看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞來源:https://reurl.cc/Y1r7G4 原標題:Ken Griffey Jr. reveals why he never wanted to play for the Yankees 記者: Chris Bengel Many baseball players have a strong desire to play for the Yankees during their MLB careers. It's one of the most iconic franchises in sports, and they've rarely missed the playoffs since the mid-1990s. However, superstar Ken Griffey Jr. never had a desire to play for the Yankees -- even though his dad played for them. In the new MLB Network documentary "Junior," the Mariners legend explains why. 許多棒球選手都有在職業生涯中為洋基隊效力的願望。它是運動中最具代表性的球隊,而 且自從1990中期以來鮮少缺席季後賽。然而,超級巨星Ken Griffey Jr.(小葛瑞菲)從來沒 有這樣想過,即便他的父親為洋基隊打過球。在新的ESPN紀錄片「Junior」中,這位水手 隊的傳奇解釋了原因。 It all stems from an experience Griffey Jr. had while visiting his father, Ken Griffey Sr., in the early 1980s. Griffey Jr., just a kid at the time, was asked to leave the team dugout before a game. "I came up to visit my dad and it's just me and him," Griffey Jr. said. "And a security guard came up and says, 'Hey, George [Steinbrenner] doesn't want anybody in the dugout.' My dad's like, 'What? He's my son.'" 一切源自於1980年代早期,當小葛瑞菲去探望他的父親Ken Griffey Sr.的經驗,當時只是 個小孩的他,被要求在比賽前離開球場的休息區。 「我去探望我爸爸,就只有我跟他,」小葛瑞菲說。「然後一個保全走過來說『嘿, George(洋基老闆)不希望有人在休息區裡面。』我爸的反應是『蛤?他是我兒子。』」 Before telling Griffey Jr. to go back into the clubhouse, the elder Griffey pointed out to his son that third baseman Craig Nettles' son was taking groundballs on the infield. "At that time my dad was 38 years old, he was like, 'I ain't fighting this no more. I got someone a little younger and a little better,'" Griffey Jr. said. From that point forward, Griffey Jr. had no desire to play for the Yankees. "There's certain things that a dad drills into you as a kid that just sticks with you," Griffey Jr. added. And that [beating the Yankees] was one of them." 在叫小葛瑞菲回去裡面的休息室前,老葛瑞菲向他指出了三壘手Craig Nettles的兒子正 在場上練習接滾地球。 「當時我爸已經38歲了,他的想法是,『我懶得跟為了這種事爭吵了。我有一個更年輕、 天賦更好的小子,』」小葛瑞菲說道。 從那一刻開始,小葛瑞菲就不想為洋基隊效力了。 「孩提時期,一些父親灌輸給你的東西會根深蒂固地留在你心裡,」他補充道「而打敗 洋基隊就是其中之一。」 During the documentary, additional footage was shown of Griffey Jr. taking batting practice at Yankees Stadium during his playing days. When a fan pleads with Griffey Jr. on camera to leave Seattle and come play for the Yankees. Griffey Jr.'s response was a simple, "No." The slugger then goes on to explain that if the Yankees were the only team in the league offering him a contract, he'd retire. 在紀錄片中,還撥放了小葛瑞菲球員時期在洋基球場練打的額外片段。