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Inside Look at Scouting A Dominican Prospect Showcase Ben Badler, August 8, 2017 偶然在水管看到這則影片,描述測試會及scout team的運作,覺得蠻有意思 就想分享給大家,不過沒想到是件苦差事 ...。文字稿由水管字幕和自己稍 稍整理而成,不順請多多包涵,也有些聽不懂地方需要幫忙更正。初次翻譯 ,請各位多多指教。大概也是最後一篇了,哈哈。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey what's going on guys. It's Ben Badler with baseball America here. I just spent last week watching the top 2018 and 2019 prospects in the Dominican prospect League. As you can see here, this event was not in the Dominican Republic, it was in Joliet, Illinois. It was a great event and if you're a baseball America subscriber, we're gonna have reports and videos for you guys on the top players on Baseball America dot com. So, please make sure you have subscribed BA. But today I want to give you guys a look at what a showcase looks like for Latin American amateur players. I write about these players all the time, but I want to walk through with you guys, so you guys can see everything for yourself. 各位看官大家好,我是BA的Ben Badler。我過去一週耗在 DPL觀察'18、'19梯的明 日之星,如你所見,這個活動辦在伊利諾州的Joliet,而不在多明尼加。如果你有 訂閱BA就能看到網站上頂尖選手的球探報告及影片,有興趣的朋友記得訂閱嘿。過 去我單單在描摹這些年輕肉體,不過今天不一樣,我想向各位介紹為拉美球員辦的 天下第一商品展示大會長什麼樣子,這樣你們就能自己看想看的東西。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obviously, these events are all different and teams also bring players into their academies. They're early 16, they go to their trainers' fields, the players are evaluated in other different ways. But I want you guys to see how an event like this one run by the DPL works. And if you're watching this video on Youtube, Facebook and you like it, let me know by giving this video a like and leave me a comment with your thoughts or any questions that you have. 不同活動會有不同的組成,結束後,球隊的球員也被帶至不同的棒球學校。小球員 剛滿十六歲後,再到所屬訓練員的場地接受不同的測試。不過我想談的是類似的測 試會怎麼舉辦,啊如果你是在臉書或水管看到這則影片,喜歡的話就按個讚,也跟 我分享一下你的想法或問題。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, for anyone who doesn't know the Dominican Prospect League is a league where a bunch of trainers from across the Dominican Republic pool their players together to play in games. And the DPL for this event picks some of their top 2018 and 2019 players to travel to play in Joliet , Illinois which is the home ballpark of the independent league Joliet Slammers. So scouts are looking at some of the top talent for next year and two years out. So kids are pretty much of 14 and 15 years old. 為沒聽過 DPL的觀眾朋友解說一下,DPL 是由一票在多明尼加的訓練員把他們的球 員帶過來編一編打比賽。這次活動挑的是 '18, '19 梯的小朋友到伊利諾州獨聯球 對主場打球,因此也有一些球探來看這群大多14, 15歲球員中的未來新星。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And it's a four-day event and it starts with what's called a showcase day or a workout day. And that's where you bring in all the players, and they run the 60, the infielders take groundballs, the outfielders throw from the outfield and everyone takes batting practice. So the point of this workout day is the first day your scouts come in, and you get a look at every single player on every single position player at event. And you get an idea of their bodies, their tools, their actions, and their mechanics. You know, you've got 40 or so players here, it's a lot to keep track of, judging that is just a position player. But you see a guy running in the 60 6.6 seconds, that's a guy you gonna keep a close eye on during the game; same of the guy who shows really good defensive actions at shortstop taking infields or big power or a nice swing in BP. 這個活動前後總共四天,第一天是練習日,同時也是讓球探觀察每個小球員的表現 的展示會。每位球員都會做壘間衝刺及打擊練習,守備部分內野手有滾地球練習、 外野手從則有右外野長傳,透過這些活動你能大概了解這些小朋友的身體素質、打 跑守的動作、tool和機制。這裡大概有四十位球員,數目龐大,因此第一天的另外 一項功能是從不同練習找出有特別表現的球員,比賽時我們會對這些球員多加留意 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So it's four teams and they run through the whole process team by team. So you just saw that royal blue team went first, they run the 60, take infield outfield, and then BP. And then the other three teams repeat the process. So I don't have any video of the 60 yard dash because I was out there timing all the players running by myself. But after the 60, they put all the infielder out there at shortstop and have them take ground- balls. So this is the navy blue team here, and this gives you a feel for a player's footwork, his actions, his hands, his throwing mechanism, his arm strength, arm accuracy, how he reaches down to field the groundball, how he moves side to side and charging on a slow roller, how he throws on the move. 