看板 MMA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
數據如M大推文所說 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnzHgmwHS4q/ 兩人賽後發言: GGG:“We can say a lot of things but first we have to congratulate Canelo. We can talk about a lot of things. I feel like I’m a champion and he is a champion. I felt really comfortable in there and feel that I did enough to win....As a fighter and boxer, I will continue to do my job to prove I’m the best. We would like to have a third fight. It would be great to fight him again. I will be back.” CA:"That was a great fight, but in the end, it was a victory for Mexico," And again, it was an opportunity, and I want to shout out to my opponent, the best in the sport of boxing. I am a great fighter, and I showed it tonight. If the people want another round, I'll do it again." 所以看來第三戰是會有的XD -- 男子漢遇上以下三種情況,就算是來鬧的,也要奮戰到底: 第一,男子漢在緊要關頭要當仁不讓! 第二,現在正是緊要關頭! 還有第三!我!還有我們!都是男子漢! __不屈鬥志<Gyakkyo Nine> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MMA/M.1537165721.A.72C.html
Nokia6030 : 沒想到現在還能在相關板看到河馬活躍 09/17 14:29
nwohippo : 我一直活著啊 又不是... 09/17 15:02
Nokia6030 : XD 希望你一直活躍 09/17 15:31
nwohippo : 希望你的祝福BUFF 09/17 15:48
hoost : 看到canelo的發言 真的有點佩服他的臉皮 09/17 21:46
hoost : 完全不會心虛 09/17 21:49
jayin07 : 見怪不怪,當初他因為瘦肉精被競賽 09/17 22:36
jayin07 : 他的團隊居然是去指責GGG團隊利用這個逃避二戰 09/17 22:37
jayin07 : 禁啦幹 09/17 22:48
moviegoer168: 期待三戰 09/17 23:37
ralphkawaii : 河馬兄好~兩人都好強,不過ggg感覺沒料到對方戰術 09/18 15:09
ralphkawaii : 應變起來有點卡卡,很接近啦~即使拳評都各有支持 09/18 15:10
ralphkawaii : 期待三戰 09/18 15:11
nwohippo : ggg以前會跨步位移打近身 但這次大多都退出去啊 09/19 11:34
nwohippo : CA重拳影響到ggg,即使無法KO但也把老態都打出來了 09/19 11:35
nwohippo : 我也很期待第三戰 看GGG要怎麼應對 09/19 11:37
MASOMASO : 看兩戰g哥的power punch數差距就知道g哥已經不能隨 09/19 15:03
MASOMASO : 第一戰那樣狂轟濫炸 這當然是因為CANELO夠硬的關係 09/19 15:04