看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
100年前的今天 (1917/12/20) 紐約時報的新聞 連結: http://goo.gl/PyNmAu http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E02E1DE1E3BE03ABC4851DFB467838C609EDE The methods of frenzied finance which are being adoped by club owners in the major leagues are already causing much unrest among baseball fans which will have a serious effect on the game next Summer. The latest blast from the fans comes from St. Louis, where they will present a petition to President Branch Rickey warning him that if he sells Rogers Hornsby to the Cubs they will not go near the National League park. It is expected that the petition will have more than 50,000 names when presented to Rickey. In Philadelphia the fans are preparing to show their disapproval of the methods of both clubs by withdrawing their patronage. 球隊老闆因為財務問題而作出的事已經讓球迷很不爽,並且會大幅影響明年夏天的比賽。 最新的狀況來自聖路易(Browns),球迷們要連署來阻止 Branch Rickey ,跟他說如果你 把 Rogers Hornsby 交易到小熊,則他們不會進場看球。預計將有五萬名球迷連署。而在 費城,球迷們已經打算不進場來表示對小熊和費城人交易的抗議。 The big offers which are made to ball players excite dissatisfaction among the clubs and create a lot of bad feeling, which often breaks up the harmony of a team. This happened a few years ago when Manager McGraw of the Giants made a big offer for Sherwood Magee of the Phillies. When the Phillies refused to let Magee come to New York he was dissatisfied and he has never played as well since. Now he has been unconditionally released by the Cincinnati Reds. 大型交易讓大家都很不開心,也影響球隊氣氛。數年前紐約巨人隊想和費城人要Sherwood Magee。當費城人拒絕以後,Magee成績一落千丈,而現在他被辛辛那提紅人隊無條件釋出 了。 The frequent offers which were made for Alexander of the Phillies caused friction among the players on the Philadelphia Club and it was partly because of this that Baker decided to sell him. The fans in Cincinnati now fear that the big offers Weeghman has made for Groh will cause Heinie to become restless and want to be shifted where he can get more money. It is the same in St. Louis. So many big offers have been made for Hornsby that this player is beginning to believe that there are several teams which cannot get along without him and he will be more persistent than ever about forcing his claim for a three-year contract at $10,000 a year. 很多人向費城人打探 Grover Alexander而使球員不太開心,原因是老闆想要賣掉他。紅 人隊球迷現在很怕小熊隊老闆 Weeghman 向 Heinie Groh 開出的交易條件會讓 Groh 想 簽一張大約。在聖路易也是一樣。因為很多人打探 Hornsby,這名球員現在相信他是當 紅炸子雞,也會更強硬的要求一張三年,每年價值$10,000美金的合約。 The action of the Philadephia and Chicago clubs in carrying out their big deals is in direct violation of the advice of President Tener, who pointed out to the club ownders at the meeting here last week the folly of making sales of star players in such unsettled times, and although both Baker and Weeghman apparently approved of President Tener's suggestions while they were at the meeting, they changed their minds immediately after leaving the secret chamber, for they agreed on the terms of the Alexander-Killifer sale a short time after leaving the National League meeting. 費城和芝加哥的動作直接違反了聯盟主席 Jack Tener 的建議。Tener 表示在現在社會 動蕩的情形下,大家不應該隨便交易明星球員。費城老闆Baker和小熊Weeghman表面贊同 ,但出了冬季會議的會議室後馬上就成交,把 Grover Alexander 和他的捕手 Bill Killifer送到小熊去。 *** 歷史附錄 當時是一次世界大戰正打得火熱,美國開始徵兵,社會處於動蕩不安的情況。費城人老闆 缺錢,所以就想到把明星球員 Grover Alexander (後來進名人堂) 用一筆現金賣掉,不 然隔年他被徵召後前途未卜。Alexander 隔年被徵召去法國砲兵旅待了一年。 22歲的Rogers Hornsby本來也要被抓去打一戰,結果因為家庭因素待在美國。聖路易布朗 原本也想把他賣掉,但後來沒有。 個人認為1917年能找到五萬人連署來抗議地方球隊的交易動作還滿屌的 -- 我愛跳針,我是猴子王。 ˍˍ 猴跳▏ 王針▏ ▇▇
timidwei:ARODisGod的戰鬥力有三千 你起碼一萬以上
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1513740480.A.51B.html ※ 編輯: paperbattle (, 12/20/2017 11:28:20
nolander: 還滿屌的 12/20 11:33
Coetzee: 屌爆了 12/20 11:33
ChrisDavis: #球團給真相 12/20 11:38
fountainNess: Push 12/20 11:40
maxspeed150: 當時的聖路易已經是紅雀了啦 12/20 11:45
maxspeed150: Hornsby是紅雀的傳奇球星 12/20 11:46
JustinIdiot: 有趣 12/20 12:01
jiachang1996: 原來一百年前就有冬季會議 好猛 12/20 13:07
uranusjr: 冬季會議一開始就是腦闆們出去爽一陣加聯誼的活動, 跟吃 12/20 14:11
uranusjr: 年終差不多的感覺, 因為大家都會來很方便談事就慢慢轉型 12/20 14:12
uranusjr: 以前沒有傳真機電話交通都不方便就更會把人聚集在一起 12/20 14:14
gogin: 數年前紐約巨人隊 ??!!! 12/20 15:31
gogin: 原來是以前的年代XD 12/20 15:32
gogin: 沒看到是100年前的新聞啊XD 12/20 15:32
TrueTears: 現在還有紐約巨人隊阿 XD 12/20 16:05
hollowland: NFL的紐約巨人嗎XD 12/20 16:38
bkm1: 突然轉不過來 看到紐約巨人還以為走錯版XD 12/20 17:01
dodohotdog: 強硬要求3年合約,每年10,000美金 12/20 17:12
whalelover: 原來Branch Rickey還有這事蹟 12/20 17:40
whalelover: 話說當年Hornsby在的隊伍是St Louis Cardinals才對 12/20 17:44
whalelover: 跟後來變成金鶯的St Louis Browns沒有關係喔 12/20 17:44
Schwarber12: 看到紐約巨人還以為走錯版 12/20 17:51
will51: 可惜Fansworth已經退休了 07/29 21:21