看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Edwin Jackson agrees to minor-league deal with Tigers DETROIT — Right-hander Edwin Jackson has agreed to a minor-league contract with the Detroit Tigers and will report to triple-A Toledo. The 35-year-old was 1-5 with an 11.12 ERA this season for Toronto, his record 14th major league team over a 17-year big career. The Blue Jays released him on Friday. He was an All-Star with the Tigers a decade ago, threw a no-hitter the next year with Arizona and helped St. Louis win the World Series in 2011. Detroit traded Jackson in 2009 as part of a three-team deal with the New York Yankees and Arizona, trades that brought right-hander Max Scherzer and outfielder Austin Jackson to the Tigers. 老虎隊已經用小聯盟合約簽下35歲老將 Edwin Jackson 接下來他也將到旗下的小聯盟3A球隊報到 在上個星期遭到藍鳥隊釋出,今年球季目前出賽八場(其中五場擔任先發) 戰績為一勝五敗 防禦率 11.12 Jackson 先前曾經在2009年為老虎隊短暫效力過一個賽季,隔年就被球隊交易了 當年他也投出非常不錯的成績,拿下13勝9敗 防禦率 3.62 https://imgur.com/oN1t6j6.jpg
來源: http://tinyurl.com/yxw56mm2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1563860399.A.84B.html
MKAngelheart: 機會這麼難得竟然不是再多跟一隊? 07/23 13:41
forever3207: 這樣不算拿到新球衣耶XD 07/23 13:41
ronbaker: 可惜XD 07/23 13:44
eon4: 先求生 再求增加隊衣 07/23 13:50
k22015987: 先撿Rosenthal再撿這隻 看來真的是要認真了 07/23 14:12
k33536: 說好的新球衣呢QQ 07/23 14:42
hsiang0619: 老虎果然不讓了 07/23 14:57
ShockHo222: 真浪人 07/23 15:43
q3824k: 全力衝刺 直指狀元 07/23 17:46
fatoil27: 為什麼不來台灣 07/23 20:08
Roshiel: 老虎:金鳥,放馬過來~~ 07/23 20:17
mow28: 這隊去過了啦 07/23 20:59
NiFuTe: 倪福德前隊友 07/24 00:47
XN04: 我虎聰慧 07/24 13:38