看板 Magic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
As Foretold 預示成真 2U Enchantment 結界 At the beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on As Foretold. Once each turn, you may pay {0} rather than pay the mana cost for a spell you cast with converted mana cost X or less, where X is the number of time counters on As Foretold. 每回合可以把一個X費以下的咒語變成{0}來施放, 指揮官稅是另外付,所以是變成{0}+{2N}這樣來付對嗎?(N為指揮官稅) -- League of Legends ∕◣(﹎ _▆▃ ▄▄▂=▄▇_▇▄▁ ,◢/'} ◣◣▁,="﹊ , ︻▇◣- ﹊"~,▁ ◢◤ Sona, Maven of the Strings ▃▅ ,{◤ ◥◥█\ \ ▅▂`= {| } ▇▆▄ "Only you can hear me Summoner, / cycefa修改 what masterpiece shall we play today?"`/●\ vcfsvjf原作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Magic/M.1552840170.A.430.html
shadowblade: 施放費用是0,額外費用是指揮官稅,所以總費用還是有加 03/18 00:33
shadowblade: 到指揮官稅 03/18 00:34
shadowblade: 另外預示成真這個是替代費用 03/18 00:35
philo: 所以指揮官即便使用替代費用仍然免不了指揮官稅 03/18 12:36
kirimaru73: 減指揮官稅要用巨大的減費效果 03/18 13:46
kirimaru73: 例如Karador 或Rakdos 2.0 03/18 13:46
kirimaru73: Radkos還可以投擲到對面臉上再四費叫下來 03/18 13:47
linboy0303: Rakdos 2.0對自己有效? 03/18 14:55
buffalobill: 很難吧,除非戰場上還有個被軍團之盔複製的Radkos 03/18 15:17
kirimaru73: …沒事 我腦袋抽筋了 03/18 15:44