看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/mlbbowman/status/1279435934531026946 Brian Snitker said Freddie Freeman, Will Smith, Touki Toussaint and Pete Kozma all tested positive for COVID-19. Freeman is still battling a fever. Smith and Toussaint have been asymptomatic. These are the only four Braves who are known to have tested positive. 勇士隊的Freeman, Smith, Toussaint以及Kozma已經確定武漢肺炎呈現陽性 其中Freeman還有發燒的症狀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1593877990.A.3A6.html
nowistzki: 真的自由了@@ 07/04 23:54
leohsueh76: 慘 07/05 00:00
edhuang: Freeman @@ 07/05 00:11
mrlucas8891: 威爾史密斯是要帶著整隊勇士去演明天過後嗎 07/05 00:33
ntubuta: wow這很大咖耶 07/05 00:35
willywasd: @@ 07/05 00:38
lala31446: 你還是在家打爆兒子好了 07/05 01:22
HuanYuWu: 真的還要開賽....@@? 07/05 01:42
spree8: 在家跟兒子打球也會得喔? 07/05 02:33
LastDinosaur: 都是大咖的 07/05 04:09
Roshiel: 沒在怕的 07/05 07:37
max2604: https://i.imgur.com/qHhx02A.jpg 07/05 09:09
max2604: 老婆的說法 07/05 09:09
max2604: 如果也都沒出門,那只能猜是家人來的時候傳染的 07/05 09:10
turkeyma: Freddie 高燒中... 07/05 09:29
stja: 07/05 11:00
tovshang: ..... 07/05 12:11
melissalewis: 30-1 07/05 14:34