看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/24033458 ANAHEIM, Calif. -- When Mike Trout was drafted by the Los Angeles Angels and began his journey through the minor leagues, he vowed to never swing until the opposing pitcher threw the first strike. Trout wanted to build a foundation of plate discipline at the professional level, and it didn't matter if it meant consistently falling behind in counts as a developing hitter. He was that confident in his approach. Coaches tried to shake the habit off him, worried that he might be getting too passive, but Trout didn't budge. Through 286 games in the Angels' farm system, his patience hardly wavered. 原來Trout在小聯盟的時候 就堅持自己一定要在一好球之後才出棒 這才練就了現在的選球眼 即使一直被保送手感也不會冷卻 另一位遇到保送就不會打球的天才打者應該來試試看這個菜單 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1541732915.A.14E.html
BKD: come on! my power is way higher than that 11/09 11:10
sastl07: 然後底下的人會問你你的WAR呢 11/09 11:14
polanco: abc怎麼突然對Harper這麼有意見 11/09 11:21
barber: 換個釣場試手氣啊 11/09 11:22
EEERRIICC: 神鱒什麼時候分享練WAR的方法 11/09 11:22
catsondbs: 比Abreu不揮第一球還能忍 11/09 11:23
Nakata0911: 你怎麼不乾脆問Votto就好呢 11/09 11:28
Minihil: 不過等一好球和選球眼有什麼關係 11/09 12:07
majorleague1: 紅襪農場也是 11/09 12:09
whaleswin16: 就每個打席都能多看到很多球吧 11/09 12:11
benrun: 另一位是某哈嗎 11/09 12:14
darktasi: 因為投手bb連發他就站著等保送 11/09 12:23
Roy34: 跟老胡有點像 11/09 12:35
cc9i: 小聯盟可以這樣練 但大聯盟投手不會這麼好 還讓一顆好球 11/09 12:49
Edison1174: 第一球不打 不是Ted Williams的打擊策略嗎? 11/09 13:06
ennakura: 快問他國中是不是學兩好球前不能出棒 11/09 13:32
starcry: 生涯打第一球的確不多 但ops還是有1.15 11/09 13:33
ShaShoukun: 其實應該不少人都不喜歡打第一球 11/09 14:03
ShaShoukun: 連Ichiro這種出棒很積極的,其實也是很少打第一球的人 11/09 14:03
fanecerce: 為什麼 鱒魚打擊的時候有手套 下一幕馬上變成赤手拿手 11/09 14:36
fanecerce: 機? 11/09 14:37
mrfootball: 因為Trout是一個團隊不是個人啊,有人專職守備有人專 11/09 14:43
mrfootball: 職跑壘有人專職打擊有人專職手遊,不然WAR哪能累積那 11/09 14:43
mrfootball: 麼快 11/09 14:44
ualileigod: Votto是他說好球才能是好球吧XD 11/09 15:31
jshuang: 今年紅襪打第一球比例變高了 好球就打 11/09 16:03
ShaShoukun: 講到Votto,他跟Trout是反過來的,他第一球出手的比例 11/09 17:05
ShaShoukun: 不低 11/09 17:05
godzilla2071: You Know 11/09 22:27
AHEAD099: Votto沒有什麼第一球打不打 好球就打 壞球不打 11/10 13:56