看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前情提要: 這是一篇 Edinson Volquez寫來緬懷他在皇家隊時期的隊友Yordano Ventura的抒情文。 他們都是多明尼加人,也曾一起為皇家隊效力,是感情深厚的好夥伴。 Yordano Ventura於今年一月二十二日因車禍過世,得年25歲。他的好友 Edinson Volquez在今年Yordano冥誕那天投出了一場無安打 比賽。 以下為原文和我的翻譯,有錯煩請指正。文長慎入。 =================================================================================================================== A lot of people over this summer — they ask me what Yordano would say, if he still alive, after I throw my no-hitter on his birthday in June. And I think, because its this sad story, you know, I think maybe they expecting that I tell them something very sad. Like they think Yordano would have called me up, and he give me one of these big emotional quotes from the heart. But those people — they didnt know Yordano. 今年六月時,我在Yordano的冥誕那天投了場無安打比賽。許多人來問我,如果Yordano還在世,他會對我說什麼? 因為這是個悲傷 的事情,我認為,他們也許期待我回答一些感性的話。他們覺得Yordano能讓我回想起一些往事,尤其是他對我說過的肺腑之言。 但,那些人們並不真正了解Yordano。 Heres what he would have texted me later that night: Its about time! 在那場無安打比賽後的夜晚,他也許會傳訊息給我:「是時候了!」 That was the Yordano I knew, the guy I loved. He was like a little brother — to me, but also I think just in general. He was just kind of this little brother, to everyone, that was his personality, that was his way. He was always the funniest one, and the most full-of-life one, and of course he was the most talented one. 這是我所認識的Yordano,我喜歡這傢伙,他就像是我的弟弟,每個人都像是他的哥哥,這就是他的個人特色。他始終是最有趣的, 也是最活潑的,更是最有才華的人。 And that was his favorite words to say to me, I think, because its like … About time! Its this little brother thing. Every time I do something good, hell go, About time! Man, its about time you did it! Even after we win the World Series, the biggest accomplishment, hell be like, Edinson, man, you old. You an old guy. Youre supposed to do this — you know that, right? Youre supposed to do that. It was just really funny. It would make you … its like, you know, youre almost crying when he does this, because youre laughing so much. And that was Yordano: always there to give me this hard time — but only as his way to show he cared. 他最喜歡對我說的話是:「時候到了!」 每當我做了了不起的事,他總是說:「時候到了!是時候你該做些什麼了!」 即使在我們拿下 世界大賽冠軍-最大的榮耀之後,他仍說:「Edinson,老兄,你本來就該拿到冠軍的,你知道吧?」 這些話相當有趣,會讓你笑到流淚。 這就是Yordano,他總是用自己獨特的方式讓我知道他關心我。 So Im pretty sure, after the no-hitter, he would say that. He'd go, It's about time! Edinson — you're 33! Come on, Old Man. About time you get a no-no. What were you waiting for? 因此我堅信,在那場無安打比賽後,他會說:「是時候了! Edinson,你都33歲了! 是時候你投出一場無安打比賽了! 你還在等什麼?」 And we'd both just sit there and laugh about it. We'd laugh until forever, man. And that was sort of our secret language, you know. Yordano would do his thing, but it would only be to show me he cared. Its about time, Old Man! — that would mean, like, Im proud of you. 於是我們共同歡笑,直到永遠。這是屬於我們之間的語言。Yordano總是讓我知道他關心著我。「老兄,時候到了」這句話像是在 告訴我「我為你感到驕傲」。 Im proud of you, Big Brother. 老兄,我為你感到驕傲。 =================================================================================================================== When I woke up that morning, it was these mixed emotions. It was very tough. I just kept thinking, you know — June 3rd, 2017. That would have been only Yordanos 26th birthday. He was so young. So I knew that he was going to be on my mind for this whole day. And its hard, because, every time you think of your memories with a person whos gone — its almost like youre missing them all over again. 那天早上我起床時,心中百感交集。這非常痛苦,我腦中一直盤旋著—2017年6月3號。那天本該是Yordano的26歲生日。他是如此的 年輕。我知道我會整天思念著他。這是很痛苦的事,因為每當你想起某個逝世的人,就彷彿你再次失去他一樣。 