看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Free-agent reliever Craig Kimbrel in agreement with Phillies, source tells @Th eAthletic. https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/1606435986875064322 Reliever Craig Kimbrel and the Philadelphia Phillies are in agreement on a one -year, $10 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN. First with the deal: @Ken_Rosenthal. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1606436746694098945 金寶一年10M加入費城 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1671839301.A.952.html ※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 12/24/2022 07:50:29
scatman: DD又在亂簽牛了 12/24 08:11
a1ibooda: 費城:不是火牛 我們可是不收的喔^.< 12/24 08:31
ts012108: 符合整隊用棒子防守的風格 12/24 08:34
sonesnsdsosi: 好慘 這隻只剩1000 12/24 08:38
eee60109: Knebel換Kimbrel 12/24 08:41
SlamKai: 看到宇宙梅子 宇宙費也不忍了 12/24 09:17
mannypo: DD很愛金寶耶 12/24 10:08
whhw: 福袋好貴 12/24 10:35
freeru: 前紅襪CP又要來費城休息區幹大事了 12/24 11:02
tyrone0923: 巨人那個簽約可能有幫忙抬價到 12/24 11:28
oceanman0704: https://imgur.com/a/cgPuB6K 整個球場要大鵬展翅嗎 12/24 12:39
oncee: 費城要起飛了 12/24 13:02
kingwei520: 他還能比今年爛嗎XD 12/24 14:19
kamihio: 費城吉祥物+1 12/24 21:38