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Tampa Bay Rays, Manuel Margot agree on two-year, $19M contract https://es.pn/37k7Twz 原文作者:Associated Press (on ESPN.com) ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Outfielder Manuel Margot has agreed to a $19 million, two-year contract with the Tampa Bay Rays. 外野手Manuel Margot本周答應了坦帕灣光芒提出的2年/1900萬美金的延長合約。 The deal reached Tuesday includes salaries of $7 million in 2023, up from the $5.6 million that Margot is due to earn this season, and $10 million in 2024. It also includes a $12 million mutual option in 2025 or a $2 million buyout. 這份合約的具體內容為︰ 1.2023球季–7M 2.2024球季–10M 3.2025球季–價值12M的雙向執行權//若光芒不想續留,可以2M買斷 Margot今年的年薪為5.6M Margot, 27, would have been e1ligible for free agency after this season. 目前27歲的Margot(9月底轉28歲),假如沒有簽下這合約,將在季後進入FA市場 Margot was obtained in a trade from the San Diego Padres in February 2020 and has played all three outfield positions over two seasons with the Rays. 原隸屬教士隊的Margot,在2020年2月透過交易加入光芒,並在過去兩季為光芒輪流 擔任三個外野位置的防守者。 He hit .254 with 10 home runs and 57 RBIs last season. 上個球季他繳出.254的打擊率,並貢獻10隻全壘打與57分打點。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得︰恭喜Margot與光芒續簽合約 順帶一提,光芒當年提出的交易籌碼是右手牛Emilio Pagán,不曉得各位會怎麼 看待這筆交易案? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1649266969.A.B82.html
denny568: pagan是右手牛喔 只是去年賽季後面爆的跟什麼一樣 上來 04/07 01:46
denny568: 就是丟分 04/07 01:46
感謝提醒 因為剛剛我看Pagan的資料只看他的Batting Hand 所以搞錯投球的手了XD ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2022 01:48:46
hdotistyle: 多虧了Tingler的愛將野球 去年Pagan第八局上場就是上 04/07 02:06
hdotistyle: 去放火的 04/07 02:06
Adam6613: 2019FB愛將 去了教士又壞了 哭啊 04/07 02:19
wahaha5678: 手套價值$$$$$ 04/07 06:57
benrun: Margot的防守確實蠻屌的 04/07 07:39
brillanmela: 我襪出品品質保證 04/07 07:45
vince4687: 我襪原先四號OF 04/07 09:47
addisonwu: Pagan也是被光芒賣在高點 04/07 12:39
whhw: 光芒厲害 04/07 16:25