I found one of the pictures I have of me and Yordano together, and put it up on my Instagram. And I thought maybe, O.K., this is how I will honor him. This picture will be the thing. I will put this up … and then that will be that, right? 我翻出我和Yordano的一張合照,並把它放到我的IG上。也許這是我紀念他的方式。這是張意義重大的照片。我把照片上傳,於是一切 就就緒了,是吧? But thats typical Yordano: You underestimate him at your own risk. He was so young when he died, but in his own way, man, he was still a giant. And now, thinking back, its like — Of course an Instagram post wouldnt be enough to honor Yordano. Of course. Of course he was going to be on everyones minds that day, more than just this. 但Yordano是個特別的人,你小看他了。他逝世的時候是如此的年輕,但他仍然是個偉大的男人。這麼說來,一則IG的貼文絕並不足以 緬懷Yordano。在這一天他理應當存於每個人的心中,絕不僅僅如此。 On my way to the ballpark that morning, I got on the phone with a friend of mine from back in the Dominican. You gonna throw a no-hitter today, he told me. For Yordano. 比賽當天的早晨,在我前往球場的路上,我接到我在多明尼加的朋友的電話。 「你今天應該投一場無安打比賽」,他告訴我, 「為了Yordano」。 O.K., bro, I said, laughing. Its like, what do you even say to that? I didnt think much of it. 「好的,兄弟」我笑著說。你還能回答什麼呢?我並沒有放在心上。 But then when I got to the ballpark — Im talking, like, right when I got there — I ran into my pitching coach. And the first thing he said to me was, he goes, How are you feeling? Im thinking a no-hitter today. 當我抵達球場,我碰巧遇見我的投手教練。而他對我說的第一句話是,「你現在覺得如何?我想今天會是場無安打比賽。」 Its crazy, right? Two people that morning told me that I was going to throw a no-hitter. 這很瘋狂,對吧?那天早上有兩個人告訴我,我將會投出無安打比賽。 But again, man — thats just the effect Yordano would have on people: He bringin a little crazy. A lot of confidence. And a constant source of just, this … feeling. This feeling that greatness was right around the corner. 但這只是Yordano給人們帶來的影響:一點瘋狂的想法。許多巧合。我有種預感,歷史性的一刻即將來臨。 ================================================================================================================== I signed with Kansas City after the 2014 World Series, a tough one, when they lose to the Giants in seven games. Yordano, it was his rookie year, but he pitch really well in that Series. And they wanted to bring in a veteran, I guess, someone to help mentor him and help him take those next steps, get to that next level. Someone who spoke his language and spoke his language, you know what Im saying? It wasnt even a low-key thing: They had Yordano come to my press conference, when I signed my contract. They put my locker next to his. They were basically like, Yordano, this is the guy whos going to be with you for the next three years, so get used to it. 皇家隊在2014年的世界大賽輸給巨人隊之後與我簽約。Yordano當年是個菜鳥,但他在那個系列賽中投得相當出色。我猜想皇家隊挖腳 我這位經驗豐富的老將,是為了要教導Yordano,幫助他的球技提升到另一個層次。因為我是一位能和他用同一種語言溝通的老將。 球隊的人員把Yordano帶來我和皇家隊的簽約記者會,把我們的置物櫃安排在一起。他們像是在告訴Yordano:「這位就是未來會和你 相處三年的傢伙」 And of course Yordano dont waste no time — hes starting in on me right on that day. Hes like, Oh, man, three years? You old for a three-year contract, that sort of thing. Its funny, man. Ill laugh even now, just thinking about it. Yordano也沒有浪費任何時間,在我們相處的第一天他就對我說:「老兄,三年嗎? 你這麼老了還簽三年的合約!」他說的話真的很有趣, 如今回想起來我還是很想笑。 I think I was a good match for Yordano, because I knew that his jokes … thats just his way. I give up a home run, and what is it? Its Yordano, in my ear, hes like, Edinson, man, wow — you see how far that ball go? I lost track, its so far. Did you see? Just stuff that no one else would get away with. I could take it — I know how to laugh at that stuff . And Yordano, he loved to give it … but he couldnt take it, man. Not even a little. Haha. I say that out of love. Thats my guy. But youd tease him back, he gets very mad. Just for a minute or two, and then he snaps out of it and is back to Yordano. But he dont like it. We had — its a good chemistry, you know what I mean? He is the young-guy joker, maybe he is secretly a little sensitive, you know. And Im the veteran, just grinning about all of this next to him, with the thick skin. V鏊quez and Ventura. Its like, that was our routine. 