當一個球迷在鏡頭 前懇求小葛瑞菲離開西雅圖並且為洋基隊效力。他的回應很簡單,「不要。」這位強打接 著解釋說,如果洋基隊是全聯盟唯一一支願意給他合約的球隊的話,他會選擇退休。 Griffey Jr. did get revenge on the Yankees during his career. He hit .311 to go along with 36 home runs and 102 RBIs in 133 regular season games against them. When the Mariners defeated the Yankees in the 1995 American League Division Series, he hit .391 and blasted five home runs while scoring nine runs in five games. 小葛瑞菲在他的職業生涯中確實報了仇。對上洋基隊的133場例行賽中,繳出了打擊率.311 ,外帶36轟102打點的成績。當水手隊在1995的美聯分區賽對上洋基隊時,在五場比賽中繳 出了.391的打擊率,轟出了5支全壘打並幫球隊跑回了9分。 ~~ 原始影片(Twitter) https://reurl.cc/mnj6Ol 1995 ALDS G1 小葛對洋基單場雙響砲 https://youtu.be/dXrgennGEho
G5 跑回致勝分 https://youtu.be/F8SBJzOEcyU
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1592847926.A.E39.html ※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/23/2020 01:57:26
otaku32286: 一生懸命的基黑 06/23 02:20
s07190719: 最多轟的基黑 06/23 02:44
nolander: 洋基就是歧視 06/23 03:51
chen5512: 樓上是把波士頓放在哪裡了? 06/23 04:10
duo131: 我當初聽到的版本是老葛前一晚表現不好所以被差別對待 06/23 07:20
duo131: 只把小葛趕出去然後老葛有去吵~~之後小葛再也不踏進洋基 06/23 07:21
duo131: 主場休息室 06/23 07:21
之前有傳聞是洋基教練Billy Martin害的 曾經對小葛兄弟破口大罵過
a2156700: 紀錄片不是都長這樣嗎 06/23 07:24
Shauter: 又在打基了 黑基產業鏈 06/23 07:46
nolander: 笑死,扯波士頓歧視洋基就比較不歧視? 06/23 07:53
kevinduh4: 波士頓是比較歧視啊LUL 尊絕不凡新英格蘭人 06/23 08:03
polanco: 基襪一家親 06/23 08:07
hayato01: 我記得這個以前就提過好幾次了XD 06/23 08:11
Xenogamer: 霸基國家隊 06/23 08:11
Nakata0911: 然後洋基2001年就還水手一個史上最多勝美聯亞軍 06/23 09:46
xd987: 洋基不意外 06/23 10:30
corlos: 一生基黑 06/23 10:31
HuanYuWu: 有點狂 06/23 11:04
geneaven: 老史坦布萊那也不會在乎,老子錢多一堆明星搶著進來呢 06/23 11:12
harrishu: 北佬不意外 06/23 11:35
Vassili242: 人家是在場上練習又不是在休息區 保全是說不要在休息 06/23 11:59
Vassili242: 區啊 06/23 11:59
※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/23/2020 12:11:15
saiulbb: 這樣真的是很傷人 不管哪一隊做的都一樣 06/23 12:07
n61208: 又不是在休息區傳接球,大葛瑞菲未免太小題大作 06/23 12:38
weitai1993: 基襪一家親 06/23 12:53
xo1100: Cole:好險我小時回憶很美好 06/23 15:15
borriss: 如果是他弟CRAIG出來講會變另一種意思嗎(X 06/23 15:16
whhw: 國家基器動的很厲害 06/23 17:08
s910612: 終生無冠 06/23 18:08
nangaluchen: 所以咧 洋基沒他也沒差啊 強打一堆 06/23 20:05
DanielHudson: 後來Adam LaRoche也為了類似的事怒退休 06/23 20:13
ultratimes: 這麼討厭洋基怎不加入紅襪,可以轟洋基轟個爽 06/23 20:13
JackSmith: 就因為這樣不共戴天之仇? OK....(聳肩) 06/23 22:37
toyjoy: 就在說基基 也可以扯到紅襪身上 笑死 06/23 22:42
sampsonlu919: 感覺水手辜負他更多耶 06/24 02:20
jeff68911: 基粉噓太快了吧嘔嘔嘔 06/24 10:25
borriss: 對 他打水手 .385 OPS1.182(咦 06/24 14:08
※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/25/2020 01:37:55
coollonger: 帥 06/25 08:08
s955346: 又再抹了,買通了幾乎90%以上的媒體、幾乎100%的網軍 06/25 09:12
sinben: 帥慘 06/25 11:04
oc4r: 米國爪爪不意外0.0 06/27 11:32