覺就突然消失了。 From that point on, I felt like I was in the clear, and things pretty much went back to normal. I was able to be with the team for the last homestand of the season. I wasn’t as bothered by loud noises. I could watch TV and listen to music again. 從那刻起,我覺得我神智清醒,一切都回歸正常。我可以在季末的最後一場主場賽事隨隊 。我也不再被噪音干擾,又可以看電視和聽音樂了。 And that’s also when I started to fully understand the ways that me taking a 105 mph line drive to the dome had impacted the people around me. 同時,我也開始真正了解,我被一顆105英哩的強襲球擊中頭部這件事,是如何影響我身 邊的人們。 As my condition improved, my wife and I talked more and more about those first few hours after the accident. She didn’t say it to me at the time, of course, or even show any hint of worry, but Danielle later admitted that during the FaceTime call right before the surgery she grabbed Brady and put him on the screen because she was afraid that he may never see me again. 隨著我的狀況逐漸改善,我和妻子也越來越常談論事發後幾小時的事情。她當時當然什麼 也沒說,也沒有流露出一絲擔心,但她事後承認,她之所以在手術前的FaceTime談話時抱 起Brady,並讓他在螢幕前看看我,是因為她擔心兒子再也無法見我一面。 She said she couldn’t stop thinking about whether that conversation was going to be the last time the two of them ever spoke with me. 她說她沒辦法不去想,那次的談話會不會是他們兩人最後一次和我說話。 The person who may have struggled the most during that time of uncertainty might have been my father. The first time I saw him after the surgery, he gave me a solid three-minute hug. 在那段不確定期間最受煎熬的,應該就是我父親了。我在手術後第一次見到他時,他給了 我整整三分鐘的擁抱。 For real … it lasted three minutes. He just didn’t let go, so we kept on hugging. 真的整整三分鐘。他就是不肯放手,所以我們就一直擁抱著。 It turns out that when he drove away from my aunt’s house in Traverse City, he headed for a nearby parking lot. He pulled in, put the car in park, shut off the engine … and cried. 原來,在他從特拉弗斯城的阿姨家開車離開後,他開到附近的一個停車場。他把車停入停 車格,關掉引擎,就開始大哭。 He couldn’t bear to show those emotions around everyone at the house. He didn ’t want them to see him and then get even more worried about me. So he took off. 他無法在其他家庭成員面前展現那些情緒。他不希望他們看見他的反應,然後更擔心我。 所以他選擇開車離開。 He never told me about it, but that’s what went down. 他從來沒告訴我這些,但這就是事情的發展。 My mom let me know. 是母親告訴我這些事的。 When I heard about that, a whole bunch of emotions came to the surface at the same time. It felt good knowing that my dad loved me so much, but I also felt sad for him, and bad for having caused him so much worry. 在我聽到之後,許多情緒一口氣湧上心頭。知道父親這樣愛我,這讓我很感動;但我對他 也很抱歉,而且因為讓他這樣擔心而感到愧疚。 More than anything, though, I just felt grateful. 除了那些之外的,就是感恩。 I also had the sudden urge to bring joy into the lives of those who had worried so much about whether I was going to make it. 同時,我也突然有一股渴望:不管能不能成功,我都想把歡樂帶給那些擔心我的人。 So that’s what the next six months is all about for me. 這就是我接下來六個月想做的事。 未完待續。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1494174409.A.C36.html
