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Padres star Fernando Tatis Jr.'s shoulder surgery delayed by one week because of strep throat https://reurl.cc/3Y4EvR SAN FRANCISCO -- Fernando Tatis Jr. had to postpone a scheduled shoulder surgery because he has strep throat, the latest wrinkle in what's been a turbulent seas on for the San Diego Padres shortstop. Tatis was slated to have the labrum in his left shoulder repaired on Tuesday, bu t that procedure now will be delayed a week or so while he recovers from the ill ness. 原定今天接受肩膀手術的Tatis 由於得了鏈球菌性咽炎,所以手術延期一週 The delay is not expected to affect Tatis' return next season after he's done se rving an 80-game suspension for testing positive for a performance-enhancing dru g. 預期這不會影響到明年回歸時間 Tatis suffered multiple dislocations in his left shoulder last season, and the P adres had been hoping he would opt for surgery to resolve the problem. Tatis去年左肩常常脫臼 球團也一直希望他能去動手術根治 正好趁禁賽時間來處理 Recovery from the surgery is estimated at four to six months. His spring trainin g could be delayed, but if all goes well, he should be full strength by the time his suspension ends. 術後預計要4-6個月的恢復期 總之除非季末教士有再補SS 不然明年開季前32場教士先發SS位置 應該就繼續由金河成扛 扛到Tatis禁賽期滿歸隊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1661956264.A.AA4.html
paulsu: 副作用真多,又是脫臼又是咽炎的 08/31 22:51
abc12812: 類固醇打太多 免疫力下降? 08/31 22:52
Adam6613: 教士這幾年一直幹大事 結果還是看不到宇宙躲的車尾燈== 08/31 23:04
Adam6613: 好慘 肥約簽到小倫 08/31 23:04
GenjiEd: 這咖怎麼問題特多啊 08/31 23:06
CrazyStone: 嫌歸嫌,明年復出還不是真香 08/31 23:35
paulsu: 禁藥仔永遠滾出棒球界,業餘球場都不准他去整理紅土 09/01 01:22
paulsu: 以免他的汙穢的心靈玷汙了棒球神聖的殿堂 09/01 01:23
paulsu: 他老爸應該也要接受調查,誰知道那個單局兩支有沒有問題 09/01 01:34
ianchen1997: 要去嘴人家家人真的太多 先不要 09/01 02:18
jack86326: 上次看到因為禁藥禁賽加上玻璃人的好像是現在當教練的 09/01 02:18
jack86326: 泰山,不然現在300轟M2的挑戰者不只大師兄一個(離題了 09/01 02:19
VGuerreroJr: 泰山有到玻璃的地步嗎? 09/01 08:11
ASUSboy: 泰山沒有玻璃吧,只是頭髮少了點 09/01 09:16
magicagar: 泰山玻璃? 是有我不知道的泰山嗎? 09/01 09:41
lookers: 平行時空的泰山 09/01 11:33
lightmei: 以後大聯盟合約要加上禁藥條款才是真的 09/01 14:14
Apolina: 不知道樓上還想加甚麼條款?禁賽已經沒薪水領了 09/01 17:11
whhw: 又 09/01 21:35
smooth0920: 藥仔問題特多 09/01 22:24
eanson11: 等等 泰山有玻璃? 09/02 09:41