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12強美國隊火球男、美國朱育賢Noah Song 雖然川普放寬職業軍人打球的條件 但因為Song已經comissioned不適用 去年6月被美國海軍飛行學校召回 去年6月的新聞說他最快2021年5月有機會出關打球 原本以為他是RP 但他小聯盟都投先發 今年5月即將滿24歲 不知道未來有沒有機會看他打球 他真的是又高又帥 希望可以看到他在大聯盟出賽 https://reurl.cc/WEkZey Navy alum Noah Song ordered to report to flight school, putting professional bas By BILL WAGNER CAPITAL GAZETTE JUN 17, 2020 AT 3:38 PM Former Navy baseball standout Noah Song has received his marching orders. Song has been ordered to report to flight school at Naval Air Station Pensacola no later than June 26. That decision, issued by the Department of Defense, puts Song’s dream of playing professional baseball for the Boston Red Sox on hold for at least a year, if not longer. In a letter sent to Song, a United States Navy official emphasized that becoming an aviator entails a six-year service commitment upon completing flight school and obtaining wings. Song graduated from the Naval Academy and was commissioned as a naval flight officer on May 24, 2019. The right-handed pitcher was then selected by the Red Sox in the fourth round of the 2019 Major League Baseball Draft on June 4. Since he was on temporary assignment duty at the Naval Academy while awaiting orders to report to flight school, Song was allowed to spend two months playing minor league baseball last summer. The 6-foot-4, 200-pounder was impressive while pitching for the Lowell Spinners, the organization’s affiliate in the short-season New-York Penn League at the low Class A level. In October, Song submitted a waiver request to the Department of Defense seeking a transfer to the Navy Reserve so he could continue his professional baseball career during the 2020 season. Around the same time, Song was granted permission to play for the United States national team in an Olympic-qualifying tournament. According to many scouts, Song was the best pitcher on Team USA during the World Baseball-Softball Confederation Premier 12 Tournament. After the United States was eliminated by Japan, Song returned to the Naval Academy and was assigned to the Division of Leadership Education and Development. That department is led by Capt. Ryan Bernacchi, a career aviator who once served as commander of the Navy Flight Demonstration Squad — commonly known as the Blue Angels. In April, after waiting six months for the Department of Defense to rule on his waiver request, Song changed his mind. The Claremont, California native submitted an updated request to pursue flight training after all. Song made that decision after learning a new Department of Defense policy permitting service academy graduates to pursue professional sports immediately following graduation could not retroactively be applied to his situation. In November, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper formally signed Directive-Type Memorandum-19-011 that was titled “Military Service Academy Graduates Seeking to Participate in Professional Sports.” “The original waiver, which requested the ability to continue my service by transferring my commission to the Navy Reserves and concurrently pursuing a professional baseball career with the Red Sox organization, gave me the best chance to make it to the major leagues,” Song said in a statement issued through the Naval Academy public affairs office. “However, I understand transferring immediately into the reserves is unlikely because the law and policy in my case do not permit it,” Song continued. Esper’s order requires athletes under contract with a professional franchise to apply for a waiver delaying their military commitment. Individuals approved for the policy by the secretary of defense would not be commissioned as officers until their playing careers concluded. Athletes allowed to pursue pro sports must eventually fulfill their five-year military obligation or repay the government the cost of their college education. Song does not qualify for that new policy since he is a commissioned officer currently serving on active duty. However, the 2019 Patriot League Pitcher of the Year and consensus first team All-American remains eligible for a long-standing Department of Defense policy that allows service academy graduates under contract with a professional sports franchise to apply for early release after serving two years of active duty. That policy, which has enabled numerous service academy graduates to pursue pro football or baseball, typically requires a six-year commitment to the Navy Reserve. Naval Academy officials repeatedly referred to that policy when responding to questions from The Capital regarding Song’s situation. Commander Alana Garas, public affairs officer at the academy, said Song can seek early release