看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
賽場下吸毒禁藥跟花花公子的時代已經過了 比賽裡偷吃炸雞啤酒是老人才做的事 新時代的紀律問題是宅男們的紀律問題 https://twitter.com/LottOnBaseball/status/1107654021156876288 BREAKING: #BlueJays to impose pre-game curfew on playing video games in clubhouse this season, manager Charlie Montoyo says. Some players suggested there was too much Fortnite last year, he says. 藍鳥新球季開始下禁令不準球員在賽前玩遊戲 有球員抱怨某些人Fortnite太上癮了 另一篇 發生在去年9月賽季最後三天 Carlos Santana不滿隊友在消化比賽中途偷偷回休息室打Fortnite 怒拿球棒當場打爆電視 LUL https://goo.gl/avBvr6 Near the end of September, with the Philadelphia Phillies in the midst of a nine-game losing streak, Santana decided it was time to send a message to his gamer teammates who thought it would be a good idea to get in some rounds of Fortnite during a game against the Atlanta Braves. Santana grabbed a bat, walked into a room in the team's clubhouse where the video games were being played, and smashed the television to ensure Fortnite wasn't played again during the final two days of the season. "I see a couple players -- I don't want to say names -- they play video games during the game," Santana told ESPN. "We come and lose too many games, and I feel like they weren't worried about it. " --- 心得: 該轉玩Apex了 -- OH MY GIRL 影音整理 女孩們全綜藝、舞台、電台、Vlive影音整理 每次有新節目都會持續更新~ https://goo.gl/T4XAwr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1552981304.A.25C.html
appshjkli: 這標題我還以為是abc 03/19 15:42
ChrisDavis: 現在都玩自走旗(?) 03/19 15:43
※ 編輯: catsondbs (, 03/19/2019 15:44:08
jerryklu: 球賽進行間不是禁止接觸任何電子產品嗎? 03/19 15:52
aaron97: lol 03/19 15:58
elong: 他們是跑回休息室啊 禁止聯網3C是dugout 03/19 16:02
tigertiger: 然後就把Carlos Santana交易出去 解決有問題的人就沒 03/19 16:31
tigertiger: 問題了!!! 03/19 16:31
chen5512: 是解決發現問題的人吧? 03/19 16:35
charlie01: 解決提出問題的guy 03/19 16:38
appshjkli: 領高薪打的普普通通還發怪聲阿 03/19 16:47
zzxxcc88: 這樣算怪聲嗎? 03/19 16:56
EEERRIICC: 人家Gabe很有信心你敢嘴 03/19 17:06
catsondbs: 順帶一提 酒鬼去年賽前是這樣打Fortnite 03/19 17:11
ClintFrazier: 看看David Price 03/19 17:11
warefire: 看完我只想到訊號好猛不會延遲嗎!!? 03/19 17:19
david12763: 有問題的都老人阿 (? 03/19 17:38
s07190719: 影片裡面怎看起來有科蕭 03/19 18:15
accjm2440: 幹好爽噢 超大螢幕 03/19 18:16
JohnLackey: 玩遊戲錯了嗎 又沒上場 03/19 18:34
JohnLackey: 打不贏就牽拖 這樣的事我看多了 03/19 18:34
BusterPosey: 不爽的都老人 03/19 18:55
a2156700: 剛好大幅縮減擴編名單惹 一個球員都不能少r 03/19 18:56
JerrieRip: 井川慶:有缺投手嗎? 03/19 19:04
mas0707360: Apex根本神仙打架 03/19 19:34
yankeesbank: 解決發現問題的人!? 喇叭潘忠韋表示 03/19 20:08
Roshiel: 贏球就是最好的態度,輸球什麼態度都不好 03/19 20:09
davidkao0428: 姜雷奇表示開心 03/20 01:06
gs200483831: 我都玩榮耀戰魂 03/20 08:36
geniusroger: 笑臉人這邊有人玩嗎? 03/20 09:00
catsondbs: 笑臉人有一次Rain Delay也是用計分板直播Fortnite 03/20 18:28
catsondbs: 不過不知道誰在玩就是了 03/20 18:28