球員被拆成四組進行每項活動,如影片所見穿皇室藍球衣的當第一組,從60呎衝刺 開始,接著是內野、外野守備,最後是打擊練習,一組結束後再換下一組照流程進 行。他們在測跑速時我也自己去測所有人的跑速,所以影片看不到這個部分。接著 所有內野手會被擺到游擊接滾地球,你能就此觀察接球的腳步、動作、手感,傳球 機制、臂力、準度,正面、兩側滾地球、需要趨前處理的滾地球分別怎麼應對,以 及如何在行進間出手。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not a game obviously, so you don't get necessarily a feel for a player's reads of the bats or game instincts. But if a player is light in his feet, he has a cannon for an arm, or some type of an issue with his throwing or fielding mechanics you can pick that up here. So it's helpful to know which guys to bear down on in the games. And also becau- se of the game, you can't control how many balls get hit to a guy. Here, you get a bunch of ground balls hit to a player to at least get a sense for his actions. 守備練習和實際比賽處理來球還是有段落差,在這裡無法看到對打者擊球的判斷、 比賽中處理球的直覺反應,不過能找出哪些球員腳步輕盈、擁有雷射肩或是其他長 才,這對了解哪些球員能在比賽中有所發揮有很大幫助。另外,比賽中我們無法控 制球員有多少守備機會,讓球員處理一定量的滾地球能讓我們大概了解他的接球動 作。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the other things you see here during infield is a lot of the players will feel the ball … they feel that kind of like showcase style where they've field the ball, they shuffle, they shuffle, they shuffle, they set their feet and gear up and then they throw to the first. So one can make their arm look stronger than it is, just because they're inching physically closer to first base. But it's not the way to field the ball in the game because they're not accounting for the speed of the runner going down the line which at this level you actually see them do in the game. Sometimes I saw him do it quite a few times in this game because players … you know look that they have their trainers hitting them a billion fungos everyday; but if they don’t play in games enough, they don't necessarily have that internal clock to know: hey, I've to get rid of the ball more quickly. So in the games, you see some routine ground balls to shortstop go for infield single sometimes. 很多球員在內野練習想展現出最好一面,因此接到球、墊步、站穩腳步,確定準備 萬全後才把球傳向一壘。多餘的墊步縮短了傳球距離,讓臂力看起來比實際好,但 考量跑者,實際比賽不會用這種方式處理球。即使球員每天接了一堆訓練員打的滾 地球,如果比賽經驗不足,他們或許不會意識到:喔,這球我得快點處理掉,我在 比賽中也見過不少次平凡無奇的滾地球變成內野安打。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The other thing during infield here is, having seen minor league teams take infields, college teams to do the same, you see a lot less accuracy on throws at this level. So it's a showcase, kids are trying to show off their arm strength but even when they're not the throws tend to the wild quite a bit, that's something that can improve an age and experience and repetition, though not uncommon to see. So this is by the way, Neolvi Marte, he is a shortstop who trained with Banana, he is going to be one of the top prospects in the 2018 class, shows really good tools during this event. And I think he's going to be a very very highly sought-after player come July second next year once he is eligible to be signed. 另外,看過小聯盟、大學球隊的內野守備練習後,相較之下這群小朋友的傳球準度 就沒那麼好。畢竟這是場展示會,小朋友們想讓大家瞧瞧他們的臂力,雖然不是刻 意要傳偏,丟噴的球數量也不算少,不過傳球的準度能隨年紀的增長、守備經驗和 反覆練習提升。這邊影片中的是'18 頂級新秀游擊手Noelvi Marte,這四天下來展 現出很棒的tools,我想明年七月符合簽約資格後會是個搶手的大物。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So after infield, they sent all the outfielders out to right field. It doesn't matter if you're a center outfielder or a corner outfielder. They all go to right field because you want to get a guage of there arm strength. Pretty much the same at every showcase you go to … you have somebody hitting them fungoes in right field. Usually it's a ground ball and they throw maybe two to three throws to third base and then one or two throws home. In the game, you might not get an opportunity to see a guy make a throw at all or make a competitive throw that gives a player the chance to show you his arm strength. But here you get a bunch of throws to see a player's arm strength as well as his throwing mechanics whether it's a long or a short arm stroke, his arm action, his footwork, running up to the ball and then on the throw as well and if there's any accuracy to the throw also. 