看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://tinyurl.com/2pej2kwm MLB ANNOUNCES EXPERIMENTAL RULES TO BE TESTED DURING 2022 ALPB SEASON Double-Hook Designated Hitter Adjustment: The double-hook designated hitter will be modified. In 2021, teams lost their designated hitter when they removed the starting pitcher from the game. However, in 2022, if the starter is able to complete at least five innings, the designated hitter will be allowed to remain in the lineup for the entirety of the game. This rule intends to place emphasis on longer outings by starting pitchers. DH調整: 去年ALPB只要球隊換掉先發投手,DH就被取消。所以球賽後半常常看到後援投手上場打擊 今年調整成只要先發投手投滿五局,球隊就可以持續使用DH。 此規則一開始是為了讓Open醬情況減少,但去年實際去觀戰發現後半段反而變得無聊。 今年調整後應該可以稍微改善。 Dropped Pitch Rule: As in the second half of 2019, batters will be able to advance to first base on any pitch that is not caught in the air by the catcher, even with first base occupied by a runner. Those who get to first base safely will be awarded a hit. This rule will increase the importance of taking care of the baseball (e.g., pitching with command, receiving, and blocking pitches) and reward athletic players who are able to capitalize on wild pitches and passed balls. 抓了Ball 規則: 2019年 首次引進打者在打席中,只要球沒有被捕手接住就能夠往一壘"盜"的規則。 今年稍微微調,只要打者安全上到一壘就可以記安打一隻。意在讓控球接球及擋球變得 重要。 接下來就看看這些規則對比賽有什麼影響吧 (去年電子好球帶被取消了,但壘包變大順利讓MLB也採用了,不知道投球計時會不會繼續) -- blacklittle 2B 3B 這傢伙 在他的生涯中 有機會成為不錯的邊角內野手 但須克服脆弱的身體 避免成為DL常客 他仍有空間提升他平庸的打擊爆發力 但仍舊無法造成全壘打威脅 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1647363652.A.43E.html blacklittle:轉錄至看板 Baseball 03/16 01:01