看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
洛磯這一個半月的好表現,想必讓很多球迷感到意外。但其實在季前, FanGraphs就有一篇文章,在討論洛磯隊今年其實是有機會衝擊外卡的, 有興趣的板友可以參考這篇: Maybe the Rockies Are Contenders in 2017 http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/maybe-the-rockies-are-contenders-in-2017/ 今天我想翻譯的這篇是最近剛出,針對Rockies這一個半月能持續站在國西首位所做的 分析。令人意外的是,素來以打擊見長的洛磯隊,今年到目前的打擊表現,只能用差強 人意形容。反而是靠著年輕先發投手,撐起了一片天,再加上去年季後大力補強的牛棚 成功建起堅強的防線。而這甚至是在一二號投手(Gray&Bettis) 缺席的狀況下發生的 事情!今年的洛磯能走到哪裡呢? 我個人雖然是洛磯迷,卻也不敢太過期待。畢竟 前幾年開季火熱、明星賽後就鳥掉的例子也不是沒有。更何況道奇實力依然堅強, 目前看來,還是分區冠軍的最大熱門。洛磯合理的預期,大概還是搶外卡吧!(希望被打臉 以下正文開始: : Here’s How the Rockies Are Winning the West 洛磯為何能暫居國西龍頭? : by Jeff Sullivan - May 11, 2017 : The Rockies were this offseason’s popular dark horse. Not everybody agreed : on that, naturally, but if they did, then the Rockies wouldn’t have been a : very good dark-horse candidate. A team has to be rated low in order to be : underrated, and there was plenty of chatter the Rockies could surprise and : push for the wild card. The FanGraphs community determined the preseason : projections were too low on the club, so coming in, there was a certain amount : of hype. There was faith! Faith in the Colorado Rockies. 提到去年季後補強的黑馬,很多人會想到洛磯隊。當然,不是每個人都同意,但既然很多 人都認為洛磯是黑馬,那洛磯其實就不算黑馬囉。因為,要當黑馬的條件之一,首先就 是要被大部分人看扁,但時不時就能聽到洛磯其實有實力讓大家驚豔,有可能競逐外卡。 FanGraphs寫手們得承認,季前戰績預測時,的確低估了這支球隊(譯注:79W83L) 所以接下來,我們當然會有點矯枉過正囉!要多一點信心嘛!洛磯今年拿冠軍! : Among the things that have happened: Ian Desmond got hurt. Tom Murphy got hurt. : Tony Wolters got hurt. Jon Gray got hurt. David Dahl got hurt. And Chad Bettis : got sick. Over the course of the last few months, the Rockies roster has been : beaten and battered. And it’s also managed to win 22 of 35 games. At this : writing, it’s the Rockies who are on top of the NL West, and it’s the Rockies : who have so substantially boosted their own chances of making the playoffs. : For the first time in so many years, the Rockies could be delivering on their : promise. There are two major reasons why they are where they are. 想想今年洛磯發生了哪些事:Ian Desmond受傷、Tom Murphy受傷、Tony Wolters受傷、 Jon Gray受傷、David Dahl受傷...更可怕的是Chad Bettis癌症復發,離開球場去做化療 過去這幾個月,洛磯25人名單可說是命運多舛,不斷遭受打擊。即便如此,這支球隊依然 在35場比賽中拿下了22場勝利。在我寫這篇文章的當下,國西龍頭正是科羅拉多洛磯隊。 也正是洛磯這支球隊,去年季後大張旗鼓、招兵買馬來提高自己球隊進季後賽的機率。 這麼多年來第一次,這支球隊有機會重返榮耀。為什麼他們今年可以這麼強呢? 以下我們提出兩個主要原因。 : Interestingly enough, this doesn’t have a lot to do with the hitters. There : have been some bright spots, like the suddenly fascinating Mark Reynolds, but : the Rockies rank just 13th in runs per game, and that’s without adjusting for : ballpark. By wRC+, the Rockies are a woeful 27th, and although I’m open to : the idea that wRC+ is unfair to the Rockies’ bats, they still haven’t been : good, not overall. The story of the season to date is all about run prevention. 