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※ 引述《ChrisDavis (工業電風扇)》之銘言: : Cubs President of Baseball Operations Jed Hoyer says his "greatest source of : frustration" was the team's inability to sign any of their stars to long-term : contracts before trading them last Friday. : Anthony Rizzo, Kris Bryant and Javier Baez were the talk of the baseball : world last week as all three were moved within a span of 24 hours before : MLB's trade deadline. After years of conversations with the trio -- : attempting to sign them to long-term contracts -- Hoyer finally gave up and : moved on. : 小熊現在當家Jed Hoyer上廣播節目的時候抱怨被交易出去的三人組 : 每個都跟你說我想常留在芝加哥,結果約他們來聊天的時候根本感覺不出來真的想留 : 到底是價格開太低還是三個人做做樣子根本不想留捏? : 當年Hoyer在教士用A-Gon換來了Rizzo,到小熊之後從教士把Rizzo換過來就此發光發熱 : bit.ly/3fsaUMz Rizzo 08/03 也上了相同節目,也講了不少東西... Kap & J. Hood : https://reurl.cc/og2eWD 廣播內容有提及 : 他想留在小熊一輩子,但球團給的條件不優。 節錄部分廣播內容(12:30): I expressed for two, three, four years how I really wanted to do a deal and get a deal done with the Cubs and get a deal done for life. So I think in spring training, when the deal at the time, didnt even come close to happening, thats when I kind of hurt the most and the writing was kind of on the wall that it was kind of going in a new direction... 講了好幾年我真的很想在小熊待到終老,但在今天春訓談約時,那份約根本就端不上檯面。 這也是讓我感受到最受傷,同時也感受到有不祥預兆要發生的時候... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1628066630.A.42F.html
vince4687: Hoyer有說暑假會再去跟梨斗談 他們的關係很OK 08/04 16:48
vince4687: 做為熊迷這三個鐵三角當然還是希望至少Rizzo可以回歸 08/04 16:48
bkm1: 身為熊迷 我比較想看老大回歸 自己從選 養 到新人王 MVP 協 08/04 16:56
bkm1: 助球隊破魔咒奪冠等 感覺更像球隊的臉 08/04 16:56
cubs: 芝加哥媒體報導,Big 3 裏面真正想要跑的,其實是老大。 Riz 08/04 17:00
cubs: zo 跟 Baez 只是價錢談不攏而已。 至於老大為何要離開?可 08/04 17:01
cubs: 能是之前新人時期,被小搞搞不舒服而不爽球團。 08/04 17:01
cubs: 如果還要要找Rizzo談… 可能要出動 Theo Epstein 來講 08/04 17:03
phenom42: 老大被搞年資真的傷 08/04 17:09
Roshiel: Rizzo之前簽的是賣身契,現在熬出頭自然想要一個養老約, 08/04 17:14
Roshiel: 小熊這幾年養成不順想換血,談不攏正常,只是Hoyer不應該 08/04 17:14
Roshiel: 在公開場合放砲 08/04 17:14
Roshiel: 出動Theo有用的話,Rizzo早就簽下去了,Rizzo擺明就是不 08/04 17:17
Roshiel: 想多給折扣,拿錢砸暈他就是了 08/04 17:17
AhHow56: 感覺最想走就KB...雖然也只是熊迷自己感覺 08/04 17:54
sampsonlu919: KB想離隊說穿了還是跟錢有關 卡年資少拿錢 更不用 08/04 18:03
sampsonlu919: 說他經紀人是全大聯盟最會煽動的Boras 08/04 18:03
k33536: 非熊迷 最想走的應該是KB+1 之前年限有被氣到 08/04 18:20
saiulbb: 來洋基後很強 讓我想到Teixeira 08/04 18:44
LucasDuda: 規則就那樣沒幾個新秀不會被吃豆腐吧,誘因這麼大你是 08/04 19:39
LucasDuda: 資方也會做的,尤其KB這坎站... 08/04 19:39
kingwei520: 鐵爺去紐約前就很強了好嗎? 08/04 19:56
dinos: 鐵爺到NY前除了新秀年,OBP/OPS+沒有低於.37/125過 08/04 20:21
whhw: 強點的新秀都是這樣吧 08/04 22:33
cha122977: 那幾年NYY補強常沒達到預期 鐵爺到NYY沒變爛謝天謝地了 08/05 01:53