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Mets Finalizing Deal With Mickey Callaway The Mets have offered their managerial job to Indians pitching coach Mickey Callaway, according to Joel Sherman of the New York Post. The two sides are finalizing Callaway’s contract, Sherman adds (Twitter link). The 42-year-old Callaway emerged as the top candidate for the job earlier Sunday, beating out Mets hitting coach Kevin Long, Mariners third base coach Manny Acta and White Sox third base coach Joe McEwing for the position. Callaway “stood out” from the rest during his interviews with Mets brass, Sherman tweets. The club’s hope is that Long will stay on as part of Callaway ’s staff, per Sherman (on Twitter). Callaway, who also drew interest from the manager-needy Phillies, developed an excellent reputation during his five-year run as the Indians’ pitching coach. In what will go down as Callaway’s final season on manager Terry Francona’s staff, the Indians boasted one of the most successful pitching staffs of all-time. As was the case in Cleveland, Callaway will have an opportunity to work with a slew of gifted pitchers in New York. Despite the immense talent on hand, though, the majority of Mets hurlers dealt with injuries and posted poor performances in 2017 during a 70-92 season that led to manager Terry Collins’ ouster. Aside from Jacob deGrom, none of the Mets’ top starters stayed healthy. Noah Syndergaard missed most of the season, while Matt Harvey, Steven Matz and Zack Wheeler mostly turned in ineffective showings when they were healthy enough to take the mound. Meanwhile, fellow starters Robert Gsellman, Seth Lugo and Rafael Montero failed to distinguish themselves as rotation locks for 2018. https://goo.gl/pKPcnr 現任笑臉人投教 前統一獅洋投米奇在面試中擊敗了Manny Acta,Joe McEwing和Kevin Long 將擔任大都會明年球季的新總教練一職 米奇在今年擔任笑臉人的投手教練一職時 把團隊投手戰力帶上高峰 今年的成功經驗是否能複製到梅子天分滿點卻總是痛痛的投手陣容將是他明年的一大課題 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1508696073.A.F29.html
LucasDuda: 考上志願了!這不是認識的梅子~ 10/23 02:17
LoveWin7: 梅子不考慮向釀酒人挖角醫療團隊嗎? 10/23 02:18
ZaneTrout: 順便當我喵總仔可以嗎 10/23 02:23
qwert860921: 米奇!!!!! 10/23 02:35
mygoing: 米奇也會解蠱? 10/23 02:48
kuyung: 所以基迷不用幻想吉拉蒂滾蛋會馬上被大都會網羅了~~~ 10/23 03:03
wahaha5678: 喔喔喔喔喔喔! 10/23 03:11
cpujerry: 身為基迷我還是希望吉拉迪滾蛋 10/23 03:34
kuaiphoto: 是旅台洋助人第一個回國當總仔的嗎 10/23 05:26
madboy: 旅台就是神w 10/23 06:13
hayato01: Giradi 是犯了一些錯,但是沒很差 10/23 07:38