首先有趣的是,今年洛磯的強大跟打者並沒有太大的關係。的確,打線裡有些亮點,像是 突然復活的風扇哥Mark Reynolds,但是攤開數據看,洛磯在大聯盟的場均得分排在第13 名,這還是沒有考慮球場校正的結果呢。如果以校正過的wRC+來看,洛磯打線只能在30支 球隊裡排在第27位。雖然我覺得wRC+有可能對洛磯打者不太公平(譯注:應是指park factor稀釋了球員的成績?有錯請指正) 但Rockies打擊表現的確不太出色。本季洛磯精彩 篇章全部都跟防止失分(投手)有關。 譯注: wRC+數據計算與解讀可參考Xavier大的這篇好文 http://channel.pixnet.net/sport/carticle/baseball/Peavy/43927600 : On that side of things, the Rockies rank 14th in runs allowed per game. Taking : ballpark into account, the Rockies shoot all the way up to second in baseball : in ERA-. This is a staff that hasn’t had Gray or Bettis. It’s a staff that : intended to lean on Gray and Bettis. The reinforcements and the existing : support system have done the job, and as a critical component of this, there : are the grounders. The Rockies have been giving up grounders. 關於防止失分這方面,洛磯在全大聯盟場均失分排名第14。考慮球場因素的話,洛磯的 ERA-馬上就爆衝到MLB第二。這還是在一二號投手Gray, Bettis缺席的狀況下所繳出的 成績呢!洛磯補上空位的投手跟球隊後勤的確做得很棒,其中一個關鍵的因素是, 讓打者擊出滾地球。Rockies投手今年就是能不斷製造滾地球。 : Here’s how the Rockies’ pitching-staff grounder rate has progressed year to : year: 以下是洛磯逐年投手群製造滾地球的比例 (譯注:Ground Ball Percentage (GB%) = 滾地球 / 所有擊出的球,不考慮三振) http://cdn.fangraphs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/grounder-rate.png
: The team has reached a new high within the observed window, and this is the : highest team grounder rate in the game. Obviously, when you’re talking about : Coors Field, there’s reason to believe it’s better for a pitching staff to : keep the ball on the ground. Anything in the air is dangerous. Some credit goes : to Kyle Freeland. Also guys like Tyler Chatwood and Chris Rusin. Plenty of : grounders have been there, which makes the next plot all the more encouraging. 在目前球季才進行不到1/4的區間,這支球隊GB%創下隊史新高。同時,也是目前大聯盟 團隊GB%最高的球隊。當然,當你的球隊有一半的比賽在褲兒濕球場Coors Field比賽時, 有著能讓球兒留在地面上的投手群,當然是件好事囉。在這個球場,任何飛球都很危險 在這傲人數據背後,一部份要歸功於Kyle Freeland,Tyler Chatwood跟長中繼Chris Rusin這三個投手。大量滾地球的出現,會讓下一張即將出現的圖表,變得更讓人振奮 : You might not recognize sOPS+ as a statistic. That’s something tracked at : Baseball-Reference, and it's essentially OPS+ within a given split. Let's look : at opponent production against the Rockies on grounders: 你們可能不認識 sOPS+這個數據,這是在BR網站上挖到的。簡單來說就是某種特定條件下 的OPS+。來看看洛磯讓對手擊出滾地球狀況下的數據: http://cdn.fangraphs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/sops-grounders.png
