看板 MLB 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://reurl.cc/ZeD8oV Entering the All-Star break, ESPN has averaged 1.59 million for its Major League Baseball coverage — up 6% from last year — with Sunday Night Baseball at 1.62 million (+7%). The network’s final traditional game of the first half, Dodgers-Phillies last Wednesday night, averaged 1.34 million. 整體來看,大聯盟今年全美收視是上漲的 ESPN 1.59M(+6%) ESPN週日棒球夜 1.62M(+7%) FOX has averaged 1.98 million viewers for its MLB coverage this season — a figu re that includes Saturday’s breaking news-affected window — up 7% from last ye ar (1.85M). FOX 1.98M(+7%) Over on TBS, Tuesday night games have averaged 330,000 — down 2% from last year but up 31% from the same point two years ago. TBS的週二棒球夜則微跌2%,但比前年+31% Though game viewership is down slightly, the network’s pre and postgame shows a re both up 14%. 但賽前、賽後節目+14% In other MLB action, Sunday’s first round of the MLB Draft averaged 863,000 vie wers across ESPN and MLB Network — up 16% from last year and the second-largest audience for the event. 大聯盟選秀會則是史上第二高收視 比去年上漲16% -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1721274575.A.09F.html
krajicek: 整體上漲是好事,看將來能否簽個大的電視合約 07/18 16:56
krajicek: 隔壁NFL跟NBA都靠電視轉播權利金發大財說 07/18 16:56
zxc906383: 話說NFL那個官司嚴重嗎 07/18 20:58
krajicek: 你是指那個官司?轉播權有官司嗎?好像沒人在談 07/18 21:33
krajicek: 只是NFL又多賣了轉播權給網飛 07/18 21:34
zxc906383: https://i.imgur.com/T9B6rmK.jpeg 07/18 21:37
zxc906383: 這個 07/18 21:37
krajicek: 這個應該沒有很嚴重吧,我看主流媒體也沒怎麼在談 07/18 21:39
zxc906383: 但看起來要賠好多錢XD 07/18 22:03
krajicek: 那也不是終局判決吧,而且NFL可怕的是他賺得回來 07/18 22:06
krajicek: 如無意外今年營收應該會破兩百億了 07/18 22:06