看板 MMA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
分享台中少有的UFC轉播地點!若有不妥會立即刪文! 以下為活動連結: FB: https://fb.me/e/GirtmN11 IG: https://reurl.cc/raWyME 活動資訊: UFC262 Live Broadcast - Oliveira vs. Chandler *See English as below* - 觀賽重點: - Michael "Iron" Chandler 是否能夠突破連勝不止的Charles Oliveira 成為空降的輕 量級冠軍. - Nate Diaz 睽違一年出賽,萬人空巷. - Tony Ferguson 守門員決定戰. ・時間: 2021.5.16 9:00-13:00 ・地點: 台中市西區永成街49號 ・費用: 試營運期間NT$200 (含 肉蛋土司1份 & 熱美式咖啡1杯) [注意事項] 1. 本次活動為試營運測試,如有不周請多包涵. 2. 為確保活動品質,人上限為25人,先報名者優先保留. 3. 現場提供手沖咖啡,精釀啤酒,費用另計. 4 .本活動依照中央疫情指揮中心指示遵守防疫措施, 請配戴口罩 5. UFC x Breakfast, chillax! - Live broadcast highlights: - Is Michael "Iron" Chandler going to win over Charles Oliveira’s winning str eak and become the anticipated lightweight champion? - All athletes are aiming at Nate Diaz’s first match in 2021. - Will Tony Ferguson be eliminated? Will he make a miracle comeback? ・Date: May, 16, 2021 9:00-13:00 ・Venue: No.49, yongcheng rd., west dist, Taichung ・Price: Special discount for soft opening - NT$200 (Price includes breakfast - Taichung grilled toast with egg & pork + a cup o f hot Americano coffee) [About this event] 1. This is our pre-opening event. The maximum number of attendees for this eve nt is 25. Reserve your seat early! 2. Hand drip coffee and craft beer are available for additional charges on sit e. 3. Oh and, please remember your masks as it's the new norm/ fashion :-) 4. This is a soft opening event. Feel free to come by, make friends, and let u s know your feedback! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MMA/M.1619685012.A.2B8.html
moviegoer168: 價錢超佛,推推推05/01 01:10
lucien0410 : 希望啤酒不會太貴05/01 05:42
pigoo1212 : 推! 05/01 10:06
irpolo1 : 預祝ya師父 旗開得勝!!!05/01 10:33
theonlytome : 好羨慕啊 台南怎麼沒有QQ05/02 12:07
※ 編輯: aflect ( 臺灣), 05/02/2021 23:19:15
Badestass : 請問剛剛官網看 怎沒有小麻 05/16 00:59
RBaldelli : 受傷,263才會出來 05/16 11:41