看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hansel Robles goes to the Red Sox, source tells ESPN. https://twitter.com/jeffpassan/status/1421202332713377804?s=21 RHP Alex Scherff is the return to the #MNTwins? in exchange for Hansel Robles to the Red Sox. https://twitter.com/dohyoungpark/status/1421202841515986947?s=21 雙城得到小聯盟右投RP Alex Scherff -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1627676068.A.274.html
Afae: #MNTwins? traded RHP Hansel Robles to the Boston Red Sox07/31 04:15
baseballbin: hmm 希望不會又突然爆掉07/31 04:15
h3343134: 換Alex Scherff07/31 04:16
Afae: Jorge Soler traded to Braves07/31 04:16
hatecopycat: 咦?所以薛蛇確定去道奇了?07/31 04:17
cd12631: 對 交易已經確定了07/31 04:17
hatecopycat: 好唷謝謝~07/31 04:19
※ 編輯: ray020507 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2021 04:55:00
leo199900808: 前幾天才砸鍋 07/31 05:45
eee60109: 紅襪要修修看嗎 07/31 08:00
randolph499: 你襪保重 07/31 08:14
saiulbb: 還不錯啊 就補個牛深度 07/31 08:25
whhw: 推 07/31 09:48