看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHeyman/status/1404822183004753923 The MLB memo is expected out momentarily to lay out the crackdown on sticky stuf f. Umps will check pitchers coming off the mound/out of the game so not to delay game. It’s really enforcement of an existing rule that calls for 10 game bans tho there’s precedent for slightly fewer. https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHeyman/status/1404832597117739014 MLB: Major League Baseball provided guidance to all 30 Clubs today that, effecti ve with games beginning on June 21st, enhanced enforcement of Official Baseball Rules 3.01 and 6.02(c) and (d), which prohibit applying foreign substances to ba seballs, will go into effect. https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHeyman/status/1404832891742392321 From MLB release: Starting pitchers will have more than one mandatory check per game, and each relief pitcher must be checked either at the conclusion of the in ning in which he entered the game or when he is removed from the game, whichever occurs first. 從6月21日開始實施 每場先發投手會有至少一次的強制檢查 然後中繼投手在上場or退場時也會強制檢查 抓到直接禁十場 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1623775582.A.ABF.html
ParkChanWook: 6/21之後就知道誰沒穿褲子了 06/16 00:54
aaron97: era↑↑↑↑↑ 06/16 01:11
oralboralb: 令人期待那些鬼神ERA的投手準備被看破手腳了 06/16 01:22
mygoing: 所有投手簽約程序停止 06/16 01:41
ChrisDavis: 我真的很喜歡那一句 海水退了就知道誰沒穿褲子 06/16 01:58
sunnyyoung: 開始全力觸身球 連裁判也觸 06/16 04:01
pages: NYY:…. 06/16 06:44
VGuerreroJr: 其實這樣就是默認之前用很大阿 06/16 07:57
BobbyJackson: 比較想知道大奶嬸之前說要公布名單的下文呢? 06/16 08:10
scorpions: 如果地瓜沒抹油的話這樣era+要突破天際了嗎 06/16 08:46
terminator3: 打擊戰要來了 我好興奮啊 06/16 08:51
davidex: 原來超人成績都是靠外力來的 唉...這樣還有誠信嗎 06/16 09:48
kiss7938: 抹油仔都有高轉速、球特別會跑的情況吧,地瓜都沒有, 06/16 09:55
kiss7938: 單純靠球速、控球、共軌吃飯的 06/16 09:56
davidex: 想到Josh常常報導一些這一兩年突然變化球大進步的投手... 06/16 10:02
whhw: 海水要退了 06/16 12:15
HuanYuWu: 大約仔如果被抓包就好笑了.... 06/16 13:47
canisty: 看數據就知道,地瓜轉速沒有特別高,那幾個轉速特別高 06/16 13:48
canisty: 的等著看 06/16 13:48
littlebonnie: 地瓜根本不像抹油的威孚球啊 06/16 17:15
littlebonnie: 光芒那幾個反向變化球還上HL的比較可疑吧 06/16 17:16
aotom: 現在只要轉速比聯盟平均高的,很容易被懷疑吧? 反正6/21 06/16 21:22
aotom: 就能見真章了 06/16 21:22
skyeeeee: It’s so hard to grip the ballQQ 06/17 12:01