我想我和Yordano很合得來,因為我知道他說的笑話有著他的個人特色。當我被擊出一發全壘打時,我耳邊彷彿聽到Yordano對我說: 「哇賽,老兄,你有看到那顆球飛了多遠嗎?他飛出我的視線範圍了!你看到了嗎?」這句話沒有人可以招架,但我可以,我知道這時候 只要用微笑帶過就行了。Yordano喜歡揶揄別人,但不喜歡別人揶揄他。如果你挑逗他,他會很生氣。但幾分鐘之後,他又會變回原本 的那個Yordano。我們有很好的默契,他是個幽默的少年,但也許有點敏感。而我是個老手,總是笑著回應他每句風趣的話語。這就像 是我們每天的例行公事。 O.K., heres a story, its classic Yordano: One day he buy a real nice car. A real nice Lexus, fully loaded, I'll say its about $100,000. And Yordano is so in love with this car, its almost funny. Hes telling me all about it, bragging about how its got this, its got that. You know, young kids and their cars, man. Then a couple of days later, we back at the stadium, arriving in the parking lot, and Yordano pulls up in his new ride, just as Im pulling up. And I figure he's going to give me some more of that new-car swag — you know, show me all of the flashy things his cars got. But instead he just looks at me. And man … its like hes mad. 接著我要說個足以代表Yordano個人特色的故事。有一天他買了一台裝備齊全的Lexus,市價大約十萬美金。他非常喜歡這輛新車, 開口閉口都在炫耀關於這輛車的大小事。你懂的,當小孩子買了新車會有多興奮。幾天後我們回到球場的停車場,我和Yordano把車 停在一起。我感覺他好像要給我看點什麼裝飾品—所有配備在他新車上的裝飾。但他只是盯著我看,彷彿在生氣一般。 I go, Whats up, Yordano? 我說:「怎麼了,Yordano?」 And hes still got this look. Like hes going to accuse me of something. Like I did a crime. 他的表情不變,好像是在控訴我做了什麼壞事。 He says, Whats … THAT? Hes heated. 他激動地說:「那…是什麼?」 Whats what, bro? I ask him. 「老兄,你在說什麼?」我問 That. And he points at my car. 他指向我的車並說道:「那個」。 Right, I left one thing out of the story. A couple of days before Yordano got his car, Id gotten a car of my own — this brand new Escalade, real nice. Real nice. 對了,我忘了說一件事。在Yordano買新車的幾天前,我買了一台車,Escalade的新車。它非常棒。 And so Im like, New car, bro. Just drove it up from Miami. What do you think? 於是我回答道:「老兄,這是我的新車。我剛從邁阿密開上來,你覺得如何?」 But hes just stewing. Got nothing to say. Its like maybe I showed him up or something. Not even trying to, just a coincidence, but you know. Boy is stewing. 他看起來有點不安,沒說任何話。也許是因為我使他難堪,但我並不是故意的,這只是個巧合,你懂的。這位男孩感到不安。 So thats that — until the next day, when were at the ballpark and were finishing up our stuff, and Yordano comes over to me. And hes like, Hey, bro, I got a surprise for you. 到了隔天,當我們都在球場並已完成各自的工作時,Yordano走了過來。他對我說:「嘿!老兄!我要給你個驚喜。」 And I say to to him, Umm, whatchu got? 我說:「你買了什麼?」 Its in the parking lot. Come with me. Ill show you. 「在停車場。跟我走,我讓你瞧瞧。」 O.K., bro. And then we walk to the parking lot, and I see my Escalade…. 「好啊。」於是我們走進停車場,我看到我的Escalade…… And another Escalade, exactly the same — same color, same model and make and everything, right beside it. I cant decide if Im laughing or rolling my eyes or what. But Yordano, man … youve never seen someone smile like this. 和另一輛一模一樣的Escalade,一樣的顏色、一樣的款式,就停在我的車子旁邊。我不知道該笑還是揉眼睛。這時Yordano露出我從 沒見過的笑容。 He's like, What do you think, bro??? What you think??? 他說:「老兄,你覺得如何?如何呀?」 Im like, Yordano, you just spent $200,000 on two cars in two days. You — man, you actually crazy. And you got my same exact car. You know what, you a funny, crazy, stupid kid. 我回答道:「Yordano,你在兩天內花了二十萬買了兩台車。老兄,你一定是瘋了。而且還買了和我一樣的車。你真是個有趣、瘋狂、 愚蠢的孩子。」 But he just couldnt stop smiling. He was so happy to have the newest car again — and to be the same as me, I think. He just wanted to do everything I do. Thats that little brother thing, you know what Im saying? 他止不住他的笑容。我想,他很高興再度擁有一台新車,和我一樣的車。他只是想做我做過的每件事。這就是我的小兄弟的作風, 你懂吧? I remember leaving the park that day, just shaking my head, over and over, like — You crazy, Yordano. You crazy. This crazy, petty, funny, crazy, stupid, genius, talented, crazy, big-hearted kid. 