看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.bnd.com/sports/mlb/st-louis-cardinals/article240365561.html Like baseball fans across the country, Jack Flaherty is frustrated. He wants information, and he can’t even get what needs on television. "It was great that you couldn’t even find it on TV,” Flaherty said Monday morning. "You had to go to find a link on YouTube to even pull it up. That was awesome.” The "it" to which Flaherty was referring is a press conference held by MLB commissioner Rob Manfred on Sunday evening. It was Manfred’s first open availability since the scandal around the Houston Astros’ trash can banging scheme erupted, and the commissioner was inundated with questions about what he knew, when he knew it, and whether the punishments supplied have been sufficient for the crimes committed. 我現在是覺得很賭爛啦。 「我在電視上根本看不到曼佛地魔的新聞發布會啊,我還要到YT上去找連結跟影片,蒸蚌 。」 這是他第一個有公開談作弊事件的新聞發布會餒。 "He tried to brush it off like it was nothing,” Flaherty said. "He tried to make it seem like, not that he thinks it’s a joke, but he tried to brush it off like it was nothing, tried to make it a lighthearted situation. "I get him wanting to get off the topic and try to go and address other things, but that’s the most pressing issue in baseball right now, is what’s going on, and he tried to get away from it.” 「他現在就是想裝沒事啊,不是說我覺得他認為這沒啥,但他就是想讓大家覺得這沒啥。 」(不就是塊金屬,啊你們是在氣三小) 「他現在就是一直想轉移話題,去聊其他543,但現在棒球界大家最care的就是太空人作弊 的事好嗎。」 There’s uncertainty around who’s to blame and what they should be blamed for, and it all results from a slow drip of information that, every day, seems to paint a target upon a fresh back. "(Manfred) said that there’s only so much information you can give to everybody and kind of let everybody make a decision for themselves. But if you ’re making a decision on half the facts, what real decision are you making as everybody else?” Flaherty asked. "He knows everything that went on.” 「主席說他就只能給大家這麼多資訊了,你們自己決定要怎麼想,但當你只知道一半的真 相,你是能做個屁決定。」 「不過吼,主席絕對知道這整件事是怎樣喇。」 "It is really good that he finds all of this funny,” Flaherty tweeted on Sunday night. He confirmed on Monday morning that the complaint was about Manfred. "You just saw the way he answered the other questions when it came to, like, the chop, as opposed to when they got in serious questions about it,” Flaherty said. "He kind of tried to laugh it off and it was just like ... I don’t know. It just don’t sit right.” 「欸欸你看喔~ 主席能發現太鼓達人在幹這些鳥事真是太棒惹。」 那個推特就是在酸曼佛地魔啦。 「你看他用不同的方式在回答作弊的問題跟其他問題就知道,他就是想笑笑地裝沒事兒, 這樣真的很母湯。」 Flaherty said that he hasn’t heard from anyone with the Astros seeking to clear the air, but that he also hasn’t made an attempt to reach out on his end. Even if he did, he explained, it would be difficult to know who to trust. "It’s good to hear when guys like Tony Kemp come out and said, ‘I don’t want to be a part of any of this, don’t do that.’ There are certain guys in there who didn’t want to be a part of it. But who didn’t want to be a part of it and who was a part of it? It’s kind of up in the air right now. You only hear what guys said.” Flaherty also said that, from the perspective of the players, there’s a challenge in trying to determine the proper response to the situation. Without being certain of guilt or innocence, the lingering anger will remain largely undirected. 說真的現在再怎麼搞也很難知道到底有誰可以相信。 「我很高興還是有像Tony Kemp這類的球員說他們真的不想作弊。的確是有人不想作弊嘛, 但大家根本不知道到底誰不想作弊,還有誰是真正的作弊仔,你只能聽到這些人的片面之 詞。」 從那些作弊仔的角度來說吼,他們是很難做出適當的回應啦。 不過如果說連誰算是清白或有罪的都搞不清楚,大家是很難息怒的啦。 "I don’t know if I’m going to pitch against them, but it is what it is,” Flaherty said. "It’s not even ‘it is what it is.’ It’s frustrating. It sucks that something like that went on, but I don’t ... it’s hard to say anything when you don’t know all the facts, when they’re holding on to certain information and only release certain parts of it.” The Cardinals have five scheduled matchups with the Astros in spring training, starting with a split squad game on Feb. 26. That provides ample opportunity for Flaherty to take the mound against Altuve, Bregman, and the other accused parties in the scandal. Flaherty said he’s considered what he should do if he finds himself in that situation. His conclusion? "Let 'em know what's coming.” 「我現在是真的沒想法啦,尤其是對上他們的時候,現在我也不知道真相,官方也在藏 ,是還能怎麼辦。」 紅雀隊在春訓總共會跟太鼓人打5場比賽,Flaherty有機會能跟阿偷伯、舉世無雙等人對壘 。 我在想想到時候應該要怎麼做喇。 「我想我會讓他們知道要出大事啦。」 -------------------------------------------- 球速提升中 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1582102015.A.8E7.html
charlie01: 想聽紅鳥老大壓地鵝的看法 XD 02/19 16:51
pneumo: 他是旅台過嗎? 講話這麼台 02/19 16:53
Roshiel: 紅鳥也表態了,之前被影射的酒鬼要不要砲一下? 02/19 16:54
SinShih: 太空人球員沒被禁賽或罰款真的非常之扯 02/19 16:59
ennakura: 不是"他"吧 這本人發文耶 02/19 17:04
colalight: 本人發文推 02/19 17:04
nomo1616: 讚,球員們靠杯起來,燒起來 02/19 17:11
saiulbb: 謝謝分享 同隊好朋友MatCarpenter哩? 02/19 17:16
DavidFoster: ID正確 02/19 17:17
sustainer123: ID正確 02/19 17:30
mrlucas8891: 這咖再不說點什麼有建設性的東西真的會被球迷跟球員 02/19 17:37
mrlucas8891: 酸死 02/19 17:38
YoungDE: 球速催起來 02/19 17:40
zx246800tw: 本人推 02/19 17:46
JessicaA1ba: 藤浪:讓我來教你們催球速的方法(藤浪式) 02/19 17:47
edhuang: 本人正確 02/19 18:44
zzs123344: 本人推 火力夠猛 讚 02/19 18:44
ps20012001: 說實在的 整場風波到現在 沒什麼平息 反而越演越烈 02/19 18:46
ps20012001: 這腦X主席主席 絕對有大功啊..什麼XX發言... 02/19 18:47
edhuang: 一堆人忍到春訓了再憋就內傷了 02/19 18:48
ps20012001: 連冠軍不過就是一塊金屬這種話都說的出來 02/19 18:48
frank123ya: 要出大事啦!!!!!!!!! 02/19 18:48
ohmyya: 本人IP在台灣 02/19 18:51
benrun: 曼佛地魔可以下台一鞠躬囉 02/19 18:55
ymcheung: 聽說主席有為一塊金屬道歉,但是已經太遲了 02/19 19:10
LoMing1021: 推ID 02/19 19:11
freezeraven: 啊不是禁評,怎麼沒看到你出來罰評論的球員,主席啊 02/19 19:12
ichiroyap: id無誤 02/19 19:40
ganhua: ID正確 02/19 20:39
whhw: 好長 02/19 21:00
tp6m4g0: 獎盃只是塊金屬xd 02/19 21:34
qozxcv: 去年下半季真賽揚 02/19 22:16
earnformoney: 推翻譯 好親切 哈哈哈 02/20 00:15
c871111116: 道歉本來就沒用啊 你當主席這種話是講都不能講 02/20 00:58
Sechslee: 話說春訓有在禁賽的嗎? 02/20 02:43
ging1995: ID正確 02/20 02:50
ChrisArcher: ID正確 & 推翻譯 02/20 10:09
Toy17: 原po中文蒸蚌 02/20 10:31
usausausa: 春訓免費活靶 02/20 11:09
stylerpan: ID正確 02/21 10:48
XnightmoonX: ID正確 IP錯誤? 02/22 05:20