內野結束後,所有外野手,不管你守中外還是角落外野,都會到右外野,單純為了 測試每個小球員的臂力。每個測試會的外野守備大同小異,請個人把球打到右外野 ,通常是滾地球,球員把三球傳到三壘、一到兩球傳回本壘。同樣,比賽時選手可 能沒有展現臂力的機會,或是有機會卻來個鳥傳球,這裡他們有足夠機會展示自己 。要觀察的有傳球機制、揮臂、傳球動作、腳步、怎麼趨前接傳和有沒有能力傳準 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So you've got to keep an eye on how close the infielders creep toward the infield, so you don't get fooled on arm strength. And then the other thing especially at age 14, 15, 16, the arm strength that a player shows month to month, day to day and even throw to throw is not always consis- tent. Player's arm should get stronger from the time he's 14 and till the time he's, let's say, 18 especially if he has room to fill out and has a good arm stroke or arm speed. But even here, you can see an out- fielder will show you what might look like a 55 arm on one throw. And then the next throw is like a four hopper off the bag. 外野傳球同樣要注意選手有沒有偷偷縮短距離,才不會把臂力分數打太高。另外要 注意的是 14-16歲的小朋友傳球還不太穩定,逐月、逐天甚至逐球看到的可能都不 太一樣,在這裡也有機會看到前一球是個55的優質傳球,結果下一球彈了四次才滾 到壘包。而小球員的臂力在 14-18歲有很大的發展空間,特別是那些骨架好但身材 還不夠厚實及有好的揮臂方式、速度的選手。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And you can see, I've got a couple of different camera angles here for the throws. Let me know which one you guys like better. The one where I'm here like in the outfield behind them or where I'm at the third- base bag and you can see the throws coming in. Sometimes it just depends on how much time I have to get out to the outfield or to race over to third base to make sure I get these guys on filmed, but curious what you guys think this. By the way, Marco Luciano, an outfielder and an in- fielder so he's gonna be one of the top prospects for 2018. 傳球影片有兩個拍攝角度,一個是在外野從身後拍,另一個是在三壘側,你們可以 看到球往這邊丟過來,我想知道大家比較喜歡哪一種。通常是看我有多少時間能在 外野和三壘兩邊奔波,同時要確定球員有入鏡,不過就是好奇想問問。影片中的是 '18的大物,內外野都能守的Marco Luciano。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So after outfield, they all … they run all the players for batting practice. So you get a sense of each player swing mechanics, his hitting actions, bat speed, raw power. You've got to be careful on a few things, one is: the baseballs if you got skinny kids smoking balls to the oppo- site field fence, you might want to check what kind of balls are using. And then a player's BP swing is not necessarily the same as his game swing. It's BP, so you've got a guy putting it straight and over the plate. So it's easy for a hitter to be in sync, should be easy for hit- ter to be in sync on time. But then in the game, the pitcher is throwing fastballs and off-speed pitches, are in and out of the strike zone. So those swings tend to get bigger, off-balance and don't necessarily look the same as in batting practice. 外野測試結束後,所有球員就開始進行打擊練習。你可以從這邊看他們的打擊機制 、揮擊的動作、揮棒速度和力量。要注意的有幾件事,一是如果有個瘦皮猴炸了個 反方向全壘打,最好檢查一下是不是用了彈力球;還有打擊練習的揮棒和實際比賽 時不一定一致,打擊練習的球是直直的往好球帶過來,對打者來說該很好抓到揮棒 節奏,比賽就不一樣了,快的慢的、好球壞球都有,揮棒被破壞動作略顯大,平衡 跑掉自然看起來就跟BP時不一樣。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And this workout day was a little bit un-usual because it started a little after 5 p.m., so carried on into the night. In the Dominican Republic everything happens during the day. So it's kind of a cool experience for these players to get to play underneath the lights here. And this again is Marco Luciano, one of the top 2018 prospects here from the Dominican Prospect League. Very impressive BP power and swing that he showed here at the workout day. 這次的活動日和往常不太一樣,日間各種狀況都有,因此這組打擊練習稍稍過了五 點後才開始,一路進行到夜間,但對這些小球員來說在開燈的球場打球是很酷的經 驗。影片中出現的又是大物 Luciano,第一天的打擊練習讓人印象深刻的力量和揮 棒。