我記得我那天離開球場時,反覆的搖著頭,嘴裡念念有詞:「Yordano,你瘋了。你是個瘋狂的、下級的、有趣的、愚蠢的、天才的、 有才華的、善良的孩子」 You couldnt help it but love him. 你不得不喜歡他。 =================================================================================================================== The first hitter I faced that game was almost my last. 那場比賽我面對的第一位打者差點就成了最後一個。 Its pretty wild to think about now, but its true. First batter, he hits a grounder to the first base side, and so I go over to cover the bag. But we hit each other as Im making the play — and when we make contact, my ankle twists up a little bit. At first Im like, Oh, no, do I gotta come out of this game now? But the ankle holds up for the inning, and I get two more outs. 現在回想起來相當荒唐,但這是真的。第一位打者擊出了一壘側的滾地球,於是我衝過去補位。但在這時候我和跑者撞在一起, 我讓他出局的同時,我的腳踝有點扭傷了。一開始我想:「喔不!我現在就要退場休息了嗎?」但我的腳踝撐過了那個半局,我多抓了 兩個出局數。 Still, though, Im thinking theres a good chance that thats it for me, once they gonna take a look at me in the dugout. I really thought I might be done pitching after that first inning. So when one of the trainers comes up to me when Im back in the dugout, and hes like, Edinson, let me take a look real quick…. — you know when youre trying not to make eye contact with the teacher, if you dont have the homework done? 然而,只要防護員在休息區關心我一下,我就很有可能被換下場。我當時真的以為我不能再繼續投下一局。所以當其中一位防護員 走向我並說道:「Edinson,讓我快速的幫你做個檢查。」--你知道當你沒寫完作業時,會盡量避免和老師之間的眼神接觸。 Its like that. When were pitching, were supposed to sit down a little bit and rest after we get three outs. But its like, I dont want to come out of this game, man — and Im worried that if I sit down, and dont keep moving around, then my ankle might get a little cold. And then its going to be hard for me to get up and warm to pitch the next inning. So I do my best to kind of shrug off the trainer … and thats what I end up doing between each of those first few innings in the dugout. Im almost playing this game of cat and mouse, trying to keep myself up and moving and warm, and not get examined or nothing. 是這樣子的,我們在投球時,拿下三個出局數時會坐下來休息一會兒。但是我不想要現在就退場,我擔心如果我沒有持續走來走去, 我的腳踝會冷掉,下個半局的暖身就會更困難。於是我前幾局在休息區都盡力不理會防護員。就像是在玩貓捉老鼠的遊戲,讓自己 不停走動,不被防護員檢查傷勢。 And it works — they let me go for a few more innings, and Im pitching alright. But then about the end of the fourth inning, theyre like, Edinson, I think thats it for you, lets rest this ankle. And I told them, Nah, man, lets just tape it up. Lets tape it. Its already starting to feel better. Tape it up real good, and I be ready to go back out. And I dont mean it like Im being a tough guy — maybe another game, Id let them take a look. But Im not getting pulled like that, for an ankle, on Yordanos day, you know what Im saying? And the funniest thing is, we all so focused on my ankle, those first few innings … no ones even noticing whats going on. 奏效了。教練讓我多投了幾局,而我表現不錯。但在第四局結束時,他們對我說:「Edinson,我覺得你差不多可以退場了,我們來 放鬆你的腳踝吧。」我說:「不,先生,我們用膠布纏起來就好了。我覺得我狀況很好。用膠布纏起來我就可以繼續投球了。」我並 不是個固執的傢伙,如果是在其他場比賽,我會讓他們檢查我的傷勢。你懂嗎?這是屬於Yordano的一天。有趣的是,在前幾局我們 都專注在我的腳踝,而沒發現什麼事正在發生。 Still no hits. 無安打。 ================================================================================================================= People think that when you come from nothing, come from nowhere in a poor country, and then suddenly you getting paid millions of dollars to play baseball in the States — they thinking, Hey man, that sounds really nice. Really easy. Ill take it. But it aint easy. Its hard, in a lot of ways, is the truth about it. You come from the DR, and you been poor your whole life, and now its $5 million in your bank account? Well, of course, thats a blessing. But also that can do things to you. You think you might have more friends now, with your money — but the truth is, you lose friends. Its hard to know who to trust. And its these bad people, man … they love to hang around with young athletes, who grew up poor and are new to their money, and take advantage of them. 