看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: The New York Times 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8mfhxnm In This Comeback, K’s Keep a Low Profile K功不一定要了得-白襪Carlos Rodon為例 In his first three major league seasons, Carlos Rodon of the Chicago White Sox was right in line with modern trends. Rodon had a losing record and an earned run average near 4.00, but he averaged more than a strikeout per inning, like so many others in the age of power pitching. 在Carlos Rodon剛上大聯盟的前三年,他在芝加哥白襪,正趕上那時候的潮流。他的戰績 不佳,ERA接近4,但是他每局三振平均超過一個,就像在強力投球時代其他的投手一樣。 But a strange thing has happened to Rodon during his return from arthroscopic shoulder surgery in June: He’s gotten fewer strikeouts and started pitching better than ever. 但是奇怪的事情在Rodon在六月時接受關節鏡手術後發生了:他的三振數變少了,但是他開 始投的比以前好。 “Strikeouts are nice, trust me,” Rodon said the other day in the Bronx. “I want them too. They’re just not happening. I’ve been getting that early contact.” 「三振很爽,相信我,」Rodon在紐約Bronx接受訪問時說到。「我也很想要三振,但是就 是沒有;最近打者都很早就出棒打我的球了。」 For Rodon, that contact has barely dented his statistics. After beating the Yankees on Monday, he was averaging just 5.59 hits allowed per nine innings, the best in the majors among pitchers with at least 90 innings. 對Rodon來說,那些打到的球對他的數據表現幾乎沒什麼影響;星期一率領白襪擊敗洋基 後,他的每九局平均被打安打數是5.59,在目前所有投手投超過90局裡面排名第一。 Only three others had allowed less than six hits per nine innings — Chris Sale, Max Scherzer and Blake Snell, who all averaged at least 10 strikeouts per nine innings. Rodon averaged 6.8. So how has he done it, besides early contact? 目前只有其他三位投手每九局被打安打少於六支--Chris Sale,Max Scherzer跟 Blake Snell,但這三位每九局三振數都至少10個,Rodon只有6.8個三振。所以,除了打者早出棒 打他的球外,他到底怎麼辦到的? “The defense seems to be helping me out a lot,” Rodon said. “I’m not going to lie, there’s been some luck in there. Mix in some skill and some luck, that plays into it, and my fastball command’s been a little better. I haven’t gotten that strikeout slider yet — it seems like they’ve been laying off it — but when we get 0-2 or 1-2, we try not to waste pitches.” 「防守似乎幫了我很大的忙,」Rodon說。「但是我也不諱言,運氣好也是一部分理由啦。 所以一部分是技術,一部分是運氣,才有今天的表現;我速球的控制也比較好了。我最近 奪三振的滑球沒有太有效--打者好像都不太買單我的滑球--不過當打者球數數是0-2或1-2 的話,我們也不會去浪費太多球。 That was the philosophy of Roy Halladay, the two-time Cy Young Award winner who tried never to throw a pitch out of the strike zone. Halladay, who died last year in a plane crash, wanted to bait hitters with edge-of-the-zone strikes, maintain a low pitch count and work deep into games. 那也是兩屆賽揚得主Roy Halladay的投球哲學,他試著從不丟出超過好球區的球。去年因 為飛機墜機過世的Halladay,他希望用投在好球區邊邊角角的球去引誘打者,減少每局的 投球數,然後可以投比較多的局數。 Rodon has done that well since returning from the disabled list. He has averaged six and two-thirds innings per start — the same as Scherzer, the majors’ innings leader — and has worked into the eighth in five of his last eight starts. Rodon has a 1.72 E.R.A. in those games, and had a 2.70 mark overall through Thursday. 