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影片: https://twitter.com/BlueJayHunter/status/982784372871868417 Odor在週六遭遇世仇藍鳥隊,面對Stroman的第一個打席,刻意模仿他的抬腳姿勢~ 賽後Stroman表示根本不想鳥他,他影響不到我的,如果他有什麼問題衝著我來我就在這! 印象中當時包爺事件時,Stroman也有嗆聲Odor... 雖然包爺已經不在,但這兩隊的恩怨應該會持續下去好一陣子~ Stroman indifferent to Odor's antics: 'If you have a problem, I'm right there' Following an unusual start that saw him battle his command, Marcus Stroman was more concerned with his performance than with the antics of a long-time rival. Texas Rangers second baseman Rougned Odor, who mocked Stroman's delayed leg kick and appeared to grab his crotch in his first at-bat Saturday, didn't attract immediate or ensuing attention from Stroman or the Toronto Blue Jays, despite social media picking up on the antics. "But I could tell you I couldn't care less what that guy (Odor) is doing, man," Stroman said after the game, according to Sportsnet's Shi Davidi. "I couldn’t throw strikes today. What he’s doing in the box is zero concern to me. I know who I am. I’m right there. Zero scared of anybody when I'm in the box and I couldn't care less what anybody is doing, gesture-wise. Like I said, I'm right there. If you have a problem, I'm right there." Odor's history with the Blue Jays is well-known. The eccentric infielder punched former Blue Jays outfielder Jose Bautista after a hard slide at second base in May 2016, sparking an infamous, bench-clearing brawl. The third and final game of the series will go Sunday. Both teams won't have to wait long to play each other again, as the Rangers will visit Toronto in a three-game set starting April 27, in what will be the last series involving both clubs this season. https://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/1522939 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1523251448.A.A9D.html
pedrovish: 這是干擾捕手吧XD 04/09 13:30
ChowDerLu: 毆大人也是一個中二仔 04/09 13:34
JoseReyes: 內文是Storman ..... 04/09 13:34
cd12631: Odor這咖上打擊區也只剩下這種挑釁功能了 04/09 13:43
※ 編輯: kymcoco (, 04/09/2018 13:46:44
LeaveMealOne: 還以為是wwe的stroman 04/09 13:47
kuyung: 去年靠彈球刷出30轟 OPS+只有可憐的65 04/09 13:48
Scherzer31: 包爺還沒有球隊要? 04/09 13:52
askj: Odor原本就是個中二無誤XDDD 04/09 13:53
JoseBautista: 怒噓odor 04/09 14:03
benrun: Odor拿大約爛掉還敢中二 04/09 14:05
happychacha: 只會打天空的中二傢伙 04/09 14:11
bkm1: Odor這咖被禁賽 對其他隊是利空 哪裡有OPS+66這麼好的對手 04/09 14:12
bkm1: 可以爽殺啊! 04/09 14:12
tfrence: 這樣算妨礙守備嗎xdd 04/09 14:14
roywow: 0d0r 04/09 14:17
sh3312037: 30轟長打率卻不到4成的男人 04/09 14:24
HuanYuWu: Odor中二無誤 04/09 14:25
nuggets0916: Odor很鳥... 04/09 14:41
qwert860921: Stroman跟包爺很好 感覺對Odor不滿好像很合理XDD 04/09 14:56
n61208: Odor就廢咖一個啊 04/09 14:58
n61208: 當初包爺應該下手重一點 04/09 14:58
n61208: 誰知道揮了個空拳 04/09 14:59
bart102617: Odor打成這樣 先管好自 04/09 15:04
JoseReyes: Odor揮拳跟揮空次數哪個多?? 04/09 15:44
nnn820328: Odor這廢咖 什麼都爛還能在大聯盟生存 04/09 15:47
stpmouse: odor今年跟去年的ops+值相加101 04/09 16:00
Spartan5566: 敢挑釁拳王??想被KO嗎?? 04/09 16:09
Zuleta: 中二的拳擊手 04/09 16:14
dragon50119: 這咖就8+9 意外? 04/09 16:44
dragon50119: 從小聯盟就一副幹架比打球還積極的態度 04/09 16:46
mornstar524: 早就知道毆抖是屁孩了 04/09 17:15
mornstar524: 不知道當初誰還說毆抖很猛?? 04/09 17:16
claudezero: 小丑般的行為,不過錢也到手了,對他沒差 04/09 17:25
monkboy: 不好好練球、學那些有的沒的 04/09 17:54
air801130: 低能兒 有夠廢還不滾去3A 04/09 20:36
ray020507: Odor必噓 04/09 21:34
lordi: 當初一堆垃圾蠢鄉民是非不分,只不過歐犬的拳揮中了包大爺 04/09 21:45
lordi: ,就在那捧LP 04/09 21:45
ronald000: 看到Odor還在打線上,對方投手根本高興都來不及了 04/09 21:56
Marchosias: 蠻好笑的 04/09 21:58
echomica: 那拳是打得很漂亮 包爺明顯暈了 但就是趁人不備的低級su 04/09 22:15
echomica: cker punch啊 04/09 22:15
JoseBautista: https://imgur.com/Em7bV79 04/09 23:53
JoseBautista: 君子報仇一年不晚。2016立馬swept 04/09 23:54
lazuritechen: Odor這咖只會挑釁還會幹嘛? 04/10 04:07
LaoEr: 成績鳥的生活還是低調點比較好吧 04/10 16:45
wahaha5678: 哇賽,這篇好多抖黑XD 04/10 21:21