一般人認為,當你原本是個來自貧窮國家的無名小卒,突然間你被支付好幾百萬元的薪水在美國打棒球,是一件非常棒的事。這不 容易,從各個層面來看都非常辛苦。你來自多明尼加,一貧如洗,突然你的帳戶裡擁有了五百萬美金?這肯定是上帝的賜福。但這也 可能對你帶來其他影響,你覺得你擁有很多錢,會得到更多朋友,但事實上你失去了朋友,你不知道該信任誰。有些壞人喜歡圍繞在 突然致富的年輕運動員身邊,從他們身上獲取利益。 And its tough, because as a baseball player, youre already living these two lives: on the field, and off the field. But then as a young Dominican player, you also have even another two lives to worry about: You have your life in the States, and then your life back home. And Im telling you, man, its just hard for these kids. You back in the DR, now, in the offseason, with all this fame — and now there arent all these rules, like in the States, and you got no team obligations, and you the only one with money … it can mess you up, you know what Im saying? No matter how good of a person you are. And Yordano, man, hes one of the best people youll ever meet. But hes human, man. He was human. 身為一位棒球員,你有兩種生活—球場上和球場下。但身為一位年輕的多明尼加球員,有另外兩種生活要煩惱—在美國的生活和在 家鄉的生活。讓我告訴你,這對於那些孩子來說是很困難的。無論你是個多好的人,當你在球季結束後帶著名聲回到家鄉,那裡不像 美國有種種的紀律和規定,你又是唯一一位擁有大筆財富的人,這會使你陷入困境,你懂吧? 而Yordano是你一生中遇過最棒的人 之一,但他終究是凡人。他是個凡人。 And so I knew that its my job to mentor him. 我知道我的工作是要教導他。 I would show him tough love when I had to. Im a pretty … I think the phrase is, a straight-edge guy? Ive got a family, I have a daughter, I have a wife — and so I dont hang out a lot outside on the streets, or going to the club. Its just not for me, not for my lifestyle. And I think thats why the team choose me, maybe, for this job, with Yordano. Because he loved that stuff, and sometimes its not all good. And also sometimes its good, yes: Young guy, he should hang out with friends, do his thing. But in the right way, and at the right time — not over and over again, same thing this night as the night before, and the night before that. And so maybe I would get mad at him sometimes for this. Id say, Little bro, little bro — I want you to have as much fun as possible outside of baseball. But you have to know what to keep outside of baseball. 當我需要時我會嚴肅的教育他。我是個直刃族(註一),我有我的家庭,一個女兒,一個妻子,因此我不會太常在街頭閒晃,或是去 俱樂部。這單純不是我的生活方式。我想這可能是皇家隊選擇我來陪伴Yordano的原因。因為他喜歡那種生活方式,但那並不太妥當。 但有時又好像可以被接受—一個年輕男子應該和朋友處在一塊,做他的事。但那應該是在正確的時間,用正確的方式,而不是每天 晚上都重複做著相同的事。有時候我會因此生他的氣。我會說:「老弟,我希望你能在棒球以外的事玩得盡興,但你應該要知道哪些 事是不該做的」 We would have talks, sometimes. About this and that. Hed be making some friends where its like, Yordano, why you hanging out with these friends? They no good for you. Hed be renting this big house, these big bedrooms and all of that, where its like, Yordano, why you rent this house? Why you need all these big rooms, just one guy? And like I said, hed buy all these cars, too many, man, where its like, Yordano, why you got too many cars? You cant even drive them all at the same time. 我們偶爾會聊些有的沒的。當他交了一些朋友時我會說:「Yordano,你為什麼要和那些人閒晃?他們對你沒有好處。」當他租下一間 大房子,裡頭有一些寬敞的房間時,我會說:「Yordano,你為什麼要租這間房子? 你自己一個人為什麼需要這麼多房間?」當他買下 好幾輛車時,我會說:「Yordano,你為何要買這麼多輛車? 你又不能同時開著每一輛。」 Its tough, though, when you mentoring someone at that age. Because Yordano, if you think about it, thats my teammate. We work together. Hes a grown man. But then you think about it some more, and yeah, hes grown, but hes in this brand-new situation, with this new money and new people and new expectations and new things. And I think — especially looking back — you just kind of realize … you know, wow. 