看板 MaiKuraki 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Light in the dark☆ 2020/8/5 20:43 Jump.. Jump..back to the moon https://tinyurl.com/yyfrusgr Fill my heart with song And let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words: please, be true In other words: I love you  This is a part of the lyrics of the song called "Fly Me to the Moon" ...the second verse. this is one of my favorite song. Thank you for your beautiful love and Kindness. XOXO.. Love. Mai.K -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MaiKuraki/M.1596630461.A.39D.html
kevinyouyou : FC日記有提到 做爵士專是麻衣的夢想 08/05 20:28
kevinyouyou : Mai Kuraki Jazz Colletions coming soon?? 08/05 20:28
fumizuki : 經典歌曲 好久沒聽這首歌了 08/05 22:43
barery24 : 感覺麻衣的歌都很適合jazz風?! 08/06 12:41
kevinyouyou : 一直都很會唱ACOUSTIC類型的歌 08/06 20:19
kevinyouyou : 2019年的MTV LIVE幾首翻唱也都是走簡單伴奏路線 08/06 20:20
kevinyouyou : 都唱得不錯 JAZZ類型應該也蠻適合麻衣的 08/06 20:20
kevinyouyou : 重點是發了爵士專 大概累計5000吧(被打 08/06 20:20
maskwearer : 覺得不管怎樣都比古典樂專好(被打 08/07 13:07
barery24 : 古典樂專是聽最少的一張...聽一聽會想睡Orz 08/07 21:25
Norya0723 : 當真要推爵士專的話,說實話很期待 08/08 00:42
conanlovet : 有些歌蠻適合爵士編曲的欸,但和風不好嗎www 08/08 09:44