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So the next three days they play two games each day back to back. First they start with some BP, and infield and outfield so you get another look at the players there. But we just went over all that so let's get into the games. For this series, they also had a team of players from the United States, mostly Illinois who're about the same age as the Dominican players. And what that does is, you get to see how the Domi- nican players who you're focusing on stack up against some of the kids from the US, but also just logistically it's difficult to put together an event like this. And find, number one, just enough pitchers and enough pitchers who can throw strikes consistently, and to get enough catchers. 後面三天每對每天都打連續的兩場比賽,賽前會做些打擊和內外野練習,又有另一 次機會能觀察這些球員,不過我們跳過這個直接切到比賽。這次賽程編排中,也有 一隻由當地年紀相仿的小朋友組成的球隊,所以我們有機會見到在地球員和來自多 明尼加球員相抗衡的場面,這可是難得一見的比賽,要找到一定數量能穩穩丟好球 的投手和捕手就是件難事。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have a game in the Dominican Republic, you might have a couple pitchers who can throw strikes. But realistically, a lot of time they really struggle putting the ball in the strike zone. And that's even at age you know 16, 17, it certainly doesn't get any better when the kids are 14 or 15. And because these kids are 14, 15, you don't want them throwing seven innings. If you're a Japanese high school team or running the Cuban 15 and under national team, yeah, you might throw somebody like Adrain ______ out there for 130 something pitches. But with amateur pitchers in the Dominican Republic or Venezuela, in these events you're limiting the pitchers usually one or two maybe three innings maximum. 就算是在多明尼加,或許你能找到一些能丟好球的投手,但更常看到的是比賽時他 們把球丟進好球帶都有困難,對球的控制對年紀稍長的球員來說都是挑戰,更別說 這些小朋友。另外,為了保護他們青春的肉體,你不會想讓他們單人吃掉七局,或 許日本高校或古巴幼齒國家隊能看到投手燒手臂,但在多明尼加或是委內瑞拉球員 測試會中,投手通常被限制投一到兩局、最多三局。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So to play these games, you need a high volume of pitchers. So there were some of the Dominican pitchers here, but what they do is they mix in a lot of American pitchers on to the Dominican teams just to give them enough arms. And I think that was a big positive for this event you know. And then the other thing is well, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, you get a lot of catchers coming out of there. The Dominican Republic just does- n't produce the same volume of catchers, so they supplemented the Domi- nican rosters with some catchers from the United States as well. 因此要打這種比賽必須有充沛的投手,實際的做法是把大量在地投手混入多明尼加 隊伍中,提供足夠的新鮮手臂。與此相近的是,用來自委內瑞拉和波多黎各的捕手 補足多明尼加、美國球隊的捕手戰力。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And as far as the game themselves, I mean you guys know how baseball games work, but these are little different than normal games. They were either 9 or 7 inning games, sometimes depending on I think just ether on time or availability of pitchers. But the biggest differences are that : it's a showcase game, so the score doesn't matter. And they can be flexible with a lot of things. One is, if the hitter draws a walk like right here, instead of going to first base, he stays up to bat and they call the dugout and send out a runner over the first-base. Because the scouts want to see the players swing the bat in games, but you also want to report the hitter for having a good approach drawing the walk. So they sent out a runner from the dugout to on the first-base. 再來談談比賽,這裡的比賽和大家認知的球賽有些微差異,通常還是打七或九局, 但有時因時間或可用投手數調整。最大的差別是,這是表演、展示性質的比賽,勝 負就不重要了,這個差別帶來很大對比賽動手腳的空間。像是如果打者選到了保送 ,不會跑上一壘,而是留在打擊區開新的打席,跑者則是由休息區派送另一名球員 上場擔任。球探想看到打者在打席中的作為,同時也不能讓具選球能力的資訊流失 ,所以才有這種做法。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now denpending and the hitter stays up there. So depending on the events , sometimes they reset the count to 0-0. What the DPL did was if the hit- ter draws a walk, he stays up but they start the next count at 1-1. Ano- ther thing different is, if a pitcher reaches his maximum pitch count in an inning, say 30, 35 pitches an inning, whatever it is, they'll just change it up to the next inning. Whoever's running the game with a shout roll over and they switch it up. 不同的比賽也有不同做法,打者選到保送後的打席的好壞球數有些重新開始,DPL 則是從一好一壞開始。另外一點不一樣的是,如果投手達到單局投球數限制,像是 30或35球,不管場上球員開不開心就直接結束半局。