要教導一位如此年輕的人是件困難的事。Yordano是我的隊友,我們一起打球。他是個大人了。但你再想想看,雖然他是個大人了, 在這個全新的環境,他擁有許多錢,新的朋友,新的願望和新事物。現在回想起來我們就更能理解……你懂得。 He was just a kid, man. 他只是個孩子。 =================================================================================================================== One more inning, thats what I kept saying to them. 「再一局」我一直對著教練和防護員說。 Pitch it good, get three outs, and then — after every inning — go back to the dugout, and right back into making my case to the trainers. One more inning, guys, thats it, Im telling them. Im like a pitcher on the mound, and then Im a lawyer in the dugout. Its funny. 好好的投球,拿下三個出局數,在每局結束後回到休息區,繼續應付防護員。「再一局就好。」我說道。我在投手丘上時是個投手, 在休息區時就變成律師,這很有趣。 And I gotta say this: Its like I had some help out there that day. I dont know if you believe in that stuff or not, but for me, it was like Yordano … I dont know, but I think my little bro might have been out there helping. Im serious. All of these bad pitches I was throwing … bad pitches, not like me, missing my spots, right in the dirt. And these guys, I swear — they were swinging and missing at every one of them. And its like — Im on the mound, and its going through my head, right as I pitch, you know, Oh, thats a bad pitch, bro. Bro, what are you doing? How do you swing at that? But these guys … they just kept swinging. And dont get me wrong, Ill take it. Ill take it all day. But baseball aint like that, man. This was like — it was like my lucky game. 比賽當天我好像得到一些幫忙,我不知道你相不相信這種事情,但我覺得是Yordano在……我不確定,但我感覺他好像在天上幫了我 一點忙。那天我丟了許多糟糕的球,失了準星,通過本壘板前就提前墜到地上。而那些打者們卻都去追打我投出的每一顆失投球, 且都揮棒落空。當時我站在投手丘上,心裡想著:「喔!那真是糟糕的一球。老兄,你在幹嘛? 為何要去揮那球呢?」但那些打者就 只是持續揮棒落空。這是我幸運的一天。 This was something special. 這是一件特別的事。 Sixth inning, I have this beautiful inning. Three outs, all quick ones, maybe its five, six pitches. Wow, that inning — it was good for me. I was in so much pain, but that rest might have saved me. Saved my pitch count too. Seventh inning, they try to pull me again. Im like, Are you kidding? You see that last inning? That was a good one, I gotta keep going now. Eighth inning — man, after the eighth inning, let me tell you this. I just go up to the trainers, and I tell them, Its not about a no-hitter today. I dont care about a no-hitter. I dont know if Im going to throw one. I might, I might not. But I need three more outs. I need three more outs to finish this game, and I have to get them. Im going to do that. 第六局。這是漂亮的一局。我很快地取得三個出局數,只花了五、六球。對我來說這真是個很棒的一局,讓我獲得喘息的機會,同時 也省了我的用球數。第七局。他們試圖把我擊倒。我心想:「你在跟我開玩笑嗎?上一局是多麼的完美,我必須維持下去。」第八局。 在第八局結束後,我對防護員說:「我不在乎無安打比賽,我不知道我能否完成它,也許可以,也許不行,但我還需要再拿下三個 出局數。我還需要三個出局數來結束這場比賽。」 I didnt say his name, but I knew I didnt have to. They all know what Im saying, you know? Its not my day today. It's Yordanos day. 我沒有提到他的名字,我知道這不需要我說明。你懂嗎? 他們都知道我在說什麼。今天不是屬於我的日子。是屬於Yordano的。 And Im going to be there at the end of it. 我要站在投手丘上直到比賽結束。 ================================================================================================================== I found out that Yordano died on the TV. 我從電視上得知Yordano逝世的消息。 My brother and a friend both had texted me, early in the morning, You see what happened with Yordano? And I was like, Nah, I wasnt with him. Im thinking they think Yordano is with me, since he was supposed to be coming to stay at my house for some training. But that wasnt now — that was going to be in a couple of days. So I had no idea what they were talking about. As soon as they realize I dont know, they like, Ayee, turn the TV on, turn the news on, go put it on now. 我的哥哥和朋友都在清晨傳訊息給我:「你知道Yordano發生什麼事了嗎?」我回答:「他沒有在我這裡。」