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Report: Tony La Russa Expected To Announce Retirement On Monday October 2nd, 2022 at 8:00am CST ‧ By Darragh McDonald White Sox manager Tony La Russa is expected to announce his retirement tomorrow, according to a report from Bob Nightengale of USA Today. La Russa, who turns 78 years old on Tuesday, has been absent from the team since late August due to a medical issue. https://reurl.cc/rRqX7N 白襪隊78歲總教練Tony La Russa 預計明天會宣佈退休 這也將會是他的第二次退休 他在2011帶領紅雀隊奪下世界大賽後第一次宣佈退休 https://i.imgur.com/1Z5xKEi.jpg
然後在2020重掌白襪兵符 但當時也被爆出他年初酒駕事件 去年也有賓士哥事件 https://i.imgur.com/6LHrDvV.jpg
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hdotistyle: 老害欸 掰 10/02 21:27
saiulbb: 白襪起飛 10/02 21:30
oadas: 可惜了 好好退休不要復出 也不會惹得一身 10/02 21:38
paulman: 白襪一手好牌打成這樣 他也是不簡單 10/02 21:49
jino01: 復出通常沒好結果 10/02 21:51
Rookie8098: 老番顛快滾,真的別禍害球隊 10/02 22:17
darvipon: 白襪這段期間 他有夠黑 10/02 22:54
skatekid: 不死鳥傳奇 10/02 23:09
leegogo: 十年後再回來復出 10/03 00:02
yuenwwjd: 喇d賽 10/03 08:30
ManCity5566: 老害 10/03 09:30
max2604: 結果球員都馬很喜歡他 10/03 12:05
max2604: #1XQGNMoj (Baseball) 10/03 12:10