看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 新聞來源: mlbtraderumors 2. 新聞標題: Charlie Blackmon, 2 Other Rockies Test Positive For Coronavirus 3. 新聞內容: By Connor Byrne | June 23, 2020 at 8:41pm CDT Rockies outfielder Charlie Blackmon, left-hander Phillip Diehl and righty Ryan Castellani have tested positive for the coronavirus after recently working out at Coors Field, Kyle Newman of the Denver Post reports. Only one of the three showed symptoms, though his identity is unknown. Aside from Blackmon, Diehl and Castellani, the other players who have been working out at the stadium tested negative. As a result of the positive tests, which Newman writes “came late last week,” the facility has been closed for the week. Even though Major League Baseball and the players reached an agreement on health and safety protocols Tuesday, paving the way for a 60-game regular season, this is another reminder of how challenging it will be for all involved to get through the campaign unscathed. Blackmon, a four-time All-Star, is the highest-profile major leaguer to date who we know has tested positive for COVID-19. However, Colorado certainly isn ’t the only team that has been affected by it. Just in the past few days, the virus has also impacted the Phillies, Yankees, Angels, Astros, Giants and Blue Jays, not to mention at least a few unnamed clubs. 4. 新聞連結: https://tinyurl.com/yajoxwte 5. 備註: 根據丹佛郵報Kyle Newman的報導,洛磯隊外野手Charlie Blackmon、左投Phillip Diehl 與右投Ryan Castellani,冠狀病毒COVID-19檢測呈陽性反應。三位中有一位有症狀,但並 無證實哪位選手。 除了三位選手確診外,其他球員被檢測為陰性,也因此訓練營將關閉一周。 儘管MLB和MLBPA在週二達成一項健康與安全協議,為例行賽60場比賽鋪路,但本事件再次 顯現這對所有球員是多麼艱鉅。 Blackmon四度入選全明星,是目前為止確診知名度最高的球員,但洛磯隊並非唯一受影 響的球隊。過去幾天費城人隊、洋基隊、天使隊、太空人隊、巨人隊和藍鳥隊,以及 不具名的球隊也有人確診冠狀病毒COVID-19。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1592967882.A.4ED.html ※ 編輯: saiulbb ( 臺灣), 06/24/2020 11:16:48
cd12631: 這樣還要打? 06/24 11:16
taker627: 窮人死再多都沒差,有錢人沒事就可以了 06/24 11:18
edhuang: …………………… 06/24 11:19
Roshiel: 要打可以...防疫/健康管理做確實好嗎.... 06/24 11:22
kochiOuO: 這裡有肺纖維化專家嗎 06/24 11:27
saidon: 這裡只有鍵盤纖維化專家 06/24 11:29
k22015987: 你越確診 我越開打 06/24 11:34
BreathWay: ... 06/24 11:39
SlamKai: 我OK 你先打... 06/24 11:42
pneumo: 戴口罩打棒球會不會很猛 06/24 11:42
Qidu: 黛口罩會熱死吧 06/24 11:46
kenkenken31: 運動員輕症小事,但如果害到身邊的老人小孩很可怕 06/24 11:58
p51314: 戴口罩打 要不要再加穿防護衣 XD 06/24 12:40
benrun: 嗨嗨484訪問過Blackmon 06/24 12:40
tswperfect: 嗨嗨 我是(咳咳)價許 06/24 12:53
mightymouse: 運動員年輕人沒事,可是很多教練裁判不年輕了 06/24 12:57
whhw: 年輕免疫力太強也不一定是好事 06/24 14:17
ultratimes: 會不會這些球員之後練球都會遲到 06/24 14:31
Blitzkrieg63: 這樣真的能如期開打...? 06/24 14:53
s07190719: 有些人是說已經沒飯吃了 你打不打 或許真的影響很多市 06/24 15:32
s07190719: 民的生計了吧 06/24 15:32
LazyCool: 也不能仗著是運動員就覺得中了不會變重症,總是有風險 06/24 15:55
LazyCool: 的,然後誰也不能保證會不會就剛好是那個地獄倒霉鬼... 06/24 15:55
terminator3: 其實野手一場只動那一點點 就算肺功能變差也影響不大 06/24 19:51
terminator3: 吧 06/24 19:51
ylrafale: 怎麼可能只有一點點www 06/24 20:09
es9114ian: 一點點個鬼啦 06/24 20:18
edhuang: 一點點是指非常輕鬆的意思嗎XD 06/24 20:19
willywasd: 要守要打要跑 動蠻多的 06/24 20:23
willywasd: 而且他之前守中外跟右外 06/24 20:23
jonasnow: 各隊捕手:只動一點點是在說我? 06/24 20:30
Roshiel: 用鍵盤打棒球就只要動一點點了,真的出去打球玩看看吧 06/24 20:45
Roshiel: 運動量絕對不低,但也不高就是了 XDD 06/24 20:46
max2604: 運動量沒籃球足球高是事實,但絕對不是一點點w 06/24 20:56
max2604: 衝刺很累的 06/24 20:56
Roshiel: 其實光撿球就有一定的運動量了.... 06/24 23:10
Roshiel: 認真打的話,一個暴傳 -> 運動量瞬間大增 06/24 23:11
tyrone0923: 又不是每個都是林益全 06/25 03:46
kete: 我都用嘴巴打球 因該真的ㄧ點點 只動嘴唇 06/25 07:02
aaron97: 好大點啊 06/25 07:52
IVIVI: 城城隊總仔表示 06/25 08:48
andy880036s: QQ 06/25 12:11