mightymouse: 吉拉迪不可能滾蛋,撐到ALCS第七戰都快被封神了 10/23 08:09
ualileigod: 不考慮台灣驅邪作法團隊嗎 10/23 08:55
benrun: 紅襪也確定要用Alex Cora當總仔了 10/23 09:00
kuyung: 封神勒 那真奪冠要不要給他總統自由勳章 10/23 09:25
kuyung: underdog奪冠又不是很稀有的事情 10/23 09:25
kuyung: 還有 是Gira"r"di 10/23 09:28
hayato01: 樓上水準不管在哪都一樣的低落,看來不是反串^^ 10/23 09:55
saiulbb: 恭喜大都會 希望這樣能好好幫助投手傷痛問題~ 10/23 10:18
Opeth: Giradi要是被火一堆球隊搶著要 10/23 11:07
Aaronko: 看能不能把今年爆的徹底的投手群救起來 10/23 12:07
JessicaA1ba: 旅台就是神 10/23 12:23
terminator3: 雞迷真是不意外 講不過人就開始人身攻擊 笑死 10/23 12:52
appshjkli: 樓上掰 10/23 12:56
terminator3: 桶就桶啊 呵呵 某迷這些個案真的多 10/23 13:05
eon4: 愛不愛吉總是你的事,但是別隊GM眼睛可沒瞎。 10/23 13:25
Mooooose: 這篇看下來還真是基黑的套路 10/23 14:33
Mooooose: 1.基黑先攻擊別隊總仔 2.基迷反駁 3.基黑二號出來叫囂 10/23 14:34
Mooooose: 攻擊性字眼辱罵,然後說基迷不意外 基迷很囂張 10/23 14:34
Mooooose: 看了幾個月都這套 10/23 14:35
Mooooose: 開口罵別人總仔滾蛋,球迷不會生氣? 除非是8BV這種等級 10/23 14:38
Mooooose: 還有老是愛用刻板印象攻擊特定球員 基迷一反應又說對方 10/23 14:39
Mooooose: 囂張 是哪邊囂張我真的看得滿頭問號 10/23 14:39
appshjkli: A一下就知道是哪隊球迷惹 10/23 15:07
terminator3: 要吉滾蛋 被雞迷說水準低落就是合理的?雞迷所在的世 10/23 15:25
terminator3: 界真的很特別呢~ 10/23 15:26
terminator3: 講個吉拉迪快下課 就被噴 10/23 15:29
terminator3: 要是那天推 法官怎麼又有三振了 雞迷不知道怎麼問侯 10/23 15:29
terminator3: 人囉 10/23 15:29
Mooooose: 你先講出為什麼要他滾蛋的道理 別一句我爽 很爛之類的 10/23 16:12
Mooooose: 空話 10/23 16:12
Mooooose: Judge本來三振就不少 但是他打得好的時候 有得到你們的 10/23 16:14
Mooooose: 掌聲? 沒有 因為都是賽到的 順風球 10/23 16:15
Mooooose: 無限放大球員的缺點,無限輕視他們的光芒 然後要球迷都 10/23 16:17
Mooooose: 裝聾作啞 有可能嗎? 10/23 16:17
Mooooose: 然後說到一開始 某K推文就充滿攻擊性 10/23 16:27
Thanatus: A一下自稱基迷的那位其實更好笑 10/23 16:34
Mooooose: 之前有講過 Giradi當然有很多令人非議的調度 10/23 16:36
Mooooose: 過度迷信布陣 左右病超重 疑人不用 好用狂操 10/23 16:37
usausausa: 吉拉迪ALDS那個不挑戰 讓NYY差點放假 神在哪??? 10/23 16:38
Mooooose: 但他離爛教練 也就是8BV那種還差得遠 10/23 16:38
Mooooose: 要是那時候洋基因而被笑臉橫掃 那的確有可能領到下課單 10/23 16:39
Mooooose: 那是個很嚴重的缺失 10/23 16:40
mightymouse: 神在他耍完白癡後能逆轉戰局啊,當然他暫多少功勞很難 10/23 16:40
mightymouse: 說,不過現在幾乎沒有媒體說要吵他魷魚了,可以讓風向 10/23 16:41
Mooooose: 那是球員的功勞喇 有功是球員 有過是教練 你瞭嗎? 哈 10/23 16:41
usausausa: 除非你說他是有種"刻意製造"老子有難了 年輕人行行好 10/23 16:42
mightymouse: 兩個禮拜大逆轉還不夠神啊 10/23 16:42
usausausa: 挺一下快失業的總仔 10/23 16:42
mightymouse: 我沒說功勞在他 10/23 16:42
Mooooose: 我覺得有點離題了 這篇文章是Mickey上任 還是少談點 10/23 16:43
Mooooose: Giradi吧 先恭喜他,旅台就是神 10/23 16:43
mightymouse: 其實他從頭到尾沒變,只是操縱風向而已 10/23 16:44
duo131: 8bv我一直覺得他就是紐約這邊派去臥底的xd 10/23 17:33
hikaruton: 米奇!!! 10/23 19:40
LoveWin7: 紅襪會感激大情人吧? 他走之後紅襪就奪冠了 10/23 23:52
kuyung: 可以麻煩一下貴隊的總A名字打對後再來談水準嗎 10/24 03:53
Mooooose: 先謝指正 不過我認為開口就叫別隊總仔滾蛋也不用談水準 10/24 12:07