看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/byalexcoffey/status/1639657264255516675 Dombrowski says that conversations with Nola's camp about a contract extension have been broken off "We think the world of him, quality pitcher, quality human being, but sometimes you get to this point where you're not able to consummate a deal that both sides feel comfortable" 費城人總裁Dombrowski表示 目前和Aaron Nola的延長約談判破局了 https://twitter.com/byalexcoffey/status/1639657642258726915 More Dombrowski: "We're very open minded to trying to sign him at the end of the season. We're hopeful he'll remain a Phillie for a long time." 但對於球季結束後,再把他簽回來保持開放態度 https://twitter.com/byalexcoffey/status/1639660540162080772 Statement from Aaron Nola's agent, Joe Longo: "We had good communication with the Phillies. We just couldn’t agree at this t ime. We’ll pick up the conversation again at the end of the season." Nola的經紀人Joe Longo表示 和費城的溝通滿良好的 只是目前沒能達成共識而已 將在季末重啟談判 — Nola即將在這球季走完4yr/45M的合約 進入自由市場 去年成績 GS:32 11W 13L IP:205.0 ERA:3.25 WHIP:0.961 國聯CY4 至於另一位王牌Zack Wheeler 合約則到明年球季結束 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1679761193.A.008.html
MapleLeaf151: DD談破局 看來開價不低 03/26 00:48
laking: 看來要掰了 03/26 00:50
Fukudome: 哭啊… 03/26 01:08
Fukudome: 應該是開超過210M/7Y了,完全沒給折扣的感覺 03/26 01:11
SlamKai: 210M/7Y + 跳脫條款 03/26 01:14
earnformoney: 季末重啟談判?談不好731就賣掉了吧?有完整NTC? 03/26 01:18
laking: 費城要爭冠的不可能賣他 03/26 01:18
ChrisDavis: 費城賣掉他那花錢花心酸的嗎 03/26 01:25
seeyou1002: んなあああああああ 03/26 01:47
benrun: 談判破裂 剛好熱身賽也被暴打XD 03/26 08:17
cczx123123: 可以拼簽大谷??投手又打者 哦 到時候就真的是黃金 03/26 09:01
cczx123123: 打線!! 03/26 09:01
eee60109: 晚了就不要 03/26 09:33
kingwei520: 輪子會想要回家鄉投球嗎? 03/26 12:29
mschien8295: 不知道最好會多大張 03/26 12:55
ffadakk: 難怪今天一局爆 03/26 15:39
laking: 會不會跟兄弟去教士相聚 03/26 17:00
h3343134: 熱身賽的成績都看看就好 03/26 17:48
YuenYang405: 季中不能談判嗎 一定要季末喔? 03/26 23:34
ylrafale: 許多球員會希望季中能專心在場上啊 03/27 02:44
kingwei520: 簽約什麼時間簽都可以,你只要錢夠,半夜也能簽。 03/27 08:40
sampsonlu919: 想問他經紀人是Boras嗎 如果是的話那就不意外了 03/27 11:14
zxc906383: 我內文有寫經紀人是Joe Longo呀 03/27 11:52
harrytuyu: 球季末來教士找哥哥一起打拼吧! 03/27 21:48