我想他們可能認為他在我 身邊,因為他本來應該待在我家做些訓練。但情況卻不是如此。所以我不知道他們在說什麼。當他們發現我毫無頭緒時,說道:「欸, 打開電視吧,看點新聞。」 And thats when I see. 這時我才得知消息。 It was just, like, Nah … he dead? From a car crash? Nah, he isnt. He isnt dead dead. They aint talking about Yordano, man. Nah. Thats unreal. I didnt believe it. And I got friends calling me, family calling me, other players calling me — and man, I dont even know what to say, because I just dont even believe it. Like, as they all calling me, Im trying to call him. Thats the first thing I do when I hear the news. Im just trying to call Yordano on his phone, so he can tell me that its this big mistake, or a bad joke. Or, I dont know … maybe he got into trouble, man. But he aint dead. So Im just calling him, over and over, with the news on — watching about how he die and waiting for him to pick up. 我心想:「什麼? 他死了? 車禍? 不,他並沒有。他沒有死去。他們談論的人不是Yordano。這是假的。」我不相信。接著我的朋友、 家人和其他球員都打電話給我,我不知道該說什麼,因為我還是不相信。如同他們打給我,我也嘗試打給Yordano,讓他親自來告訴 我這是個荒謬的錯誤、難笑的笑話。也許他只是遇上了一點麻煩,並沒有去世。我一邊看著新聞媒體報導他如何去世,一邊反覆的 打給他,等待他接起電話。 But he dont pick up. 但他沒接電話。 What hurts a lot, in this moment, and why I think its hard at first for me to be like, Oh yeah, its true, he dead, is because I knew how much better Yordano been doing. Maybe not in big ways where all of these people going to notice, but little ways, where I know as the big brother, O.K., little bro is figuring it out. Hes gonna be alright. And not just alright, man. Better than that even. 在這時候,最痛苦的是去接受他已經死了的事實。也許所有人都已經知道這個事實,但身為他的老兄,我知道他沒事的,他活得比 以前更好。 And thats why its so hard to believe at first. Because you hear the news, and its like, Nah man — he grew. He grew. Yordano, he growing up now. He about to be one of the best pitchers in baseball next season. Thats — its just, thats whats gonna happen. So lets talk about the next thing. Because Yordano aint dead. That dont make sense. Ive seen him trying to manage his money a little better, Ive seen him wanting to come work out with me in the off-season instead of staying up late at the clubs — seen all of that. So its like, Dont show me some TV station saying that kid is dead. Dont show me that. 一開始會很難相信這件事,因為當你聽到這則新聞,你覺得他已經長大了,他長大了。Yordano正在成長,他即將在下一個球季成為 大聯盟最強的投手之一。Yordano並沒死,這不合理。我看見他正努力的學習管理金錢,我看見他想要在球季後和我一起做訓練,而 不是在俱樂部混到很晚。所以別再讓我看到電視新聞說他已經死了。別讓我看到。 But they keep showing it, and they keep showing it. 但他們一直播報新聞,一直播報新聞。 And I know its true. 我知道這是真的。 =================================================================================================================== I gave everything I got in that last inning. 我把所有精力都奉獻在那最後一局。 First guy, its a strikeout. O.K., Ive still got my stuff, even its late in the game, and on this bum ankle. Its one out now. Maybe we do that again. 第一位打者被我三振。很好,即使已經到了比賽末段了,而且腳踝還受傷,我的手感依舊火燙。 Second guy, its another strikeout. So now we one out away. 第二位打者也被我三振。我們只差最後一個出局數了。 Owings up to bat. People want to know if I was nervous on the last out — nah man. Come on, bro. Haha. Thats for the fans, I think, to get nervous. Thats why we love the fans. They the ones who get the most nervous, actually, if you think about it. They out there on pins and needles for the last out, wanting a no-hitter. And you feed off that. And the guys behind me, I think theyre maybe getting a little nervous, too — dont want to make any bad plays, or do something stupid. But me? No, I wasnt nervous. Im just trying to focus and get this guy. Not out here trying to savor no moment or nothing. It gets to that last out, man, and you just want it over with. You just, like, give me my no-hitter. Owings站上打擊區。人們想知道我在面對這最後一位打者時是否很緊張。拜託,哈哈。緊張這種事是球迷在做的。這就是為什麼我們 喜歡球迷,他們其實是最感到緊張的人。