看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
基特在今天召開視訊記者會 內容大致上在幫自己的球員平反 "The entire traveling party got a little too comfortable," "Guys were around each other, they got relaxed and they let their guard down," Jeter said. "They were getting together in groups. They weren't wearing masks as much as they should have; they weren't social distancing." "Our guys were not running all around town in Atlanta," he said. "We did have a couple of individuals leave the hotel. We had guys leave to get coffee, to get clothes. A guy left to have dinner at a teammate's house. There were no other guests on-site. There was no salacious activity. There was no hanging out at bars, no clubs, no running around Atlanta." 簡略翻譯:沒有任何色情行為,沒有去酒吧,一些人只是去買衣服喝咖啡,他們鬆懈了, 群聚沒有戴口罩,沒有保持社交距離。 "We have a lot of players who are asymptomatic, and we have players who are showing mild symptoms," 我們有很多球員症狀輕微 https://reurl.cc/qdMnR0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1596508545.A.7CE.html
xd987: 樓下信嗎 08/04 10:41
BlakeSnell: 我也沒有去 08/04 10:45
windtemple: 有去買雞翅嗎? 08/04 10:51
mecheers: 買雞翅錯了嗎 08/04 10:51
frank123ya: 雞翅難道錯了嗎? 08/04 11:14
elong: 台灣實證 :喝咖啡比去酒店還危險 08/04 11:20
ewayne: 運動員在賽季間喝咖啡?搞笑嗎? 08/04 11:38
elong: 運動員不能喝咖啡嗎 08/04 11:53
Hamazura: 這根本就是幹話....明明被抓包還在四兩撥千金,顧左右而 08/04 12:45
Hamazura: 言他 08/04 12:45
saidon: 咖啡還好八 去年還有海盜菜鳥去球場星巴克幫隊友買咖啡的 08/04 12:56
DaveTseng123: 雞翅好吃 08/04 13:17
borriss: 台灣案例來說 喝咖啡是高危險行為(啥 舞廳不是(哈? 08/04 13:27
corlos: 有吃雞翅嗎 08/04 14:13
ultratimes: 咖啡對運動員影響真的很大啊 普通人沒影響而已 08/04 14:30
ultratimes: 所以你就知道某隊拿MVP還請星巴克 其實是不洽當的 08/04 14:31
ultratimes: 任何一點點小改變,都有可能影響場上表現 08/04 14:31
aaron97: 是的 都會改變那有的沒的蠢數據 08/04 18:16
Shauter: 學學人家NBA 還可以真的翻出那家雞翅是啵棒的好吃 08/04 18:20
ChrisDavis: 喝咖啡影響很大你是一次連幹十杯濃縮咖啡484 08/05 02:08
jefftie2000: 凹大師說有影響就有影響 不准反駁 08/05 14:12