: An sOPS+ of 100 is league average. Last year, when the Rockies got grounders, : they allowed an sOPS+ of 107. That means they were something like 7% worse than : average. This year, so far, that number has dropped to 71, meaning they've : been something like 29% better than average. To put this much more simply: The : Rockies have generated more grounders, and they’ve been much better at : turning those grounders into outs. sOPS+ 100是聯盟平均。去年,當洛磯投手讓對手擊出滾地球,對手的sOPS+是107。這可以 看成這些投手的表現比平均差了7%。今年到目前為止,這個數據掉到了71,代表的意義 好像是他們比平均好上29個百分點呢! 一言以蔽之,今年洛磯隊讓打者擊出更多的滾地球 而且這些滾地球被轉化成出局數的機率也大大提高了。 : That’s a fun thing to explore. I’ll borrow some information from Baseball : Savant. Here’s where the Rockies have ranked in average ground-ball exit : velocity: 這是個值得探討的事情。我從Baseball Savant網站撈到的數據,呈現出洛磯隊這三年來 被擊出滾地球的速度,在大聯盟球隊裡的排名: 2015: 19th 2016: 14th 2017: 2nd : To support that, from a different source, here’s where the Rockies have ranked : in ground-ball hard-hit rate: 為了證實這個進步,我從另一個網站取得了這三年洛磯隊被擊出強勁滾地球的比例, 在大聯盟球隊裡的排名: 2015: 23rd 2016: 20th 2017: 2nd : Based on the evidence we have, the grounders have been more weakly hit. : I don't know how to explain that, necessarily, but that doesn't mean it's : wrong or impossible to keep up. For now, it's just a thing. And there's this : other interesting data point, regarding the defense. Better performance on : grounders would probably involve the pitchers and the defenders, right? Last : season, the Rockies ranked 8th in defensive shifts. This season, they rank 27th : They’re having fewer alignments being classified as shifted, and while that : might seem counterintuitive, last year the Cubs had fewer alignments classified : as a shift than anyone. It doesn’t mean defenders aren't still being used : well. The Rockies have had many of the same players, but they’ve done better, : and they’ve been positioned differently. So far, the synergy of it all has : been through the roof. 從證據來看,被擊出的滾地球的確變得不強勁了。如果硬要我說,我也不知道該怎麼解釋 但這並不表示這是錯的,或是無法維持。現在你們就姑且看看吧!再說說另一個跟防守有 關的有趣數據。看起來,洛磯隊讓對手擊出軟弱滾地球出局,這顯然跟投手野手都有關, 對吧?上個賽季,洛磯佈陣次數排名大聯盟第8。至於這個球季呢,他們只排在吊車尾的27 這代表他們的防守站位比較不會極端到被判定為"佈陣"。這看起來好像跟我們想的不太 一樣,但看看小熊隊,他們幾乎沒在佈陣的,佈陣次數比大聯盟任何一支球隊都少。我想 說的是,佈陣少不代表防守球員沒被擺在正確的位置上。去年跟今年的洛磯球員,基本上 沒有太大的變化,但他們被擺在了球場的不同地方,而且得到了更好的結果。到目前為止 ,這些零零總總的改變,造就了洛磯隊看似不可能的戰力提升。 : That’s one thing. One major reason why the Rockies are in first place is : because they've gotten grounders and swallowed them up. Then there's the matter : of the bullpen. The bullpen is the other major reason. I like to look at how : bullpens fare through the lens of Win Probability Added. Let’s examine some : year-to-year Rockies ranks, shall we? 這就是我想講的第一點。第一個目前讓洛磯能站在國西首位的主要原因:大量讓打者出局 的滾地球。再來就要提到牛棚,牛棚就是另一個主要因素。在分析牛棚強度時,我喜歡從 牛棚上場時,能讓球隊增加多少贏球機率(WPA)做為判定的標準。現在,就讓我們來看看 這幾年洛磯隊的排名吧!來吧! http://cdn.fangraphs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/bullpen-wpa-rank.png