他們因為渴望看到無安打比賽而緊張到手腳發麻。我想我的隊友或許也有點緊張,他們不想 因為糟糕的守備而搞砸這場比賽。而我呢?我並不感到緊張。我專注於解決最後一位打者,而不是等著感受這歷史性的一刻。我只是 想著要完成我的無安打比賽。 And then I got it. 於是我做到了。 Strikeout, swinging in the dirt. J.T. makes the throw to Justin. Wait — thats it. Its over. 他追打掉到泥土裡的壞球,這是一個三振。J.T把球傳給Justin。比賽—結束。一切都結束了。 What can you say? Game over, no-hitter, 30. 你能說什麼?比賽結束,沒有安打,三比零。 30, man. Yordano wore number 30. 老兄,是三比零。Yordano當年身穿30號球衣。 Its unbelievable, really. 這真的很不可思議。 Before the game, Id written a little something on the mound. Ace Ventura. You know, like in the movie. Thats what we called him. Because he was our ace, man. Thats what he was, and thats what he was going to be, and everyone knew it. That kid was going to be an ace in this league for a very long time — something special. And now he gone … and its no changing that. Not even a no-hitter on his birthday is changing that. 在這場比賽之前,我在投手丘上寫下一些字--王牌Ventura。你懂得,如同電影一般,我們這樣稱呼他。因為大家都知道他是個王牌, 他也應該成為一個王牌。他應該會在大聯盟的舞台上發光發熱很長一段時間。但他已經離開人世了,這是不變的事實。即使在他的 生日投了場無安打比賽也喚不回他。 But just because he gone, that dont mean he isnt there. 他離開人世,並不代表他不在我們身邊。 And man it was so loud after that last out. The fans, my teammates, the stadium — its like, Volquez! Volquez! Volquez! All I hear though, in my head, is Yordano. I hear him like hes right beside me, see him like hes right on the mound, right in the spot where I scribbled his name. 在我拿下最後的出局數時球場是多麼的吵雜。所有的球迷、隊友、整座球場都高喊:「Volquez!Volquez!Volquez!」但我聽到的卻是 「Yordano」。我彷彿感覺到他站在我旁邊,在投手丘旁,在我寫下他名字的那個地方。 Hes looking at me like hes up to no good. Got this big-ass smirk. 他不懷好意似的看著我傻笑。 And then he says it. He says it calmly, as if it aint nothing — just like I imagined: Its about time! He says. It's about time, Edinson. 如同我想像的,他平淡的說:「是時候了! Edinson,是時候你投個無安打比賽了!你在等什麼?」 But then he stops smirking. And for a moment … maybe not even more than a few seconds … he starts smiling. For a moment, even Yordano, the joker — he cant make a joke. Hes too happy for me. 最後他的傻笑化成了一抹微笑。在這時候,就連最風趣的Yordano也說不出笑話。因為他太為我感到高興了。 Im proud of you, Big Brother, he says. 「老兄,我替你感到驕傲。」他說。 He gives me a hug — this long, heavy hug. Its like hes really hugging me, like hes really there. 他給了我一個擁抱--一個深情的擁抱。我感覺他真的給我個擁抱,彷彿他還在世一般。 Happy birthday, I tell him. You 26 now. And now Im smiling, too. You an old man. 「生日快樂」我笑著說。「你已經26歲了。老兄。」 ==================================================E N D========================================================= 註一:直刃族:美國80年代的年輕人,非常流行吸毒、嗑藥,因此Hardcore Punk團Minor Threat的主唱發起了Straight edge(中譯為" 直刃族"),遠離菸草、酒精飲料、毒品、娛樂性藥物,這也是為了平反當初多數的人都會將這些東西和Punk Rock聯想在一起。更進 一步的禁慾、吃素(吃素可降低慾望)、不穿戴動物製品、不飲食含咖啡因的食物,甚至到最後連處方藥也不使用。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1509367899.A.4D5.html
Timekeeper: 忘了附上原文連結https://www.theplayerstribune.com/ 10/30 20:53
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pptricky: 感人 10/30 21:00
Aaronko: 推中二VQQ 10/30 21:02
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JonGray: 淚推QAQ 10/30 21:03
windtemple: 淚推Q_Q 10/30 21:05
mess: 謝謝原po翻譯,這篇情感真摯動人... 11/03 09:54
mess: PTT斷線前我就是為了推這篇文章 QQ 11/03 09:54
FireWang: 謝謝翻譯 11/03 10:00
ateng: 皇家球迷推 11/03 10:07
spree8: 感人... 11/03 10:19
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henghsiao: 淚推 11/03 10:39
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Rodriguez: PTT斷線前我就是為了推這篇文章 +1 11/03 13:51
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terrybro0821: 淚推 真的很感動 11/03 19:09
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我也這麼覺得QQ ※ 編輯: Timekeeper (, 11/03/2017 22:37:38
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loveandy58: 但身為球迷更懷念Jose 11/04 19:59
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