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餓死抬頭 2019年國聯MVP-Cody Bellinger 在4/5跟運動家的比賽當中傷到了左腳,經過檢查之後發現有輕微疲勞性骨折,歸隊時間目前還不明確。 原文:Dodger outfielder Cody Bellinger has a slight hairline fracture in his left fibula, according to manager Dave Roberts. Bellinger has been out since April 5, when he was cleated in the leg in a footrace to first base with Oakland pitcher Reymin Guduan. Roberts said Bellinger hit a plateau with his progress and a scan revealed the fracture. 資料來源:https://dodgers.mlblogs.com/injury-updates-bellinger-has-slight-hairline-fracture-in-leg-67a45264c234 宇宙躲現在火力充沛,應該很有時間好好養傷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1618621248.A.3AE.html
SULICon: 可能去年WS表情太chill到現在還在茫 04/17 09:39
sato111: 快來打敗邪惡帝國 04/17 09:39
RodrigueZ810: 前邪惡帝國現在這場失誤比安打多= = 04/17 09:42
Joyeeee: 姿勢嗎 04/17 09:51
max2604: == 04/17 10:37
whhw: ... 04/17 10:37
PaulAllen2: 耶律齊也是那個背傷感覺困擾他好多年了 04/17 10:48
uranusjr: 他之前腳被踩到, 不是長期傷勢 04/17 12:46
Darvish5566: 他是衝一壘被釘鞋踩了一下小腿 04/17 12:50
tomsawyer: 被臨檢了 04/17 14:02