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- At an event like this, like we talked about before, they only have a certain number of pitchers, so they don't want to burn them out. So you don't want to bring in a reliever mid-inning. So you just switch it up and team in the field comes in to bat for the next half inning. On the other hand, if the inning goes by really quickly like a quick 1-2-3 inn- ing, they might send up another hitter, and keep everyone out there to give the pitcher some more work and scout can see the hitters, you know, see another hitter take in at bat. And that looks like Jeffery Diaz hits his second homerun back to back in that first game, 2018 outfielder. 先前提過,每隊只有為數不多的投手,不想在比賽中將他們燃燒殆盡的做法就是結 束半局、攻守交換,而非局中換投。相反的狀況,如果投手乾淨俐落拿到三上三下 的半局,該半局可能會有第四名打者上場,讓球探多看這名投手幾眼,也能看看第 四位打者的表現。喔喔, '18外野手Diaz第一場比賽連兩打席開轟。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So one of the things I like about international scout team is the diff- erent vantage points you can get on players that you cannot, yet when you're doing pro-scouting or watching a college or high school game. Like right here, I'm standing on the field behind the plate, if I did that at a double A game, I would be removed from the premises. Now, there's actually an L screen setup right behind the plate that I'm stan- ding behind with a camera out to the side. I'm not totally stupid. Al- though I suppose that's a judgement call, but it is cool to have the freedom to setup back there, see hitters and pitchers from up close and to get you guys some video from behind the plate without the net get in the way. 我很喜歡看國際球員測試比賽的一個原因是,不像職業比賽情蒐或是高中大學球賽 你可以從很多角度觀察球員的表現。像現在我人在本壘板後方,站在 L型擋網後面 ,只露出鏡頭在外面,我可沒這麼蠢呢。而如果我在AA比賽這樣搞大概就被請出場 了,雖然是蠻合理的限制,但能自由的把鏡頭設在這邊,近距離觀察投手打者的表 現,又沒有討厭的網子擋道就是爽喇。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I wouldn't do it here just because they're playing a game. But if you're in a team and you're having to workout at your academy or a trainer's field, you can just go on the field, watch a pitcher or a hitter from behind the mound, set up cameras on the field. There's a lot of flexibility to see players from different angles that you can't really replicate with minor league or college players for obvious reasons. So this was a really fun event, and I think a very valuable one for scouts. 換個場景,我不會在比賽進行時那樣做。不過如果你是球隊人員,練習時就能自由 的踏入場內,從投手丘後或本壘板後方觀察球員都行,在小聯盟比賽或是高中大學 都做不到。所以我想對球探來說這是有趣又有價值的活動。 ( obvious reasons ? ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I hope you guys like this video, and it gave you a look at what one of these showcase events for Latin American amateur players looks like. And some insight into how they're run, how they're organized. If you did like this video, let me know by giving it a like, leave me a comment with your thoughts or any questions that you have. If you want to know more about the players who were here, and other top international prospects for 2018 and 2019 classes, make sure you've subscribed to Baseball America . Thank you guys, so much for watching. I appreciate it and I appreciate you guys supporting everything that we deal with Baseball America. So, thanks for watching guys. 希望大家會喜歡這則影片,讓你們認識為拉美球員舉辦的測試會大概長什麼樣子, 對這種活動怎麼辦、有什麼內容有些概念。願意的話就點個讚、留言分享你的想法 或是有的疑問,如果想得到參加這次 DPL頂尖國際新秀的資訊記得訂閱BA喔。謝謝 觀賞,也感謝各位衣食父母的贊助。 ( 終於翻完喇 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1511421129.A.2CE.html ※ 編輯: per520520 (, 11/23/2017 15:12:39 ※ 編輯: per520520 (, 11/23/2017 15:12:50
jameshu0910: 好長的文,推一個 11/23 15:19
s90523: 有點長,但喜歡看scouting相關的文,先謝謝分享等等看 11/23 15:31
HuanYuWu: 推 11/23 15:41
TreaTurner: 推! 11/23 15:53
catsondbs: 推翻譯! Scounting想翻好久了一直生不出來 11/23 16:03
Aaronko: 先推再看 11/23 16:09
Sunrise2516: 推 11/23 16:40
Timekeeper: 推 11/23 18:51
BoJackson: 推推 11/23 18:52
MrNeverDie: 這篇很有趣!!! 11/23 18:53
zzxxcc88: 推 11/23 19:32
Sechslee: 推 11/23 19:41
Tornado50: 推 11/23 20:20
補個 Luciano 打擊看起來很舒服 ※ 編輯: per520520 (, 11/23/2017 20:42:48
qtgeorge: 推 11/23 23:59
andy880036s: 推 11/24 02:28
chewei55: 推 11/24 07:26
minnesota: 先給推免得別人以為我看不懂 ^ ^ 11/24 11:37
hsin8535: 推 11/24 13:25
saiulbb: 謝謝分享 11/26 03:55
MaxScherzer: 推,辛苦了 11/26 13:21