from his active duty commitment in May 2021. “Ensign Noah Song is prohibited from being released from his active duty service obligation in order to play professional baseball by law and policy,” Garas said in a statement. “Additionally, the Department of Defense policy on military service academy graduates seeking to participate in professional sports, which was released in November 2019, is not applicable to already commissioned officers. Ensign Song was commissioned in May 2019 so that policy does not apply to him or provide him any relief from the law,” Garas added. Training to be designated as a naval flight officer typically lasts approximately 18 months. It begins with aviation indoctrination at Naval Air Station Pensacola and continues with specialized training for whichever aircraft platform the service member is assigned. If Song’s training starts this summer, he would not be designated as a naval flight officer until sometime in 2022. However, he could receive his wings as an aviator after about a year of training. Several former Naval aviators contacted for this article said it would be extremely rare for a service member to be granted early release midway through flight training. Vice Admiral Sean Buck, Superintendent of the Naval Academy, in a statement said “the Navy has made great efforts to support his baseball goals within the constraints imposed by law and policy.” “The Navy provided him the opportunity to play minor league baseball for the Red Sox last summer and compete internationally in Mexico and Japan for Team USA,” Buck wrote. “The Naval Academy is proud of what Ensign Song has accomplished and is hopeful he will achieve his goals as a naval officer and professional baseball player.” Song was dominant while pitching for the Lowell Spinners last summer, posting a 1.06 ERA after allowing just two runs in seven starts. The 23-year-old notched 19 strikeouts and allowed just five walks in 17 innings while being kept on a strict pitch count after a long collegiate season. He gave up 10 hits and held opponents to a .167 batting average. Song turned heads while working as a reliever for the United States national team, consistently throwing his fastball between 97 and 100 MPH while also displaying strong command of several off-speed pitches. Due largely to his performance with Lowell and for Team USA, Song is rated the No. 9 overall prospect in the Red Sox organization by Baseball America. The Red Sox did not respond to a request for comment about Song being ordered to attend flight school. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 minor league baseball season has been delayed indefinitely. If Song is granted early release in May 2021, he plans to eventually return to active duty with the hope of resuming training to obtain his wings. “If I were somehow allowed to transfer into the reserves, I would have every intention of serving on active duty after my time with baseball ends,” Song wrote in his statement. “I place an incredible amount of personal value in serving my country and doing so in a meaningful way. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1612095603.A.77D.html ※ 編輯: iphone15 ( 臺灣), 01/31/2021 20:21:09 ※ 編輯: iphone15 ( 臺灣), 01/31/2021 20:22:24
DerekHolland: 對中華隊只有絕望兩個字 01/31 20:35
baseballbin: 終於 襪襪唯一投手希望歌哥 01/31 21:00
BLACKLIONS: 現在這個環境當飛官好像比較好一點 01/31 21:30
jefftie2000: 美國朱育賢不是響尾蛇那隻嗎 01/31 22:08
leosky41: 我襪的希望 01/31 23:28
mygoing: 相對川普時代隨時都想跟別人對幹 現在當軍人相對安全 02/01 00:38
zzs123344: 宋哥 02/01 02:08
ewayne: 現在哪裡安全?現在各國就在看美國不敢打,排隊等著鬧事 02/01 02:13
GermanSnake: 可以在一夜之間背棄敘利亞盟友的叫敢打XD只是會叫囂 02/01 07:20
mark850121: 怎麼連這裡都有人講政治 愛搞戰爭不是都民主黨? 02/01 07:30
iambiaggi: 討論請勿偏離主題,感謝配合 02/01 07:36
taxlaw1991: 川普只會叫 他任內根本沒有出兵打別人 02/01 07:37
H132196: 看到他投球 真的有絕望感 02/01 08:30
H132196: 98.99塞外角低 02/01 08:31
PaulAllen2: 他來做終結者有機會比Jonathan Papelbon還威了 02/01 08:46
acer4545: 對外出兵最多的都是民主黨 尤其是垃圾馬 02/01 09:15
Rayshief: 好了啦 聊棒球 02/01 09:18
Stras37: 看到他講想到台美棒球的實力差距 02/01 10:18
Stras37: 美國一個大物菜鳥就把中職球員吃的死死的 02/01 10:19
twoquarters: 川普時代是本世紀唯一沒有對外動武的美國政府好嗎... 02/01 10:36
twoquarters: 不懂的話題別亂開 連中東都能簽和平協議 別印象派了 02/01 10:36
seekforever: 其實他也不算什麼大物.... 02/01 10:45
Yofu: 美國施子謙?美國朱育賢?哪一個好~~ 02/01 11:03
spreesell6: 美國朱育賢?他不是投手嗎 02/01 11:12
Keyshawn: 對 他只讓我想到絕望的台灣打線... 02/01 11:20
Carmelo3: 對中華隊三個只有老胡摸到球 02/01 11:57
whhw: 推文XD 02/01 12:36
crazypeo45: 川普都改用外交策略來包圍伊朗了 還軍人不安全呢 LUL 02/01 13:51
ultratimes: 對台灣來說比遇到松坂還絕望,但對美國來說這種球速很 02/01 14:35
ultratimes: 普通,光芒都對洋基嗆聲過自己牛棚一堆能丟98的了 02/01 14:35
mygoing: 原來"都想跟別人......" 是已發生或進行式 是我的錯 對 02/01 15:51
mygoing: 不起 02/01 15:52
ultratimes: 不過剛剛去看他的影片,投球機制讓人想到V中年 02/01 19:53
ultratimes: 都像是用手臂把球彈射出去的感覺 02/01 19:53
shepherdy: 印象派大師 川普任內最和平好嗎 02/01 23:06
ICHIKAWAYUI: 美國朱育賢又是誰 亂入 02/02 22:34