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SD fan wins Postseason Bracket Challenge 一名教士球迷贏得MLB季後賽預測挑戰 https://www.mlb.com/news/postseason-bracket-challenge-winner-from-san-diego When the MLB Postseason Bracket Challenge launched prior to this year's playoffs, 629,000 people submitted a bracket in the quest to win the largest grand prize ever offered in October: $250,000. 在季後賽開打前,官方舉辦了季後賽預測挑戰,總共有629,000人參與,最大獎為25萬 美金。 In the end, there was one fan standing: Tom Lewis of San Diego. 來自聖地牙哥的Tom Lewis成為最後贏家。 "Oh, you're kidding me -- 629,000 entrants?" Lewis said after being informed of just how pristine his submission was. That was the first time Lewis used that phrase. The second was when he was told how he won the tiebreaker after 11 people (.002 percent of entrants) picked a perfect bracket and also guessed Stephen Strasburg as the World Series Most Valuable Player Award winner and that the Fall Classic would last seven games. Lewis was the only fan who guessed that 95 home runs would be hit over the postseason, the correct answer to the first tiebreaker question. 在629,000人中,有11人成功預測了完美的晉級圖,Strasburg贏得世界大賽MVP,及世界 大賽打到第七戰的結果。 這11人中,Lewis是唯一預測季後賽全壘打總數為95的人,這是第一決勝局的正確答案。 When the Dodgers were upset by the Nationals in the National League Division Series, one percent of all brackets submitted remained. 當國民在NLDS擊敗道奇時,只剩下1%的參賽者保有正確預測。 How did Lewis survive that round, which was clearly the one from which the most brackets were elimniated? Much of Lewis' bracket hinged on two factors -- Lewis being a fan of San Diego State alum Stephen Strasburg, and Lewis' loyalty to the hometown Padres, which naturally leads to his distaste for the Dodgers. "I guess I used a little bit of brain power and a little bit of heart power," Lewis said. "If I was gonna bet my own money, I probably wouldn't have picked the teams I did. I picked the Astros to go all the way in the American League because I saw all those matchups and I thought, 'Oh man, they're going to go all the way into the World Series.' "With Washington, I saw how they did from when they were [19-31] and they went on to win almost as many games as the Astros did from that time moving forward. But then I also wanted Washington to win because Stephen Strasburg is from San Diego, and I kind of followed him in the news and things like that. And as a Padres fan, I don't like the Dodgers very much." Lewis成功預測的主要原因:他是聖地牙哥州立大學明星投手Stephen Strasburg的粉絲, 對於家鄉球隊教士的忠誠,也導致他非常不喜歡道奇隊。 As to what Lewis will do with his winnings, he honestly doesn't know yet. Lewis還沒有想好如何使用這筆獎金。 "I'm a baseball fan forever," Lewis said. "I get the MLB.com newsletter daily in my email. They sent this thing out and I thought, it doesn't take all that much to just fill out a bracket. And I filled one out." As for Strasburg being named World Series MVP, that one's not so far-fetched. But the Dodgers losing in the NLDS? That's a gutsy call, and it paid off big. 「我永遠是棒球迷,每天透過email獲得MLB的新聞資訊,當我看到預測活動時,我認為 這不需要花太多時間,於是完成了預測。」 "I could not fill a bracket out with the Dodgers winning anything," Lewis said. "I go to a fair number of Padres games at Petco Park. And when the Dodgers are in town, their fans come in and act like they own the place. "And I'm thinking, 'You guys are just rude.'" 「我不會送出任何有道奇贏得比賽的預測。」Lewis說。「我在Petco Park看過許多 比賽,當道奇來作客時,入場的道奇迷就像是把Petco Park當成自己的主場。」 「而我在想的是,『你們真無禮。』」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1573060497.A.FAC.html
oadas: 卻對道奇總教練擁有好感 11/07 01:18
Akromas: 他就純粹不喜歡道奇隊、再加上絕佳的好運~ 11/07 01:20
ChrisDavis: 預測配上金柯拉 11/07 01:30
Jeffrey0221: 當然很好運才會中嘛 11/07 01:32
passbyks: 「國民在NLDS擊敗道奇時,只剩下1%的參賽者保有正確預 11/07 01:33
passbyks: 測」笑死XDDDD 11/07 01:33
ewayne: 只剩1%預測正確的參賽者,這樣也有6000人了,有啥好笑死的 11/07 01:41
ewayne: …到那階段剩1%,不是很正常嗎? 11/07 01:41
willywasd: 分區賽直接淘汰99% 11/07 01:44
youngluke: ,分區賽照理來說就是死最多的 要猜到四組的場數和結果 11/07 01:48
earnformoney: 連季後賽全壘打總數也要預測中也太難 11/07 02:00
LoveWin7: 家具店老闆表示: 11/07 02:06
t1016d: 文章看不出是四組分區還是只考量道奇對外卡這組吧 11/07 02:34
ultratimes: 是不是有先問過老爹的意見了啊? 11/07 02:42
youngluke: 這不就每個時間點都會刷掉一批 那個時點就代表更前面猜 11/07 03:06
youngluke: 錯的都死光了 不過那時候光芒還沒出局 11/07 03:06
maydayholic: 我的bracket是道奇被淘汰的時候爆的XD 11/07 03:35
maydayholic: 美聯都猜對也沒用 11/07 03:35
holypiggy: 進級圖有看勝敗場嗎 還是只看球隊 11/07 05:16
晉級圖只看勝利球隊。世界大賽才需要預測場數 也就是說,只有1%的人預測到:TB贏OAK&WSH贏MIL&NYY贏MIN&STL贏ATL&WSH贏LAD 當晉級圖、世界大賽MVP、世界大賽場數都預測正確即可獲獎(有11人正確) 多人預測正確時會進入決勝局 先比較季後賽全壘打總數(只有Lewis正確),再比較世界大賽總得分數
paul5566: 這太神了,這機率跟樂透彩有拼吧? 11/07 05:48
JessicaA1ba: 穴穴妳, 蘿蔔 11/07 06:25
zirca: 感覺一堆人中文老師都請假了 11/07 06:42
※ 編輯: ZhiLou ( 臺灣), 11/07/2019 07:32:11
saidon: 這太強運 在怎麼會算因該都不可能精準預測數字(hr,得分數) 11/07 08:01
saidon: 估出一個大致範圍就很強了 11/07 08:02
lolity: 教士迷推一個 11/07 08:20
siliver: 以一個人來說是很神,但有6x萬人參加,總會有人猜中的 11/07 08:26
sikerkuaitai: 教士迷推 所以什麼時候要帶小史回家 11/07 08:43
Werth: 如果想猜對又只能猜一次 要猜道奇輸是困難的決定 11/07 09:03
robinkidd: 不能這樣說啊,每年NCAA Bracket都是百萬人參加,從來 11/07 09:34
robinkidd: 沒人中過 11/07 09:34
eric2003002: 我全壘打也猜95,不過CS系列賽就沒了.... 11/07 09:38
HuanYuWu: 盲猜也能中真的就是運氣很好XDD 11/07 09:45
combro40: 最後11人裡還要有人猜中95這是神吧 11/07 09:59
KKyosuke: NCAA那個是完整的64強啊 有63場耶 11/07 11:09
KKyosuke: MLB季後賽才幾場比賽 複雜度差太多了 11/07 11:10
KKyosuke: 幾百萬的參與人數在2的63次方之下根本啥都不算 11/07 11:12
o0991758566: 季後賽就是他X的運氣 11/07 11:57
Austin674: 球隊有強有弱 又不是丟硬幣 2的63次方? 11/07 12:11
aborwang: 中樂透啊 11/07 12:29
aikotoba: 那給你2的30次方很好猜嗎 11/07 13:00
cool34: 哈~~原來是道奇黑啊 11/07 13:07
oliverr410: 我其他都猜對就光芒贏綠帽猜錯QQ 11/07 13:30
triff: 教士主場滿滿躲人飯沒錯啊。 11/07 15:00
jeter8695: 猜到95支HR的是穿越時空外掛吧 11/09 14:00