: To make sure you're reading that correctly: Last year, the Rockies bullpen : had baseball’s worst WPA. It was the least valuable bullpen in the game. So : far this year, the Rockies bullpen has baseball’s best WPA. It’s been the : most valuable bullpen in the game, and it’s not even all that close. Because : it’s only May 11, it’s not like we can reach any firm conclusions, but in : case you’re curious, we’ve got WPA data stretching all the way back to 1974. : Only one team’s bullpen has ever gone from worst to first, and that was the : 2008 Rays. That Rays team ultimately advanced to the World Series. The Rockies : would have a very limited precedent, and a very promising one. 確保你沒看錯:去年洛磯的牛棚WPA這項數據在大聯盟敬陪末座,代表他們去年牛棚是全大 聯盟最火的。今年到目前為止,他們卻在WPA拿下第一,也就是MLB最堅強的鐵牛陣。而且 他們可是遙遙領先呢!當然現在才五月中,講這些還言之過早。但提供一個有意思的個案, 當我們回顧歷史,從1974年之後,只有一支球隊的牛棚能從最後一名變成第一名,那就是 2008年的光芒隊(!!) 還記得那隻最後打進世界大賽的光芒隊嗎?這樣本數對洛磯來說不太 夠,但卻又讓人非常期待呢! 譯注:WPA大聯盟排名 查不到是否為純RP數據?待更正 http://i.imgur.com/FvhYPIN.png
: The Rockies bullpen always looked intriguing. It was going to hinge on getting : healthy versions of Greg Holland, Jake McGee, and Adam Ottavino. So far, so : good, mostly. And the front office also threw Mike Dunn into the mix. Those : four relievers are the four relievers on the team who've entered with average : leverage indices of 1 or higher. I decided to do a league-wide browse, looking : at how all the teams have performed when narrowing down to only the relievers : meeting the same criteria. These are the relievers teams have trusted the most : We know the Rockies rank first in WPA to date. Just looking at the : higher-leverage guys, the Rockies relievers are 4th in ERA- and 4th in FIP-. : They’re also just 12th in xFIP-, so a few homers could make things worse, but : you can't assume homers until they happen. The group looks pretty good, and : it's already been great. 洛磯牛棚看起來豪猛啊!關鍵在於他們拿到的是健康版的Greg Holland, Jake McGee跟 Adam Ottavino (譯注:三個RP過去都蠻痛的Orz) 目前他們都能健康出賽,大致上來說啦! 除了這三個猛牛之外,Rockies FO還簽下了強力左牛Mike Dunn。這四位後援投手就是關鍵 時刻會上場的RP囉!為了看看這個組合到底算不算強,我決定把調查範圍限縮到只在平均 LI>1的狀況下會上場的後援投手上。這些就是球隊最信賴的牛棚戰力了。我們前面提到, 洛磯在WPA這項數據名列第一,如果只看關鍵時刻的牛棚戰力,他們分別在ERA-跟FIP-排在 第四名, xFIP-卻只排在第12。所以這樣看來,如果洛磯牛棚多被尻幾發HR,他們的數據 就不會這麼漂亮(代表FIP-與xFIP-趨勢相同),不過,總不能假設投手會被打全壘打吧! 總之,這些牛棚看起來很棒,他們現在已經很傑出了。 