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https://www.mlb.com/news/nolan-arenado-responds-to-trade-rumors DENVER -- Rockies third baseman Nolan Arenado made it clear Monday he’s unhappy with the club. After general manager Jeff Bridich told the Denver Post that he expected to begin 2020 “with Nolan in the purple and black and as our third baseman. So we can put this to bed …,” Arenado reacted via text to MLB.com. “There’s a lot of disrespect from people there that I don’t want to be a part of,” Arenado said in a text. “You can quote that.” In reaction to Bridich’s announcement, Arenado elaborated. “You ask what I thought of Jeff’s quotes and I say I don’t care what people say around there,” Arenado said. “There is a lot of disrespect.” Asked what was said that he found particularly disrespectful, Arenado said, "No. I won't get into the details." Arenado clarified his statement later, adding, "I'm not mad at the trade rumors. There's more to it." When reached via text, Bridich said he would respond soon to Arenado's comment. It was Arenado’s first public statement since it was revealed during the Winter Meetings that teams were asking about Arenado's availability and the Rockies were listening. Arenado is entering the second year of an eight-year, $260 million deal. The deal includes a full no-trade clause and allows Arenado to opt out after the 2021 season. Arenado signed the deal last Spring Training, after the Rockies had been to the postseason the previous two years. But the Rockies plummeted to 71-91 last season for myriad reasons -- poor pitching in both the rotation and the bullpen, and pitching injuries and slumps at times by key players. Arenado was quoted in an interview with The Athletic, at least in part, that the end of the year "feels like a rebuild," although in full context he said he realized that players were playing for 2020 and he needed to "lead by example." But he has made it clear the team needed to make improvements. However, the Rockies have not made a trade or signed any Major League free agents this offseason. Arenado, 28, is a five-time All-Star who has won the Gold Glove Award each of his seven seasons, and he's hit at least 37 homers in each of the past five. Last season, despite the Rockies' struggles, Arenado slashed .315/.379/.583 and hit 41 home runs with 118 RBIs. Arenado has been linked most prominently to the Cardinals, Braves and Rangers in trade rumors. Teams such as the Dodgers and White Sox also have been linked in various reports. Thomas Harding has covered the Rockies since 2000, and for MLB.com since 2002. Follow him on Twitter @harding_at_mlb and like his Facebook page. 之前 GM 說交易沒談成, Nolan Arenado 還是球隊三壘手後, Arenado 和 MLB.com 記者說:這球隊有很多不尊重人的地方,我也不想和他們在一起。 之後他補充不是針對這些交易,還有其他事更讓人不爽 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1579577583.A.6A3.html
