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Joe Beimel is making a comeback. The 44-year-old lefty has signed a minor-leag ue deal with the Padres, sources tell The Athletic. He will join Double-A San Antonio. Beimel has been clocked up to the mid-90s lately. https://twitter.com/dennistlin/status/1403449782618648576 Beimel last pitched in the majors in 2015. His last professional pitch came in 2017, in the independent Atlantic League. https://twitter.com/dennistlin/status/1403450568916537346 教士以小聯盟約簽下44歲的Joe Beimel,他上次在大聯盟出賽已經是2015年了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1623451347.A.1AA.html
kenkuo1688: 想當年跟小小郭在道奇... 06/12 09:02
Yofu: 要當克龍2.0嗎 06/12 11:14
tgmrvmle: 簽44歲的一人左要幹嘛???? 06/12 11:26
saiulbb: 他還在投球阿 我印象還停留在洛磯時期 97號標配 06/12 11:51
whhw: 這... 06/12 12:09
mtyk10100: 簽44歲免洗牛幹嘛??? 06/12 13:01
CImbX: 我沒看錯吧 他還在啊 06/12 13:05
abcde2048: mlb唯一一位穿97號的球員 06/12 13:20
wahaha5678: 還能丟到 mid-90s 是真的厲害 06/12 15:11
wahaha5678: 俗話說左投只要你會呼吸,就可以上大聯盟XD 06/12 15:11
yrt3168: 郭泓志現在不知道可以丟到多少XD 應該也不差吧 06/12 18:50
yeng1217: 竟然還能投啊 06/12 22:15
fp737: 我好像在MVP2005 用過這投手 06/12 23:53
jonasnow: mvp 2005 有 Beimel 啊,記得是戴海盜的帽子 06/13 19:53
TrueTears: 我也在MVP2005用過 好懷念 XD 06/15 14:10