leoturkey: 感人推QQ 05/08 00:30
s90523: 很感人 推推 05/08 00:32
redzero: 推推推謝謝翻譯而且翻的棒極了 05/08 00:37
saiulbb: 職業球員的家人壓力也不小阿QQ 05/08 00:38
jefftie2000: 推推QQ 05/08 00:38
jefftie2000: 有洋蔥QQ 05/08 00:38
jones210272: qq 05/08 00:40
sdiaa: 所以SHOEMAKER今年有戴投手用頭盔上場嗎?? 05/08 00:47
kevininla: 推,沒想到鞋匠是性情中人 05/08 00:52
jackytao: 好像也沒有的樣子呢 05/08 00:53
chaolin: 有看有推 05/08 00:58
joy2105feh: 好感人 爸爸到停車場那段好催淚 05/08 01:02
yankees733: 親情永遠都是最重要的 05/08 01:10
heacoun: QQ 05/08 01:24
Cishang: QQ 05/08 01:28
mark0204: 05/08 01:32
catsondbs: 怕兒子看不到最後一面 QQ 好可怕的想法 05/08 01:35
mygoing: 推 05/08 01:42
andy880036s: QQ 05/08 01:45
whhw: 第一句還真的是九個字 05/08 02:00
a2156700: 到季末才恢復 05/08 02:23
OneCell: 推 05/08 02:36
anfernee0520: 推,棒球真的是很危險的運動啊! 05/08 02:47
MatCarpenter: QQQQ鞋匠 05/08 02:59
mygoing: 棒球幾乎是意外比較多 籃球就不同了 聽說有伸腳的 讓人 05/08 03:26
mygoing: 坐飛機的 去年還是前年還有拗斷手的 05/08 03:27
arosshyi: 感謝翻譯 05/08 03:37
bluesai: 推 感動 05/08 06:30
ARodtheHero: 還有像飛機一樣飛出去的 05/08 06:48
griffinj9: 感動推 05/08 07:00
cd12631: 推 05/08 07:38
chen5512: 怕兒子看不到最後一面,這是人之常情的想法,這可是開 05/08 07:39
chen5512: 腦不是割盲腸啊!感謝原PO的翻譯 05/08 07:39
kk2025: QQ 05/08 07:46
Notung: 真的要給Shoemaker 的主治醫師大加讚賞,又再次想到Schuma 05/08 07:56
Notung: cher 05/08 07:56
jet113102: 真的很感動的文章,強襲球真的是很恐怖 05/08 08:16
ilikeroc: 推 05/08 08:36
winduanckc: 推 05/08 08:54
HuanYuWu: 推 05/08 09:06
ru26: 推 05/08 10:08
decorum: 醫療帳單一定很恐怖 05/08 10:12
iambiaggi: 職業選手的保險不太需要擔心醫療費吧..... 05/08 10:33
sdiaa: 上班受傷當然是公司出~ 05/08 11:11
griff: 感動阿!謝謝原po翻譯! 05/08 11:22
SDerick: 他爸爸去停車場嚎啕大哭那段真感人QQ................... 05/08 11:39
TheoEpstein: QQ 05/08 11:58
microSD: 推 05/08 12:04
ghia73ray: 推...優質翻譯和超專業醫師團隊 05/08 13:06
daihow: 還真的翻9個字XDDD 05/08 13:12
domtm: 推 優質翻譯與動人故事! 05/08 13:45
gn00167236: 看完只能說...希望每個受傷的球員都能完美恢復 05/08 13:50
lp2348: 棒 05/08 13:50
fujioqq: 對球團來說醫療帳單是小錢 05/08 14:30
yyhhzz: 太感人了QQ 感謝翻譯 05/08 14:38
jjrdk: 好文推 原Po翻譯的真好 05/08 15:00
Eddward: 蠻想知道Kyle Seager那方的想法 05/08 15:03
jackytao: 這部分在下篇會略提到~~還有其他球員對鞋匠傷勢的關心, 05/08 15:14
jackytao: 讓人覺得真的很溫馨啊>< 05/08 15:14
CrazyShark: 看到title我腦中浮現的是bradley那場,不過他好像比較 05/08 15:28
CrazyShark: 幸運就是 05/08 15:28
Asucks: 感人推 05/08 15:54
GTOnizuka: 推 05/08 16:11
dragon50119: 想知道Seager的看法+1 05/08 16:25
rubeinlove: 推推~ 05/08 18:36
tweence: 05/08 19:51
imbestbill: 推好文 05/08 20:20
maxmessi: 感動推 05/08 20:58
homkei: 感動推 05/08 21:50
tairry2009: QQ 05/08 23:35
spree8: 感人好文 05/09 00:00
ringohejia: 感謝翻譯 有洋蔥!!! 05/09 00:03
sponge123: 推推推用心好感人 05/09 00:35
wryyyyyyyy: 推 05/09 00:42
carrhung: 推,洋蔥好大顆 05/10 13:46
LeftVision: 推 05/10 19:38
MUSESHUNER: 推 05/16 00:38