DerekHolland: 出怪聲? 01/21 11:34
gondou: 快來我雀 01/21 11:35
BusterPosey: 幫翻譯:吹密 01/21 11:36
abc12812: 領到薪水 => 真香 01/21 11:36
kevinduh4: 來囉 01/21 11:37
polanco: 科羅拉多林智勝? 01/21 11:38
seeyou1002: 山裡回聲比較大 01/21 11:41
Werth: 洛磯制服組不意外 綁約看板隔年就想賣 01/21 11:43
GaryMatthews: 吹密 01/21 11:45
mej42530: 可憐哪 01/21 11:49
thb96300: 氣氛 01/21 11:50
mej42530: 制服組操作真的不ok 01/21 11:51
dragon50119: 音量逐漸大聲 01/21 11:55
flyinwinds: 制辦公室的做法根本有病.... 01/21 11:59
saiulbb: 不知道哪隊出得起大包裹 缺3B 且負擔大約的 01/21 12:05
ken720331: 吹麵 01/21 12:08
mrlucas8891: 就看前陣子誰對Rendon有積極爭取的吧 01/21 12:14
mygoing: 比較想知道"其他的事" 01/21 12:16
ganhua: 賣看板確實滿不尊重人的... 01/21 12:23
mose56789: WTF XDD 這樣洛磯很尷尬吧 交易價值會直線下降 01/21 12:30
eric761201: 洋基收 01/21 12:32
c871111116: 落磯自己把事情搞到尷尬的啊 01/21 12:33
es9114ian: 搞到尷尬 洋基搞不好又會插進來撿便宜(X 01/21 12:35
reichs: 他兩年後可以跳脫合約,買家考慮這點也不會出太大包. 01/21 12:40
bestteam: 除非有球隊收Happ 不然洋基不太可能出手啦 01/21 12:44
bestteam: 我猜費城或梅子的機率比較大 01/21 12:50
saidon: 丹佛聲仔 01/21 12:50
LucasDuda: 他不跳才麻煩 01/21 12:51
zzs123344: 我基收 01/21 12:53
Rayshief: 剛簽長約就開賣,賣到一半喊暫停,沒人爽的起來 01/21 12:54
Rayshief: 這樣算聲仔也蠻倒霉的 01/21 12:55
Roshiel: 吹密 01/21 13:02
marty7976: 吹密啦 01/21 13:14
BMW740Li: 看到林智勝笑出來XD 01/21 13:18
j07242054: 怪聲起來 01/21 13:28
kochiOuO: 就說不是針對交易 有人眼睛有問題嗎 01/21 13:31
accjm2440: 吹密 01/21 13:47
curtismaniac: 我基萬用包 穩定工作馬happ+強打外野手紅髮+年輕重 01/21 13:49
curtismaniac: 炮小安 換 手套比小安好一點點 棒子比紅髮大一點點 01/21 13:49
curtismaniac: 的納豆 我基小虧但可接受唷嘻嘻 01/21 13:49
johnnychiou: 軟左happ去洛磯山上鐵定被打爆 洛磯不是傻子 01/21 13:55
youngluke: 然後發現已經爆了的稅線再加一疊上去嗎...... 01/21 13:55
JackSmith: 制服組這個操作很怪啊...他也沒有大爆炸的跡象 01/21 14:05
c6587924: 想要直接重建啊 但是可能續約的時候說 我會幫你搞一個有 01/21 14:09
c6587924: 競爭力的隊伍 01/21 14:10
ccpz: 搞不好是先不爽了,才開始談交易? 01/21 14:10
c6587924: 簽下去才發現跟想像中不一樣 01/21 14:10
c6587924: Rendon這個1990年生進入高峰期的三壘手 2019年跟國民拿 01/21 14:13
c6587924: 冠了 01/21 14:13
c6587924: Arenado 只比Rendon小一歲 01/21 14:13
c6587924: 國聯最好的三壘手 沒冠 自由市場的合約都被Rendon壓過去 01/21 14:14
c6587924: 了 01/21 14:15
c6587924: 制服組又想擺爛重建 01/21 14:15
Automaticmai: 簽這隻風險很高 山上山下成績差太大了 01/21 14:15
Werth: 內文有說納豆想要球隊改善戰力 結果這個冬天更是無作為 01/21 14:22
mej42530: 那幾隻牛太燒錢了 01/21 14:23
timmmm78: 科羅拉多洋基隊(誤 01/21 14:32
whhw: 幹大事的條子收嗎 01/21 14:43
jkduke: 他2021就能跳出 還有完整不可交易條款 誰敢出大包裹收? 01/21 16:46
LastDinosaur: 想看納豆下山之後的表現 01/21 16:59
a9564208: 吹密 01/21 17:36
dotdotisme: 我基暖身中 01/21 17:55
ckranger: 怪聲若響 01/21 18:30
Minihil: 要組紐約洛磯隊嗎 不過沒$$了 01/21 18:48
Langerhans: 他滿腦子想去道奇 其他隊應該不會衝 01/21 19:17
alpacaHong: 看看DJ去年的表現,納豆下山應該也不會差到哪裡 01/21 19:21
mygoing: 目前生涯也只有2.3年主客場差異比較大而已 01/21 19:54
LucasDuda: 每年都差很多啊...整個生涯主客場OPS就差了.2 01/21 20:25
Sechslee: 聲仔 01/21 20:39
willywasd: 如果我是DJ 01/21 21:12
EEERRIICC: 下山就知道了啦,不用講這麼多 01/21 22:51
TrueTears: 吹密 01/21 23:24
SinShih: 別讓亞瑞不開心 01/22 13:46
ApAzusa126: 吹… 01/22 15:12
kris54068: 支持下山 雖然可能打擊會縮水但至少也是前段3B 02/06 11:04