自從從DL回歸之後,Rodon在那方面就做得很好。平均每次先發可以投6又2/3局--跟目前聯 盟領先者Scherzer一樣--而且Rodon在過去八場先發有五場可以投到8局。那幾場的ERA是 1.72,累積平均ERA是2.70。 Rodon learned his slider at North Carolina State from pitching coach Tom Holliday, the father of Matt Holliday of the Colorado Rockies. As Rodon waits to rediscover his best version of the pitch, he said, his fastball and changeup have been most responsible for unplugging the opposition. Opponents have a .195 average on balls in play against Rodon, with a similarly meager line-drive percentage of 15.3. Rodon是在北卡州大從投球教練Tom Holliday那學的滑球,Tom是落磯Matt Holliday的爸 爸。隨著Rodon找到他最好的投球組合,他說,他的速球跟變速球是他對付打者最主要的武 器,打者的BABIP是.195,平飛球比例只有15.3趴。 Even if his luck turns a bit in September, Rodon’s season has been successful because his arm feels strong. 即使Rodon九月份的運氣沒那麼好,今年對Rodon仍是個成功的球季,因為他的手臂感覺仍 相當健康。 “I was nervous; the only surgery I’d ever had in my life was having my wisdom teeth out,” he said. “A starting pitcher with shoulder surgery, you never know what could happen. There was a little extra motivation to come back.” 「我真的很緊張;我人生在這次之前的手術只有拔過智齒過,」他說。「對於一個先發投 手要動肩膀手術,你永遠不知道之後會變成怎樣,這也讓我有更多的動機想投回大聯 盟。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1535953916.A.EAE.html
n61208: 這樣也不錯啊 09/03 14:02
jet113102: Halladay不只是讓打者打不好,K功也了得 09/03 14:21
ylrafale: 我想 Rodon 總有一天可以以現在的策略為基礎去找到K功吧 09/03 14:24
Roshiel: 大樹哥時代流行的沉球投手不就是這樣 09/03 14:55
BlakeSnell: 謝謝支持 09/03 15:21
bart102617: 白襪的投手群babip是不是都偏低 09/03 15:25
CarlosRodon: 謝謝斗內 09/03 15:39
本尊都來了 這篇還可以釣到誰?
devilsky: 釣看看嗨嗨會不會來一段嗨他 09/03 15:46
saiulbb: 靠邀 該不會等等MaxScherzer也來惹八... 09/03 15:47
BlakeSnell: 搞不好薛蛇會 因為他在棒球版被桶惹 09/03 15:55
accjm2440: 樓下duda 09/03 16:38
TRosenthal: 感謝Rodon這幾年來貢獻我FB的三振XD09/03 17:07
ultratimes: Halladay的K功是2008後才變好的,之前包括第一次賽揚09/03 17:27
ultratimes: 那年K功也不怎樣,投到266局才勉強破200K09/03 17:28
ultratimes: 再前一年快240局還不到170K09/03 17:28
MaxScherzer: Good job09/03 17:33
NSyndergaard: KKK easy09/03 17:54
ShelbyMiller: 我... 09/03 18:02
雪比進DL 幫你QQ
KyleSeager: FB該撿他嗎?從進階數據來看Rodon的成績很水 怕一撿就 09/03 18:38
KyleSeager: 爆 09/03 18:38
Sizemore24: 未來的美中最強左投 09/03 18:39
megalink: 這隻這季異常低調的猛,看好他 09/03 18:59
Rodriguez: K功不怎麼樣的左投:Tom Glavine 09/03 19:36
AZBTPATONY: 洋基紅襪被這隻吃死死 09/03 19:53
Sizemore24: 這隻本來評價就很好,是今年才更能穩定投球,另外三 09/03 22:04
Sizemore24: 振沒有人家多但成績很不錯,也還是跟球威有關 09/03 22:04
PoBa: 以CM Wang為例會不會??才幾年就要換一個 09/03 22:31
LucasDuda: 嗯? 09/03 23:18
holypiggy: 居然連Rondon都有本尊== 09/04 08:04
IanHapp: 感覺養了一陣子,要起飛了 09/04 08:22
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 09/04/2018 09:41:37
gn00167236: 沒想到大聯盟球員都會用ptt讚 09/04 09:43
honey4617912: 這隻去年下半也很猛啊 今年本來蠻看好他 無奈季初 09/04 10:02
honey4617912: 又受傷 09/04 10:02
wuwinkan: 這隻最大問題主要還是BB槍吧 09/04 11:02
madaux: 沒三振解決打者是不錯,但是有三振更好 09/04 11:16