看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Steve Cohen on whether his Mets will go over the Cohen threshold: “We probably will.” On having the tax named after him, informally: “It’s better than having a bridge named after you.” https://reurl.cc/QjlGWO 大都會老闆Steve Cohen剛剛去了梅子的春訓基地 https://i.imgur.com/vwFMJjT.jpg
然後受訪時被問了是否會花超過新版CBA中 新增的俗稱Cohen threshold的290M稅限 他回說應該會XD 至於對Cohen threshold這詞 他覺得這比有一座以自己名字命名的橋還好XD “I'm still new to baseball. And I know there's a name for it. They call it the Cohen Tax or whatever. … The way I describe it is it’s better than a bridge be ing named after you or something like that.” 影片:https://reurl.cc/7eALMb https://i.imgur.com/eo6fY8N.jpg
Cohen:Cohen threshold我不怕啦 300M團隊薪資要來了嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1647187339.A.F8E.html
kenkuo1688: 反觀另一邊 03/14 00:07
sampsonlu919: 電火王:電火稅對我來說是種榮幸 03/14 00:09
MapleLeaf151: https://i.imgur.com/axk8MeM.jpg 03/14 00:15
MapleLeaf151: 先發補完該補牛了 會花錢的老闆最帥 03/14 00:16
AhCheng: Cohen真的愛棒球呢,而且還肯花錢 反觀不肯花錢的 03/14 00:34
ChrisDavis: 王電火真的是很超過 03/14 01:54
sunmanbk: 霸氣十足 帥! 03/14 02:54
mecheers: 有錢就是任性... 03/14 05:39
PETRO: 王電火不要太超過 03/14 05:43
mschien8295: 反觀紐約另一隊….. 03/14 07:04
ck326: 過去兩年賺到流湯了吧,有的是錢 03/14 07:09
taxlaw1991: LAA,CIN,ARI: 03/14 08:20
darktasi: 應該換個gm 03/14 10:46
whhw: 霸氣 03/14 14:20
wahaha5678: 搞對沖基金真的... 03/14 16:03
ganlinlowsu: 真的不演了 這氣勢讓我想到我基的老老闆 03/15 00:23