關於xFIP- FIP- 同樣可參考這篇Xavier大的文章: http://peavy.pixnet.net/blog/post/43034428 : Performance through five weeks has only a limited relationship to performance : the rest of the way. Nothing for the Rockies is going to come easy, and : they're going to need to hit a little more than they have. They're probably : going to allow more home runs, and the bullpen is going to mix in the : occasional clunker. But you can see why things are looking up. The relievers : have delivered on their preseason promise. And despite the adversity with the : state of the starting rotation, the pitchers the Rockies have had have churned : out a bunch of grounders, and the defense has been good about handling them. : This is a Rockies team you have to take more seriously than others from the : past few seasons. They might not be all the way there yet. There's plenty of : room for improvement. But considering the storm they've had to weather, things : couldn’t have gone much better than they have. 五週的好表現跟整季好表現關係不大。對洛磯隊來說,沒有什麼事情是容易做到的,他們 的打者必須打地更好一些。投手很有可能在主場被多打一些全壘打,牛棚也勢必會砸個 幾場。但看完我們這篇文章,你應該能明白現在他們強在哪裡了。牛棚達成季前的期待。 雖然先發輪值總要在逆境中求生,他們卻總能製造出想要的滾地球,守備也能順利處理。 跟前幾年相比,這會是一隻你必須認真看待的Rockies。他們可能還離目標很遠,很有很多 缺點待改進。但想想他們這一路上遭遇到的不順遂,我相信他們現在已經做的夠棒了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1494945279.A.A4B.html ※ 編輯: ygjhsu (, 05/16/2017 22:36:27
earnformoney: 推 今天是外電之夜嗎? 05/16 22:36
wl01517915: 未看先推個 05/16 22:36
s90523: 讚讚讚大家都來翻外電 感謝翻譯 05/16 22:40
cuteboy814: 國西已經被道奇巨人壟斷很久了希望落磯能保持下去~ 05/16 22:41
cuteboy814: 牛棚這季挺猛的 05/16 22:41
※ 編輯: ygjhsu (, 05/16/2017 22:45:51
ericf129: 推 05/16 22:42
batmask: 巨人目前看起來是垮了 道奇跟洋基一樣 實在看的非常膩了 05/16 22:43
jardon: 他們喜歡滾滾人應該也不是新聞 05/16 22:43
frime7810: 洛磯開季很猛,卻沒人討論,真是怪。 05/16 22:43
jardon: 國西 沒有新聞很正常 05/16 22:45
cuteboy814: 國西最慘的大概就教士吧不知道等到哪年才有翻身的機會 05/16 22:46
cuteboy814: 。落磯至少有 Rocktober ,WS 可以說嘴 05/16 22:46
sin17: Senzatela Freeland Marquez3隻新秀能撐起輪值也滿關鍵的 05/16 22:47
lightring: 推,好久沒有開球衣團了 05/16 23:00
senrewd: 推推推 05/16 23:25
andy880036s: 好文推 05/16 23:26
saiulbb: Senzatela現在是勝投王! Freeland ERA也很漂亮 05/16 23:32
Arsenalhenry: 推 DJ快點燙起來 05/16 23:41
fountainNess: 純推很滾的自由地,上次完全壓制我蛇QQ 05/16 23:51
ringohejia: 推外電之夜!!! 05/16 23:55
andy880036s: COL要對上我城了 希望來場激烈的系列戰R 05/17 00:07
blacksom: 懷念07年洛磯 05/17 00:16
LucasDuda: FB自己組的梅子輪值垮掉,改抓上面說的三隻lol 05/17 00:23
nuggets0916: 先發去年就有進步了 3A還有幾隻潛力投手加上打線威武 05/17 00:40
hsiang0619: 推翻譯 05/17 01:03
powerman100: 推。 05/17 01:22
edhuang: 外電之夜XD. 翻譯辛苦了 05/17 01:59
MazdaRx7: 好詳細。讚 05/17 02:23
SweetDolphin: \洛磯今年拿冠軍/ 05/17 02:33
burdette: 今年洛磯球場好像不再那麼偏向打擊型球場 是有改了甚麼? 05/17 03:54
WeiTehChen: 庫爾斯去年有加高中右外野牆的高度 可能有影響 05/17 06:09
youngpaper: 不看好能撐到9月 05/17 12:45
hok: 推 05/17 13:40
wahahaflower: 這輪值還真的蠻可怕的 05/17 15:52
melmel1114: 推 05/17 19:52
ygjhsu:轉錄至看板 Rockies 05/17 23:22
AHEAD099: 因為他們的勝場比其他四支球隊多 05/18 00:03
EE1: 推!!今天小聯盟AA又一個年輕投手Sam Howard 完封勝.. 05/18 07:02
EE1: 農場可以頂上來的投手源源不絕 05/18 07:02
webb1: 推... 05/18 10:33
kittles: 但不知道他們有沒有發現其實落磯客場戰績比主場好太多 05/18 20:33