看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The New York Yankees have informed their minor league players that another min or leaguer in the organization has tested positive for coronavirus, sources fa miliar with the message distributed to players tell ESPN. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1239939915485458432 洋基小聯盟剛剛公布出現了第二例確診武漢肺炎的球員了 希望一切沒事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1584460193.A.12C.html
AaronJudge: 夭壽喔 03/17 23:50
anomic24: 樓上肋骨好了嗎 03/17 23:54
ganhua: 樓樓上好好養傷吧~ 03/18 00:27
ken720331: 慘 03/18 00:29
alcard22: = =… 03/18 00:52
whhw: ...如果有接觸過第一例是還好 03/18 00:55
AlvaroMorata: 又是洋基...我怎麼說又呢 QQ 03/18 01:01
edhuang: …………保重啊 03/18 01:27
thb96300: 上帝是不是把洋基誤認成太鼓人了 03/18 04:17
nutra: 全境封鎖果然是真的 紐約整個大爆炸 03/18 05:39
jones210272: 9樓XDD 03/18 10:24
sdiaa: 春訓期間洋基大小聯盟球員都在佛州活動吧 03/18 13:44
ApAzusa126: 一樓快跑 03/18 16:54