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Baltimore has traded second baseman Jonathan Villar to the Miami Marlins. On t ender day, the Marlins have entirely remade the right side of their infield, w ith Villar and first baseman Jesus Aguilar. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1201668087319322630 The Miami #Marlins now acquire Jonathan Villar from the #Orioles for minor-lea gue pithcer Easton Lucas. https://twitter.com/BNightengale/status/1201668273072304130 馬林魚用小聯盟投手Easton Lucas和金鶯換來Jonathan Villar 另外撿了被光芒DFA的Jesus Aguilar -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1575335549.A.D56.html
baseballbin: ....? 12/03 09:26
jack50087: 所以Villar的錢換馬林魚吃? 12/03 09:28
wyner: 這兩個都不錯欸 12/03 09:32
qozxcv: 過水或明年7月再交易 12/03 09:37
Weith726: 17-18 2人在釀酒人當過2年隊友 12/03 09:40
saiulbb: 補上Castro跟Prado的位置 不過光芒就等於放掉Faria 幫QQ 12/03 09:44
Werth: 對馬林魚來說是重要補強了 12/03 09:55
happychacha: 阿姑還有人敢用喔 12/03 10:23
csy1911: Faria沒被交易也是被DFA,有什麼好Q的... 12/03 11:26